Of Cause You Can
2007-03-05 05:08:39
answer #1
answered by sukis 4
I'm not sure if you can smoke and not have anything go wrong. You can smoke while your in the Military, but it wouldn't be a good idea. Since you would be so active, smoking would only hold you down with shortness of breath and stuff. My husband is active duty Army right now and a lot of the guys smoke and it hurts then when they do PT
2007-03-05 06:08:16
answer #2
answered by Army Wifey 2
Never smoke over a pack a day,if you can smoke less your better off.The problem is down the road you get shortness of breath.I use to run when I was young and in the military,5 miles a day,12 on Fridays.I have toxic bronchitis now.I worked in a chemical factory,we made copper foil for printed circuit boards,PC's,car's it went into everything.The problem was the scum-bags running the factory wouldn't give us a safe working environment to work in.So,now I have lung disease,so much for OSHA.
2007-03-05 05:20:51
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Cigarettes are the only product I know on the market that come with a warning of toxic effects. When you inhale the first one it causes short term toxicity and effects your bodies performance for a long duration. More people in north America are hospitalized for health problems caused or aggravated by cigarettes than any other reason including old age. I'm an ex smoker. I've done my research. It's all bad!
2007-03-05 05:23:39
answer #4
answered by canadaguy 4
It is possible but not likely that a person can smoke all their life and not suffer in ill effects from it. Just the same as a person can be a non-smoker all their life and die from lung cancer. In the military I suppose you can - my boyfriend said that so many of them smoked in Iraq out of boredom.
2007-03-05 05:11:41
answer #5
answered by Sunidaze 7
i smoke and i am fine, if you smoke all day without being active than you can get lung cancer. I'm not sure you can smoke in the military
don't believe the truth ads
2007-03-05 05:09:35
answer #6
answered by Awesome Amazing Alex 3
you cant smoke in the MILITARY coz military people is very strict when it comes to health..
2007-03-05 05:12:16
answer #7
answered by graze 3
smoking is injirious to health ! what i've heard is each time u smoke ,one minute of your life is decreased !!! so DONT SMOKE!! NEVER SMOKE !!
2007-03-05 05:09:04
answer #8
answered by swEEto13 2