No when they use it as a personal life guide, but when they try and spread it, yes.
2007-03-05 02:02:37
answer #1
answered by Q 1
So long as it brings them happiness or inner peace, no. Faith is only a waste of time when it is adhered to to one's detriment: when one's faith gets in the way of being a good person, when it gets in the way of learning about the world and growing, or when it gets in the way of helping oneself or others find joy and beauty in this life. For many people, life is not sacrificed for the sake of faith; rather, life is supplemented by faith.
So, it depends on the situation. I think many believers would agree with this. In fact, many Christians would probably say that anyone who holds different religious views than they do are wasting their lives, time, and energy!
2007-03-05 10:05:41
answer #2
answered by Rob Diamond 3
Only when they are too afraid to live and think for themselves.
I really have no problem with religion, until they enter public schools, try to make government bow to their beliefs and gets people killed because of differences in religion. Religion belongs in two places, in the home and in the church/mosque/synagogue or whatever. They are the only places it belongs. I see religious differences leading to wars all over the world, and thats when i think that religion is a complete waste of time, they claim tolerance, yet can't get along with each other.
2007-03-05 10:10:11
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I don't really focus on the actions that result from the belief, but more on the lack of actions. This belief in God inhibits people, which I think is a shame. In this way, I believe they are wasting their lives NOT doing certain things just because their "God" says it's bad.
It's the mentality that religion creates that is often the problem.
2007-03-05 10:07:51
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Not at all. There have been numerous studies that support the idea that people involved in the practice of a religion are healthy, happy and have very pleasant associations with other members of their faith.
Enjoy! Live well! Be happy.
2007-03-05 10:06:05
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
yes - but if people want to waist there time then thats up to them - i wast my time watching non informative tv programs like lost and star trek. The problem I have is when the start interfering with other peoples lives. forcing there misguided beliefs on other people (especially children) - when there is not a single scrap of evidence.
2007-03-05 10:09:42
answer #6
answered by cool321steve 3
nope. to each their own.
i believe that if _I_ were to practice their faith, _I_ would be wasting my time. but anything that helps someone acheive peace & enlightenment is not a waste of time. (though if they do not truly live in a way that works toward that, then they are wasting their time; but in that respect, they are also not actually "practicing", nor expending thier time nor energy on their faith.)
2007-03-05 10:04:37
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
No, I think faith often helps people in their lives. I would prefer for people to not legislate morality. I.e. laws should govern how people get along, pay taxes, etc. Legislating sex practices, what defines a marriage or who can be married, or anything similar should not be done.
2007-03-05 10:13:13
answer #8
answered by Pirate AM™ 7
No they are not, if they believe they must by all means practice their beliefs, what they should do is to allow others to believe in anything others choose to believe, that's the problem of catholic church which is always bothering with their frighting speeches like "god will punish you if you do this or that"... freedom is for everybody no matter what religion you are.
2007-03-05 10:09:15
answer #9
answered by jljimenezs30 4
No...It gives them direction in life, and everyone needs that. They find comfort in their religion and they meet many good people through their congregations and churches that do good things for the communities and other people.
My only problem with religion is when they come shoving it down my throat and trying to tell me how I should live my life based on THEIR beliefs. And those occurrences are few and far between. (On a one on one basis anyway - now when we're talking about wars between areas in the Middle East and our government's stand on Abortion, Stem Cell research and Gay Rights, THEN it's on an every day basis!)
2007-03-05 10:04:54
answer #10
answered by Nasubi 7
They have a right to use their time however they wish. I just don't want them wasting my time trying to convert me because I have an equal right over what i choose to do and don't do.
I also think it's a waste of their time to protest things such as gay rights or go to war over religion, that time they can spend another way.
2007-03-05 10:03:04
answer #11
answered by jleslie4585 5