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I get really itchy sometimes when I'm angry, frustrated, surprised or just doing nothing. its the top half of my back top half of my chest and head and back of the neck. I read that it may be dry skin but thats not the problem. And for the funny people out there. (yes, I take showers) What could be the problem. I mean its really hard when I'm out in public and someone asks me a question I panic and my body starts to itch like no tomorrow.
Please help.

2007-03-04 19:52:47 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Other - Health

5 answers

The feeling of itchiness can be caused by a movement of hairs or the release of a chemical (histamine) from cells under the skin. Itchiness is regarded as protective, as it helps creatures remove parasites that land on their skin.

Common causes for itching can be:

Xerosis. This is the most common cause, frequently seen in winters, associated with advanced age, frequent bathing particularly hot showers, hot baths, and high temp and low humidity environment.
Skin conditions (such as psoriasis, eczema, sunburn, athlete's foot and many others). Most are of an inflammatory nature.
Insect bites, such as those from mosquitos or chiggers.
Allergic reactions to contact with specific chemicals, such as Urushiol from Poison Ivy or Poison Oak.
Hodgkin's disease
Jaundice (bilirubin is a skin irritant at high concentrations)
Polycythemia, which can cause generalized itching due to increased histamine
Scabies or infection with lice or worms
Thyroid illness
Diabetes Mellitus
Iron deficiency anemia
Photodermatitis – (sun)light reacts with chemicals in the skin, leading to the formation of irritant metabolites
Directly (e.g. morphine)

So, which one is yours?

2007-03-04 19:57:31 · answer #1 · answered by williams 3 · 1 0

when i work out or anything similar to that my body everywhere itches and i cant solve the problem.. the only thing to do is stay in a cool place so you wont itch.. but what i did to cure mines was just to get blazed all the time when i worked out' meaning to get high off weed.. you wont feel a thing when you do this.. after qorking out for awhile getting blazed.. the itchyness will go away.. people say its like a allergic thing or somthing but i think this is the best way.. try it!! helps out alot .

2014-05-29 21:38:33 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

My friend has the same problem. Go to the dr and he'll give you something to calm your nerves. It's a nerves problem when you're streesed or frustrated as you mentioned!
Get some tablets and calm down.

2007-03-04 19:57:22 · answer #3 · answered by Kate 3 · 1 0

get checked for diabetes, i have it and the first clue was my back itched. good luck. if its a panic thing then taking a drug for anxiety might help it.

2007-03-04 19:56:31 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Sounds stress related, for certain. Could it be hives, as in an allergic reaction? I would ask your Doctor about it.

2007-03-04 19:56:31 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It is anxiety related, this happened to me all the time as a child--especially after my parents would have a bad argument. I wish I knew more to tell you. I wish you the best :-)

2007-03-04 19:56:38 · answer #6 · answered by Daaang! 3 · 1 0

probably just your nerves but if youre really concerned about it mnaybe you should get checked out

2007-03-05 00:23:18 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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