I would continue to grow in my relationship with Christ and to let Him use me. Why? Because I met Him 5 years ago, and have not been the same since. I was created to know the living God and I plan on living fully to my purpose.
2007-03-12 17:34:15
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
If Conventional Medical Science had Declared a Lost Cause, I would Research every Spiritual and Alternative Medical Treatment Possible. I can't remember who it was, but a Man was Sitting in a Wheelchair, on a Bridge, so Despondent at His Condition that He Seriously Contemplated Suicide by Rolling His Wheelchair Off to End it all. Just before He was going to do it, a Bolt of Lightning Struck nearby, and while He wasn't directly Struck, somehow His Nervous System was Affected. He was able to Walk again ! There is always Hope ! That's Why !
2007-03-05 03:39:51
answer #2
answered by gvaporcarb 6
The long story is a ten year plan but i guess for three years... GO INSANE:
- Borrow Alot Of Money
- Lie on a Life Insurance Form
- Sky Dive
- Bungee Jump
- Climb a Mountain
- Fly an Airplane
- Make It Into Ripleys Believe It or Not
- Do Alot of Drugs that are Known to Kill Me in the Future
- Go Deep Sea Diving
- Write a Happy Book About My Life
- Blow Something Up
- Have Alot of Sex Without Fear of STD's
- Invent a Religion
- Commit Random Acts of Kindness
- Commit Random Acts of Violence
- Spend One Week Heavily Medicated in an Insane Asylum (again) Only This Time Drugged To Near Death
- Become A Test Subject In a Feild of Science to Better Humanity
- Use The Bathroom On A Birds Car... See How They Like It!!!
- Start A Non-Profit Organization
- Blow Up A Bank (robbing it to finance these other things...)
- Find Everyone That EVER Made Me Feel Bad and Give Them a HUG
- Compile a Larger Number Of Stones For My Burial Site
- Learn Just Enough Sign Language to Have a Trained Monkey Make Fun Of Me
- Never Touch A Computer Again
- Quit My Job
- Dress For Halloween Every Day
- Become A Cannibal (MAYBE!!!)
- Forge A Sword
- Spit Fire
- Go Into Outer Space
- Hang From Hooks
- Beat a Telletubby to Death
- Get Tottaly Skunked Off Holy Wine
- Convince The Preist/Preacher to Join Me
- Get A Full Body Tattoo
- Replace My Teeth With Sugical Steel K9's
- Sell All My Junk
- Paint a Picture
- Crash My Car
- Invent a Life or Death Sport
- Read a Book Without Getting Bored Halfway Through...
- Lean on The Pope
- Kill One of Every Creature and Eat It
- Hide Money In Peoples Pokets That Need It
- Decide Against a Casket and Just Get Buried Under Stones
- Self Amputate My Left Hand and Right Foot
- Run Naked Through The Streets
- Kill The Cop That Took A Piece of My Skull Out... 187!!!
- Convince People of a Mythical Creature
- Hold Up a Cardboard Sign That Says, "The End Is Near"
- Say a Weird Prayer Over Live T.V.
- See What It Feels Like To Be Pleasured Entirely
- Eat Something Really Expensive and Spit It Out
- Rig an Elaborate Marionette System For My Funeral
- Plant a Tree
- Give Away My Pets to Good Homes
- Go on a Talk Show and Throw a Chair
- Patent a Deadly Cooking Device and Sell It on Infomercials
- Hike My Leg On a National Treasure and Urinate
- Tell My Doctors How Much I Hate Them
- See How Long I Could Hold My Breath
- Try to Personally Find Out Exactly How Hot That Thing Is they Always Told Me Not to Touch
- Hang Out in a Nuclear Reactor With Three Cockroaches
-Leave Everything I Own to a House Plant
- Go Out In A Horrific Movie Style Stunt
There is More but I was only told 3 years...
As for the why, I begin by asking you, why not?
If you really want a reason then only 1 : 11,000,000 People Make it into a History Book...
2007-03-05 04:14:24
answer #3
answered by voidlesshope 2
Return to the fold of the Lord. If you are living in sin, seek God's forgiveness. Shed your old self, and renew your life with the Lord. Remember, this first death, is not the final one. There will still be the judgement time. The second death is eternal. Either you languish in the lake of fire eternally, or live with the Lord forever. You make a choice. But if I were you, why should I languish in hell when God offered His sweet invitation of salvation. Study the Bible. The way to salvation is written there. You have much, much time to prepare for that. But before anything else, may I ask you, do you believe in God? Do you believe in the Bible? If you're answer is in the affirmative, you have a chance. But if you are an atheist, then, well, everything I said is of no value at all.
2007-03-05 03:38:21
answer #4
answered by marman04041975 1
Get your affairs in order so that your family won't have a big mess on their hands. Make your will clear and distinct so there will be no haggling.
If financially and physically possible, go and enjoy some of the things you have always wanted to do but never done. Take the time to get to know and enjoy the people closest to you.
When to tell the family and others of your prognosis is a hard call. I would probably put it off until close to the end so that I wouldn't be an object of pity if I could help it.
2007-03-05 03:37:41
answer #5
answered by don n 6
Forget if it will end in three years, live it the same as if it will end tommorow even if it will last fifty. Live in the present, do your best, and live within your own moral guidlines to the best of your ability. Aside from that there is very little you can do, the uncontrolable will remain just that, and you only have control over yourself in the present anyways. The past cannot be changed, and the future isn't here yet. If you can't accept yourself then you should work to find your path. Spend time with those you love and spend time doing the things you enjoy.
Hope this helps.
2007-03-05 03:34:47
answer #6
answered by Waddy 3
You should do the things which you should do even if your life won't end 3 years from now. Get your life in order. Get to a point where you feel that you have no regrets--that you've lived the best you can, that you've taught the best you can, that you were the best you could be. Make amends with those you may have offended. Help those in need where you can. Spend time with your family, as these are the times they will treasure and remember, especially when you are gone. Write a journal about your life, your musings, your ideas--leave something for posterity or others to remeber you by and get to know you by. These are things which we all should do, but especially when faced with death it is nice to leave a good legacy behind.
2007-03-05 03:33:47
answer #7
answered by Laurel W 4
Take as many people who treated you like **** with you. What have you got to lose if you're going to die in 3 years and it's 100% guaranteed ? Nothing. Go out in Blaze of Glory Just like some outlaw on the run like Billy the Kid in that movie Young Guns.
The only thing guaranteed form living a long life is old age; impotence,diabetes,macular degeneration, dementia,infertility,osteoperosis,heart disease,incontinence nothing good. Everybody wants to get revenge on some asshole(s) in their life who made their life a little more miserable,lonely & painfull.
2007-03-05 03:45:01
answer #8
answered by sandwreckoner 4
The exact same things you should be doing right now. Never think your death is "in the future". People can and do die when they least expect it. I bet the many teenagers who have died in accidents never saw it coming.
I try to make sure I am on good terms with everyone I have ever known-You might never get that chance to say I'm sorry.
2007-03-05 03:32:35
answer #9
answered by reginachick22 6
Everything you've ever wanted to do. Your life is defined by your experience so knowing that it was to come to an end shortly you should set all your affairs in order and experience all that you could.
2007-03-05 03:29:33
answer #10
answered by Anonymous