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It really excites me to see Russia and China siding together with Iran , because I believe that prophecy that was written over 3,000 years ago is now coming to pass as we race toward Armageddon.
Russia is going to lead an attack on Israel in these last days.
And the Bible also prophesied that Iran, Sudan , and Libya will be Russia ' s Allies.
(See Ezek.38)
[Keep your eyes on them].
The Bible prophesied that all the Nations that surround Israel will be united against them.
(See Ps.83:4-8; Zech.12:2).
Today, all the Muslim Nations that surround Israel , want it destroyed.
The Bible prophesied that Egypt and Jordan would not participate in this attack.
(See Ezek.38)
Interestingly, these two nations have signed recent peace treaties with Israel .
Egypt in 1979, and Jordan in 1994.
The Bible prophesied that there will be a global cry for peace.
(See 1 Thes.5:3).
Never has there been such a concerted Global effort to bring about peace at any cost as there is today.
God says that He will destroy all but one-sixth of the soldiers who attack Israel .
5 out of 6 soldiers will be killed.
(See Ezek.39:2 KJV)
God will cause a great confusion that will cause Israel 's enemies to fight against each other.
(See Ezek.38:21)
It will be the worst case of friendly fire ever seen in history.
It will take Israel 7 years to burn and destroy all of the weapons left there by the enemy.
(See Ezek.39:9)
It will take Israel 7 months to bury all the dead.
The Bible says that there will be so many dead that Israel will have to employ people to help bury them.
(See Ezek.39:12-14)
When somebody sees a body they wont bury it themselves, but will just place a marker by it.
(See Ezek.39:15) and then professional buriers will bury it themselves .
This may indicate deaths due to Nuclear or other poisonous warfare so that only professionals can handle the bodies because of the contamination.
For more information on the prophesies of the Nuclear age (See Zech.14:12; Ezek.39
For more information on the prophesies of the Nuclear age (See Zech.14:12; Ezek.39:3-6)
Keep in mind that this prophecy was written over 3,000 years ago.
We didnt even know what Nuclear energy was 100 years ago, let alone 3,000 years.
Where does China fit in the picture do you say?
As the world enters into Armageddon in the near future, the Bibles prophesied that there would come an army of 200 million men from the east which is China .
(See Rev.9:14-16; 16:12)
Bear in mind that when this was prophesied there was an estimated 170,400 million on the entire planet.
Yet today, according to the C.I.A., China alone has 281 million men fit for military service .
The Bible prophesied that China's army will cross the Euphrates on dry ground.
(See Rev.16:12)
Today, the massive Ataturk dam in turkey, completed in 1990, can hold back the Euphrates to a trickle.
The return of Christ can be at any moment now...
Are you ready to face your creator?
You're kidding yourself if you believe that everything is just coincidence - there is no coincidence with GOD.
People who convinced you otherwise is used by the devil to confuse you - maybe even lured you that stealing, cheating and adultery are okey, as long as you are not caught.
Remember that Satan swore to take as much soul he can, before he totally loses his power.
And his main target is FAMILY!
So parents, stay away from sin and be spiritually strong; gather your children, hold your hands together and surround yourself with prayers as often as you can.
With God in all of you means sure passport to HIS kingdom

2007-03-04 18:34:52 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

18 answers

those who have a personal relationship with jesus shall be saved ,your prophecy is right as far as i can tellalthough i do know it is russia who starts the trouble its called gog and magog in the bible , i do know that the whole world will turn on the jews and jesus will come back anfd fight for them ,there as never been a time when the jews have not always come through because they are sheltered by god, although they suffer they are still in gods hands and god will prevail for them

2007-03-04 19:56:00 · answer #1 · answered by shechinah p 1 · 0 0


2016-12-24 03:13:38 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You're forgetting that Biblical Prophecy was made long before Israel became a nation. The current state of Israel came about in 1948. Prior to that, Jews lived in Arabia, Jordan and Syria. The Bible notes that Israel will be "consumed" during the Armageddon. Consumed doesn't necessarily mean destroyed. The Mayan Calendar may point the way to this conflict. The calendar ends on December 21, 2012. Scholars are already speculating that this date will bring about a new direction in our lives and that Christ will, indeed, return. I say, if this is what it's going to take to get American Idol off the air, I'm all for it.

2007-03-04 18:59:06 · answer #3 · answered by goaltender 4 · 1 1

Newspaper prophesy. How is it that nobody thought to make these associations until the events were already set in motion? Gog and Magog were not associated with Russia until the 1970's, when Hal Lindsey tried to make the Soviet Union into the kingdom of the antichrist.

Write all of this down, bury it in the backyard, and dig it up 30 years from now. You will not notice the subtle changes in interpretation until you compare the two.

2007-03-04 18:42:55 · answer #4 · answered by NONAME 7 · 2 0

Nope you are sliding into paranoia. The bible prophecies are vague enough to have been used over and over to predict Armageddon.
Every ten years somebody is shouting about the impending end of the world.
This has been happening since before recorded history. It is bogus. Quit trying to hurry the end of the world.
If it was truly the will of God then it is already planned and your interference is likely not welcomed by your God.

2007-03-04 19:40:08 · answer #5 · answered by U-98 6 · 1 0

Why is that a good thing? People are going to die by the millions. People are so eager to read into and usher in the end times. I know what I am going to do to survive. Are you prepared to make the necessary sacrifices? I realize their are no coincidences with God but don't think twice about the pain you and your family will have to endure once this occurs. Prophecy becomes tainted when people read into them and make their own judgments and assertions. I know things are coming but I am not eager to see them.

2007-03-04 18:43:55 · answer #6 · answered by Patrick the Carpathian, CaFO 7 · 1 0

Where did you get this from? Is it your own interpretation of the bible verses?
Have you ever thought that maybe these texts are figurative for something or someone else. Ie Israel may not literally mean Israel.
Good question though. I gave ya a star :)

2007-03-04 19:26:30 · answer #7 · answered by vandewc 1 · 1 0

TERRIFIC. This is information we all desperately need. I agree with you!! We don't know when the end will come (Jesus own words) But...it will come. 5 years, 10, 20, 50 100, 150??? I don't know but comparatively speaking, it isn't far away. Take John 3:16 to heart and start living like it.. Thank You.

2007-03-04 18:46:51 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Yes, I believe this to be true and when the time comes the Good Lord will take care of Israel. Israel is God's country.

2007-03-04 18:44:30 · answer #9 · answered by tracy211968 6 · 1 1

How come you can't spell prophecy then the next minute you can ? A bit of cut and paste ?

2007-03-04 20:09:23 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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