People will often put antifreeze out to poison cats, because it smells sweet to them, and they are attracted to it. It contains a poison called propylene glycol, which is harmful to animals and humans. But the cats smell the sweetness, which is why they are drawn to drink it... your best bet is to keep your animals in the house. If you really think your father is the one poisoning your pets, I would take it up with him. That is very cruel, and you would be better off sending them to another home rather than having them heartlessly murdered. I can imagine how sad that must be for you.. I LOVE my cats, and I would be heartbroken to lose them. But if it were a life or death matter, I would give them to someone who could take care of them without fear of someone causing them intentional harm. I am so sorry this happened to you.. good luck!
2007-03-04 16:57:01
answer #1
answered by The Only 3
Antifreeze itself is not very toxic but it is broken down by the liver into other components that cause the damage. If a cat is taken to the vet soon enough after ingesting the antifreeze, drugs that impair the livers ability to convert the antifreeze into these deadly toxins and allow the unconverted antifreeze to pass in the urine. And it only takes a small amount to harm a cat, even if a little bit had been spilled on the ground and the cat walked through it and licked his paws that would be enough to cause the animal harm and death if not taken immediately to the vet. And antifreeze has a sweet smell that attracks cats and dogs to it if it is left out. So in all fairness it may not have been your fathers fault if a friend or yourself parked in your driveway and the car was leaking antifreeze that could have been the cause. There are antifreeze's available on the market that are animal friendly and don't have dire effects on the animal if accidentally ingested, they cost slightly more than traditional brands. So Sorry for your loss.
2007-03-04 17:13:46
answer #2
answered by Katprsn 5
Did you say your dad POISONED them? And you want to keep the two cats you have?? Honey.
First, never let your cats outside. Cats can be just as happy tooling around inside with proper stimulation and window availablity. They aren't going to get poisoned by staying nearby.
Antifreeze systematically shuts down the kidneys. If your'e vet said they were killed by it, he did a urinalysis, which evaluates the urine. When an animal has ingested anitfreeze, there are crystals that appear in the urine that look like fence posts.
Antifreeze is used in every single vehicle on the road, amongst other things, and it only takes a few licks and less than an hour to do damage.
Good luck!
2007-03-04 16:59:58
answer #3
answered by Amanda 3
First of all stop letting them out. This way there should no way for them to get poisoned by it. I know what anit-freeze poisoning looks like and it's horrid. Anti-freeze is found in all vehicles in the engines, it has a very sweet smell and taste to them. There is no antidote for a cat, only for a dog if it's found out early enough. Back in 1997 I lost 5 cats to anti-feeze deaths, I still think my one neighbor did it, but we also had a garage and a wrecker service over the hill from us both companies had anti freeze around, but kept the containers inside. The vehicles however may have been leaking some out too. The neighbor thought one of my cats was spraying in his basement, but even though the cat he described looked like mine, it couldn't have been. He described a gray male with collar and I had a female 4 month old with no collar that was gray. He made the threat of poisoning it with anti-freeze and not much later my cats came up dead over the next 6 months. I called Animal Control about it after my first cat died, but they couldn't do anything without further proof. I tried keeping the cats all in, but the wall behind my dryer open to the bath tub and the pipes had a hole around them big enough for a cat to slip through. I found out about this when my other neighbors cat got in several days in a row. I physcally couldn't stop up the hole more due to a fused spine and only 1' of clearence under that part of the house. I had only moved in recently and didn't know any neighbors enough to ask for help with this. I was a single mother of 3 young children at the time.
2007-03-04 17:50:04
answer #4
answered by wolfinator25840 5
It is not only toxic to cats, but to dogs and humans as well. It has a sweet taste, therefore animals and children make lick it or drink it. Frequently you can find it where your verhicles are parked, because it is used in vehicle radiators as a coolant and antifreeze, and can have leaked on the ground. If you see any, wash it away with hose/water and or add something harmless to it to change the taste, such as chili powder or something equally as disagreeable.
You can get non-toxic (or less toxic) antifreeze, one that does not contain ethylene glycol.
Sorry about your kitties.
The following is from Wikipedia:
Over time, the body metabolizes ethylene glycol into other toxins, it is first metabolized to glycoaldehyde, which is then oxidized to glycolic acid, glyoxylic acid, and finally oxalic acid. Stage 2 is a result of accumulation of these metabolites and consists of tachycardia, hypertension, hyperventilation, and metabolic acidosis. Stage 3 of ethylene glycol poisoning is the result of kidney injury, leading to acute kidney failure.[3] Oxalic acid reacts with calcium and forms calcium oxalate crystals in the kidney.
2007-03-04 17:01:44
answer #5
answered by Sky K 2
Antifreeze can be deadly to pets!
The ASPCA and National Animal Poison Control Center have issued the following warning regarding antifreeze and your pet.
Antifreeze has a sweet taste and can be attractive to pets. Ethylene glycol is the most dangerous and also the most common form of antifreeze. Unfortunately, very small amounts can be lethal to pets. As little as one teaspoon of antifreeze can be deadly to a cat; less than four teaspoons can be dangerous to a 10-pound dog. The following are guidelines for pet owners to follow to avoid pet exposures to antifreeze:
Antifreeze Poisoning Prevention Tips
Clean up antifreeze spills immediately.
Check your car regularly for radiator leaks.
Always store antifreeze containers in areas that are inaccessible to your pets.
Never allow your pets to have access to the area when you are draining antifreeze from your car.
Propylene glycol is a less toxic form of antifreeze and should be used instead of ethylene glycol.
If you suspect your pet has ingested antifreeze, contact your veterinarian immediately!
If you would like to receive free hotline information (consisting of a sticker, magnet, flyer, and pet care tips), call (217)-337-5030 ext #115 and leave a complete mailing address.
For ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center consultation services contact 1-888-4ANI-HELP.
2007-03-07 02:48:13
answer #6
answered by doormouse72 1
The vet told me antifreeze was a horrible death to any animal it shuts thier whold insides down kidneys and such. If you want you can go to this web page and read some on it,
I hope it cam help you
2007-03-04 17:07:49
answer #7
answered by wahena y 1
Antifreeze can be found in just about any garage if you live in a cold climate. The liquid is toxic to anything that drinks it, the main reason it has such a notorious record for killing pets is because of its sweet odor and taste. Animals lap it right up and poison themselves in their ignorance.
2007-03-04 16:56:11
answer #8
answered by Magister 2
Antifreeze is poison but the reason is clear. Smell it, it smells good and tap a drop on your tongue it tastes good to. So if you’re a cat, what would you do.
2007-03-04 16:58:18
answer #9
answered by Joe 3
It has a sweet smell and taste so cats are attracted to it.
Look for bright green liquid, and that's horrible that your dad would do that.
If you drank a large amount of antifreeze, you'd get very sick as well and possibly die. It a poison when ingested.
2007-03-04 16:55:41
answer #10
answered by Vegan 7