I've been training my cat to sleep at night for the last couple months and it has been working well. I play with her for a bit, making sure she plays really physically (like pouncing or running). After playing, I feed her then she gets really relaxed and wants to sleep.
When I first started training her, I woke her up at least every hour during the day to make sure she didn't get a ton of sleep during the day.
2007-03-04 18:12:47
answer #1
answered by jennnnnny 2
That's sort of a hard one as cats are by nature nocturnal. They also have a tendency to sleep in spurts. They like to keep their own schedule and I've had cats most of my life and never been able to train one of them. Cats sleep about 16 hours a day, and unfortunately those 16 hours aren't all at once, and not at night. I try to put my cats in bed with me at night, but they never stay there. They come and go all night. Cats are just too independent to train. Wish I could help you on this one, but, cats are cats. Guess you really don't want to put them in the bathroom, that's not nice to them and they would make a hell of a lot of noise being cooped up and it's not nice anyway.
2007-03-04 16:33:25
answer #2
answered by lochmessy 6
LOL!! An age old question!! What i've found that works (sometimes) is to induce a rough and tumble play session about an hour before bedtime (a feather wand or something of the sort), and they're usually out like lights. However, cats are nocturnal, and you can't de-program hard wired dna, so if they're really making a ruckus, you may have to close the door. Good luck!
2007-03-04 16:25:32
answer #3
answered by Amanda 3
Cat like to play at night! My cat will some time's She mostly sleeps with us. But thats because my daughter wares her out! So if you have away to get her not to take cat naps in the day time and get her energy out in the day! then that may help! but besideds that theres not much you can do!!!
2007-03-04 16:24:55
answer #4
answered by Roni Lynn 2
Hello. I'm sorry but unless you use drugs or something external I don't think that you could adjust a cat's sleeping pattern. One of my cats at home eats, sleeps till two in the morning, then she runs around the house or claws the couch. She was once so hyper that she hopped up on my bed and slid to a halt on my back with her claws.
2007-03-04 16:25:41
answer #5
answered by mind-scaper 4
If you do, please let me know!
I have two as well and it never fails, I settle into bed at night and that is exactly when they decide they're going to chase each other, or play follow the leader! LOL
They usually settle down right when my kids go to bed and they recharge their batteries, so that they're ready to go full tilt just when I'm ready to go to sleep.
Their names are Sissy and Sassy, black (with just a little bit of white here and there) and they are sisters.....we named Sassy Sassy, because thats exactly what she is. She greets everyone that comes in the house and shes the one you can find sitting on top of the refridgerator at any given moment. We named Sissy Sissy..because she hides when people come in the house....and she sits and watches while Sassy is on top of the 'fridge.....
I have no ideas on how to settle them down.....but I really hope someone out there does, so that I can try it too!
Good luck!
2007-03-04 16:28:42
answer #6
answered by L ♥ L ♥ 7
You probably can't, since cats are naturally nocturnal. However, most cats will sleep, or at least lie around and be lazy, after feeding. Try adjusting their feeding time to shortly before you go to bed and see if that helps. But don't be too surprised if it doesn't.
2007-03-04 16:23:20
answer #7
answered by Ben 4
try and keep them up all day and play with them and get them pooped and if u see them sleeping in the day wake them up! never give milk to ur cats it will give them the runs!! and maybe becoz there is two they will play
2007-03-04 16:24:17
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I am laughing with you not at you, cats always sleep at least 20 hours a day and always during the day. Up at night. that is the nature of cats.
2007-03-04 16:20:10
answer #9
answered by katie d 6
Cats are nocturnal by nature.
2007-03-04 23:32:36
answer #10
answered by KathyS 7