A true Christian is one who follows in Christs footsteps.1Peter2:21:"...... even Christ suffered for you,leaving you a model for you to follow his steps closely."
Jesus also said at John 13:35:"By this all will know that you are my disciples,if you have love among yourselves."
True Christians love one another,are humble,are obedient to Jehovah God,preach the good news about God's Kingdom.
In other words they try to live their lives in accord with Bible principles and use Jesus as their example.
As Jesus illustation pointed out that along with the wheat there would be growing weeds.There are true Christians and there are those who claim to be Christian but their livestyle and heart condition tells another story..
If you want to see true Christians in action,why not go along to your local Kingdom Hall of Jehovahs Witnesses.There you will see how true Christians act and worship.
2007-03-04 16:24:29
answer #1
answered by lillie 6
One who FOLLOWS the teachings of Christ Jesus and who's life reflects that. Read the red words and you will get the picture. There are many who claim to be, but who judge, condemn, hate, ostracize, and who give the Practices a very bad name. It is not an easy path and require a lot of choices that go against the norm of society. While people attempt to teach what the bible really means, a true Christian needs to be immersed in the bible to sort out all of the interpretations from the many RELIGIONS that put forward doctrines or teachings stressing what they feel is the most important to follow. Read and meditate daily and you will get the meaning eventually.
2007-03-05 00:16:22
answer #2
answered by mohayrix 3
A true Christian is one who has accepted Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. As far as listening to what men teach, you can listen to men and if you are a Christian, the Holy Spirit will guide you when looking up what you were told in the Bible.
2007-03-05 00:13:57
answer #3
answered by greghllwd 2
True Christians are "no part of the world," are not divided by race or culture and display "love among themselves." (John 13:35; 17:16; Acts 10:34, 35)
Rather than killing one another, the true Christian would die protecting his brothers and sisters no matter what country they happened to be born in. (1 John 3:16)
True Christians trust that "all scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight." (2 Timothy 3:16). For that reason they teach God's Word and live by it rather than "tradition" or "commands of men." (Matthew 15:6-9)
True Christians practice high moral standards so as not to bring reproach on God or others. They are trained to be loving husbands, respectful wives and obedient children. (Ephesians 5:28, 33; 6:1). Especially those among them entrusted with positions of authority must have exemplary morals (1 Timothy 3:1-10)
2007-03-05 00:20:47
answer #4
answered by Sparkle1 6
We can listen to a man preaching, but we should make sure that it is a BIBLE TEACHING only. If you don't know if in fact it comes from scripture, then look it up. God tells us we should do this. Ultimately, we are taught from the BIBLE ONLY!
2007-03-05 00:16:09
answer #5
answered by Gardener for God(dmd) 7
The Bible.
Acts 17:11 says to hear all men, but then to look it up in scripture for yourself.
Look it UP!
2007-03-05 00:14:10
answer #6
answered by Juliart 6
A True Christian is to be CHRIST - like ! You live your life around the teachings of Christ and forsake the world `s temporary pleasures` ... A True Christian`s life is based on spreading the gospel of Jesus , and living each day to bring honor and glory to JESUS Holy Name. A True Christian puts Jesus ahead of everything in his / her life .
2007-03-05 00:16:06
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
"true" Christian is a contradiction in terms--so there is no such thing as a "true Christian"--Once you take on the label Christian--you separate yourself from the rest of mankind. Christ taught that we are NOT separate---("the Kingdom of God is within you") & ("what you do to the least among you--you do to me")--So anyone who preaches that Christians are different--is singing a different song from Christ's teachings!!
2007-03-05 00:15:09
answer #8
answered by huffyb 6
A Christian believes Jesus is God. The Christians are bound by the 10 Commandments. Jesus said "By this shall they know that you are my followers, that you have love for one another." So Christians are bound by 2 commandments: To love God with all their heart, soul and strength and to love others as Christ loved us.
2007-03-05 07:23:56
answer #9
answered by hope 3
A true Christian is someone who is in a loving and abiding relationship with God. Who does His will and not their own. Who is in the world but is not worldly. They follow God and not man, they read the bible and lead their lives accordingly.
2007-03-05 00:20:51
answer #10
answered by tebone0315 7