With inbreeding that close there is always a chance of deformed puppies.. or puppies born with missing legs. It is not a good idea and the puppies can not be registered.
Also, they will be harder to give away due to the fact they will be *high maintenence* dogs... more illnesses and easier to catch disease.
I feel sorry for the little things. Over in Europe they would probably be culled at birth.
2007-03-04 15:03:23
answer #1
answered by H.O.T. Dog 6
This is intense inbreeding; mother to son, father to daughter & brother to sister... being the most intense.It is a practice not to be undertaken except by the most experienced breeders with extremely careful study of bloodines & pedigree & is done only with extreme caution; It can be a double-edged sword; while it "sets type" for good qualities, it can also do the same for undesirable ones! Very tricky, even for the most dedicated breeders out there! Also, the breeder has already taken responsibility ahead of time, for placing any less than perfect pups from this breeding, into responsible homes.
2007-03-04 15:06:22
answer #2
answered by foxfire 3
The risk for deffect is high, but there won't necesarilly BE problems. But all the puppies should be spayed/neutered, because inbred deffects will come to pass later on down the line more often than not.
Also, your friend needs to either drop her dog's off at the shelter or get them both fixed. One oops litter is one too many, and most of the time several pups more than this world really needs.
2007-03-04 19:58:19
answer #3
answered by mandy 3
No it's not ok for brothers and sisters. I got a puppy from someone that the parents were like that and everyone of them have health problems. Hair loss , bad nerves, and seizures. Among other things. Shes an adult now, but the problems are still there. The vet said they will never get better and its because of their genes.
2007-03-04 15:14:12
answer #4
answered by mermaids_n_moons 2
She should have been spayed...
Im not saying something WILL be wrong, but with the genetic imbredding it tends to cause a range of problems from Aggression due to chemical imbalances, to Mild retardation all the way to Blindness deaf and deformities...Will they be okay??thats hard to answer, to tell you yes or no... So to put it easy there is a chance that something could come out of it, a defect of sorts....thats the problem with a lot of the toy breeds... toys arent natural but they took runts out of litters and constantly bred then imbred, a majority of toy breeds now suffer from genetic deficiencies I would suggest have the puppies looked at AFTERWARDS and having her spayed
2007-03-04 14:59:47
answer #5
answered by Raven Song 2
Hell no its not alright to breed siblings. There is more of a chance of genetic aberrations being passed on as the parents most likely have the same bad genes. My doberman was bred too closely along the bloodline and both her parents had weak immune systems so she has a really bad one as she got both the genes from both parents.
2007-03-04 15:01:57
answer #6
answered by Big red 5
They might be okay...and they might not. Sometimes just one generation of inbreeding will not produce ill effects. But get all the puppies neutered as soon as it's safe. They may have genetic defects that don't show up until later.
2007-03-04 15:05:20
answer #7
answered by drumrchick 3
most likely they will be fine
its rare for brother sister matings to result in much more than dogs with the same faults as thier parents
with show dogs its common for closely related dogs to be bred, my own dog is the result of father daughter mating together
and hes a beautiful dog
if you mean "?retarded" no the only dogs i know that can be retarded are american staffordshires and that is not even an inbreeding problem
2007-03-04 14:55:54
answer #8
answered by drezdogge 4
In-breeding causes genetic problems.
That's why dog breeds get so many health problems......
even when professionals do it... it is not a healthy practice.
Very sad when backyard breeders do it for no reason other than irresponsiblity. This is exactly why backyard breeders have a bad reputation!!!
2007-03-04 15:34:13
answer #9
answered by lexi m 6
There possibly be some problems with the puppies...however get the dogs fixed. n
2007-03-04 14:55:13
answer #10
answered by Nikki 7