When I was merely Christian, I found my best witnessing for non-believers was to lead the best and most honorable life I could. Witnessing through example is very very effective.
What you DON'T do as far as witnessing goes is push yourself on someone who does not ask for it, is not open to it. Pushing your faith on others only turns them further away and they definitely will not listen to you.
Salvation is a very personal and different experience for each believer. Each faith, each person has receives Salvation in their own way.
What I use to do was just watch for the opening. If you are at peace, the wonderful peace of the Lord, people are going to come up to you and ask you, how come you are so happy, so calm, so able to take anything that comes in stride? What is your secret? That was when I witnessed, that was when I told the story of my own salvation.
How that?
2007-03-04 14:06:30
answer #1
answered by Pixie 7
as to explaining salvation it can all be found in romans. When it comes to a non believer you let them know 1) who is good..romans 3:10-12 then 2) who has sinned rom 3:23 3) cost of sin rom 6:23 4)nothing you can do can save you rom 3:20, 27 5) God has made away rom 5:8-9 6) you must put your complete faith in Jesus rom 3:22, 10:9 7) really believe that Jesus alone can save you rom 4:21 and then 8) pray and ask Him rom 10:11, 13
once you understand the importance of salvation then you can explain it to others. I know for me it was my life line. Jesus is one of them people you dont know you need until AFTER you get Him.
you need to pray and ask God to lead you. I really think these thoughts and questions should be of your own. What does your salvation mean to you??
2007-03-04 22:08:46
answer #2
answered by kittykat 4
*Why is it important to have a complete understanding of salvation through Jesus Christ?"
It is a free gift to anyone who asks for it. To ignore this gift is to consider the suffering and death of Messiah a "little thing".
Hebrews 2:1-3
...we must give the more earnest heed to the things we have heard, lest we drift away. For if... every transgression and disobedience received a just reward, how shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation..?
"What questions do you have about salvation?"
Can I earn salvation through good works? - Titus 3:5
Are all my sins washed away, past, present and future? - 1 John 1:9
Is there any other name through which I can be saved? - Acts 4:12
*why it is important to know how to explain salvation to others."
James 5:20 says, "...let him know that he who turns a sinner from the error of his way will save a soul from death and cover a multitude of sins."
Jesus said that no man lights a candle and puts it under a bushel. Rather we are to let our light shine before all me.
"Make a list of do's & don'ts for effectively witnessing to others."
1. Share your faith, do not force.
2. Be wise as a serpent, yet gentle as a dove.
3. Keep on message. Keep sharing God's love through the cross.
4. Always pray for the person you are sharing with.
5. Always ask God to speak through you.
6. Never push for a conversion, let the Holy Spirit work with the individual when they walk away. Pray for them that evening.
7. Your own personal testimony can be your best witness.
8. Share your favorite scriptures with the other person.
9. Be ready and willing to pray with them for any difficulties they are having. Show them that talking to God is like talking to your own loving Father.
2007-03-04 21:58:47
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Since I'm new at witnessing, I hope I can be of help to you. 1) Its important to understand about salvation because is saved by grace. Too many people can't wrap their minds around the easy concept. Too many churches teach its by works too. 2)Questions about salvation--how can you tell someone how they know they are saved. 3)Its important to explain salvation so you don't give someone mis information. 3)Dos and don'ts---don't go by yourself to a strange neighborhood, don't push salvation on someone, its a choice they have to make, we can give them the information, but they need to make it for themselves. Dos--be positive, happy, smile and know your Bible to help the lost and dying world out there. God Bless
2007-03-04 22:07:11
answer #4
answered by the pink baker 6
1. You have to have a story about how God has helped you live a better life than the one you led before you came to know Christ.
2. There are questions that you can ask like,
a, 'If you died today do you know where you would spend eternity?' ............. and ...........
b. 'If you were standing at the gates of heaven and were asked, 'Why should we let you in?' what would you say?
The right answer is 'Jesus died for my sins'.
The wrong answer is 'I did good things while on earth'.
Teach them how to go through the Roman Road.
2007-03-04 22:16:49
answer #5
answered by Theophilus 6
Understanding Salvation.
If you want to stand before GOD you are going to have to have kept all of the law or you are going to need a sacrifice. Jesus finished work on the cross was acceptable to GOD for both of those requirements. If it is also acceptable to you then you can restore that relationship for eternity.
Is that a creative way to represent salvation?
2007-03-04 22:06:01
answer #6
answered by Bye Bye 6
Christianity is NOT a College course. Christianity is God's love of the world that His Son, gave His Flesh Life so we can live in Jesus forever.
2007-03-04 21:58:52
answer #7
answered by Royal Racer Hell=Grave © 7
Rather than give a list of do and donts read the Bible and see How Jesus told his Apostles and disciples what to do and how to do it they are real Christians read and follow their example in preaching and teaching from house to house and village to village all over the world Who today does that ? follow their example hope this helps if you need more you can E-Mail me Gorbalizer
2007-03-04 22:13:27
answer #8
answered by gorbalizer 5
For #4, you only need one don't:
Don't witness to anyone who is not asking you about your religion.
There is nothing more annoying, and in fact these intrusions make people feel like Christians are a bunch of insensitive fools.
Sorry to say it so bluntly, but it is true.
2007-03-04 22:10:27
answer #9
answered by Anonymous