One thing to do is establish a banking relationship by opening up a checking and savings account. This can get you an inside track to a low-balance credit card, if not a secured card if your bank offers them. If you do happen to get a card, make small purchases that you can pay off every month. Use it only for dire emergencies. Pay your bills on time. Here's a website that not only has a bill pay service, but it also reports regular monthly payments such as rent, utilities, phone, insurance,cell phone, etc and compiles a score in a report that you can use in addition to your regular credit reports that shows a clearer picture about how and when you pay.
2007-03-04 10:45:09
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
There is no fast easy way however the following things will help to improve it over a period of time:
1. Obtain a copy of your credit report and see if a past creditor
you have paid off is willing to remove a derogatory rating.
2. Pay bills on time and pay more than the minimum amount if
possible, even if it is only a dollar.
3. Reduce the number of credit cards and try to get rid of the
ones on which you pay the highest interest.
4. Watch for advantageous balance transfer offers of a year
or more with an interest rate of more than 10% less than
what you are paying.
5. Quit using credit cards except in an emergency.
2007-03-04 10:47:38
answer #2
answered by don n 6
Pay on time. make sure credit used to credit line is less than half, perferabely only 1/3. Don't want too much debt to income ratio. Try paying them off and not let it get so high next time. Too many cards with high balances doesn't help. Keeping account open awhile instead of closing it even if paid off. Look at this website. Try looking it up online 'how to improve credit'.
2007-03-04 10:48:19
answer #3
answered by eirama21 3
I hope this helps you:
Step-by-Step Credit Repair Guide:Bad credit can frustrate your efforts at getting a credit. Hence ensure you keep your credit report clean. If there are any errors in the report, undertake credit repair to clear out any errors. This can be tiring and frustrating, but highly rewarding. Though law recognizes and protects your rights, it is your duty to remove any anomalies in
2007-03-04 22:46:48
answer #4
answered by hendy h 2
1. Always pay on time or ahead of time.
2. maintain low balances on credit cards
3. keep your total potential debt to earnings load low - If you have a card with a $15000 credit line, you may ask them to reduce it to something more realistic, like $5000.
4. I was told by an underwriter that having just two cards, a major credit card (VISA, MC) and a consumer card (Sears, best buy, etc...) is the best mix for revolving credit.
5. You should have a recent history of both installment or term (Car or house loans) and revolving credit.
2007-03-04 16:41:21
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Pay all bills ON TIME.
Reduce your debt.
In other words, pay more than the minimum payment. Get the total amount you owe below 30% of your credit limit. Never make a late payment.
2007-03-04 10:41:48
answer #6
answered by Faye H 6
Start paying on time.
2007-03-04 10:36:16
answer #7
answered by The Rabbi 5