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2007-03-04 09:37:39 · 2 answers · asked by Curious George 4 in Health Other - Health

2 answers

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Systematic (IUPAC) name
CAS number 6740-88-1
ATC code N01AX03 N01AX14
PubChem 3821
DrugBank APRD00493
Chemical data
Formula C13H16ClNO
Mol. mass 237.725 g/mol
Pharmacokinetic data
Bioavailability ?
Metabolism ?
Half life 2.5-3 hours.
Excretion renal (>90%)
Therapeutic considerations
Pregnancy cat. B

Legal status Schedule I(CA) Class C(UK) Schedule III(US)

Routes IV, IM, Insufflated, oral, topical
Ketamine is a general dissociative anaesthetic for human and veterinary use. Its hydrochloride salt is sold as Ketanest®, Ketaset®, and Ketalar®. Pharmacologically, ketamine is classified as an NMDA receptor antagonist,[1] and, like other drugs of this class such as tiletamine, memantine, and phencyclidine (PCP), induces a state referred to as "dissociative anesthesia."[2] As with other pharmaceuticals of this type, ketamine is used extramedically as a recreational drug.

Ketamine has a wide range of effects in humans, including analgesia, dissociative anesthesia, hallucination, arterial hypertension, and bronchodilation.[3] It is primarily used for the induction and maintenance of general anesthesia, usually in combination with some sedative drug. Other uses include sedation in intensive care, analgesia (particularly in emergency medicine), and treatment of bronchospasm. It is also a popular anesthetic in veterinary medicine.

Ketamine is a chiral compound. Most pharmaceutical preparations of ketamine are racemic, however reportedly some brands have (mostly undocumented) differences in enantiomeric proportions. The more active enantiomer, S-Ketamine, is also available for medical use under the brand name Ketanest S.[citation needed]

2007-03-04 17:01:22 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

ketamine is horse tranquilliser which is heated up into a powder so users are able to snort it! it is a very strong drug which causes a loss of feeling in the body and paralysis of the muscles. it can also lead to you experiencing a distortion of reality. too much ketamine and the user will experience a "k-hole" which is a ketamine induced daze. abuse of the drug can lead to serious bladder problems which can then lead to more serious kidney problems.

2014-11-28 22:48:21 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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