About a month ago, my bf told me that he wanted to take some "space" and we broke up. 3wks later we went out on a date together. Then a week later we got back together, but when I went to his place I found a woman's hair comb sitting on his bathroom sink. I burst into tears, but didn't show him my pain. Later I brought the comb to him and asked him who's it was. He said it wasn't his and he didn't know who's it was, but that one of his buddies (guy) had been staying with him and my have left it there. (It had long women's hair in it). I left it alone, but I still think about it. I think he was lying, but does it matter when we were broken up? I keep wondering if he's still seeing this woman and if she is the reason he needed space. What do I do? And could this just have been a faise that he went through? We've been together for over a year.
I just need your opinions?
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