If something is harming you, bail out, just like you would bail out of a burning airplane|
Don't worry about the consequences, just trust that things will work out and you will find another job or another provision|
Things always work out for people who do the right thing (at least in the long run), even if they cannot see a solution and they foresee that doing the right thing will give them endless difficulty|
You have to know that people get surprise miracles all the time - God never forsakes those who do what is right and make the proper sacrifices to do what is right (although this does not exempt you from suffering)|
2007-03-03 23:33:16
answer #1
answered by Catholic Philosopher 6
Without knowing your life circumstances (mortgage, kids, expenses, etc) the only way to do it is to give 2 weeks notice, not specifying any reasons for leaving. It is not your responsibility to save this boss or anyone else, or the company. Just cut and run. Giving 2 weeks notice is legally leaving on good terms. If you can, secure a new job beforehand. If you can afford to, look for the new job after you are no longer at this place, it is easier. You cannot stay any length of time at a place like this.
2007-03-04 02:15:25
answer #2
answered by danashelchan 5
This is your conscience speaking:-
"Just wait until it's an extremely busy day and then
walk out just when everyone needs you the most.."
That's what I did at my last job,70 guests in the
restaurant and I pack my knives up and walked
out the door and went out night clubbing..If you
don't like what doing leave...!!
2007-03-04 00:28:28
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
You go find another job, accept the new job, and then turn in your two week notice.
Or, give them one week notice, and take a week off between jobs if you can afford to. Sounds like you need a break.
2007-03-03 23:29:32
answer #4
answered by Kaia 7
How to quit.... Quit like everybody would like to quit when the job is nasty and the boss too....
Go to work, say something terrible to your boss and yell: I QUIT!!!!!!!!!!!!
then, without the alcer and with a better mood, go find yourself a new and better job. and yes, even a better paying one!!! Good Luck!
2007-03-04 00:40:37
answer #5
answered by freebird31wizard 6
aww ok well keep the job...FOR NOW. find a better job whilel you haave it just so you dont go bankrupt. than when you find the job and your ready to quit ASAP scream at your boss and yuor-co workers and tell him how you feel than just walk out its better than just stop showing o and do it after the paychecks come ;)
2007-03-03 23:24:57
answer #6
answered by Melly. 3
consistently conceal your butt if your next interest exams your previous interest history. appropriate coverage is supply 2 weeks be conscious in writing. in case you like a reason and have not have been given something marvelous to assert then bypass with "Left interest because of the fact of philisophical adjustments."
2016-09-30 04:36:01
answer #7
answered by philibert 4
How to quit a nightmare? Wake up.
Metaphorically speaking, that is. It's not hard to quit any job. If you have to, get fired.
2007-03-04 00:56:07
answer #8
answered by KidIdiot 2
If you are a christian witness to him tracts, etc .If you can't handle it any longer.........How did you find this job ??? Do the same thing and find another
2007-03-03 23:26:13
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Sell all of her secrets then quit.
2007-03-03 23:26:04
answer #10
answered by LuckyChucky 5