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Ok... Basically, we have quite a bit of scientific evidence that says the universe is 14 or so billion years old and that the earth is 4.6 billion years old. You know... Things like dinosaur fossils that are over 65 million years old. How can the world be only a couple of thousand years old in that case?!

And if you are a creationist, do you believe and follow everything else the bible says... Have you READ the book of leviticus lately?!

I mean, do you sacrifice pidgeons, doves and lambs when you sin?! or offer up your grain? If you are a woman, do you stay away from men folk for seven days before and after menstruating (apparently while menstruating you are "unclean" according to the bible)???
Do you eat pork and shell fish? Again, a BIG bible no no!!!

It just seems to me that if you believe in the book of genesis to the letter that it would be a bit hypocritical of you not to follow the rest of the bible so closely?!

2007-03-03 17:11:03 · 40 answers · asked by irishcharmer84 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality


All of you saying the old testament does not apply to christianity... The new testament was written AFTER jesus!!! Therefore the God and Father Jesus talked about was the OLD TESTAMENT god.

Duh. Of course it has relevance as a christian.

2007-03-03 17:18:38 · update #1

You people are only dealing with the sacrificing part! What about the part where you can't eat shell fish?! What about the cotton/polyester thing!?

And why do you refuse to deal with things like dinosaur bones, and i dunno, CONTINENTAL DRIFT? How about glaciation? How about the ice ages?

All of those took way more than 6000 years, which, if you follow the bible, is as long as the human race existed, whch, if you follow the book of genesis to the letter, is pretty much the age of the world!!!

2007-03-03 17:26:30 · update #2

Oh, and for any of you saying that i'm going to hell....

I believe in jesus and i am a catholic... ANd the catholic chursh teaches that, for example, evolution exists, everything started with the big bang, and that the book of genesis is merely a metaphor, an allegory.

If you don't believe me go to the vatican website and find out for yourself!

2007-03-03 17:33:07 · update #3

40 answers

Only if it suits the Christians and makes them feel superior, it seems. Cotton/polyester blends are forbidden in the Bible but religious folk seem conveniently to have forgotten that. Things like homosexuality, hardly mentioned in that work of fiction, are all-consuming however.

2007-03-03 17:17:13 · answer #1 · answered by Me, Thrice-Baked 5 · 0 2

Yes I believe every word of the Bible as long as it is not taken out of context and understood in its entirety. You are taking it out of context and not reading and understanding it all. You are reading out of the Old Testament. Jesus satisfied the Law God commanded in Leviticus. Jesus was the ultimate and final sacrifice.

As Christians we are to follow, practice and teach what Jesus taught. Although there is no human that ever does it perfectly.

As far as the earth being a few thousand or 64 billion years how do we know the scientists are accurate? I have no doubt the scientists with all their equipment and technology believes they are correct. But didn't all the scientists up until 1492 with all their vast knowledge and technology that existed at that time believe the world was flat? The technology used to say the earth was created by scientists that already believed the earth was 64 billion years old and then created the technology to prove it. Technology the average person would not understand so basically we are all taking them for their word. 500 years from now perhaps some new technology will exist to show how old the earth really is where there is no doubt.

As far as Biblical scholars saying the earth is a few thousand years old I do not necessarily believe them either. I have my own thoughts and opinions - which are just that - MY OWN thoughts and opinions but are based on some facts from the Bible.

1. God is timeless. God states several places he is the beginning and the end of time all at once.
2. God also created the world in "7 days"
3. Time was not measured by man the way it is now until after Jesus' death. Even the way man set up time is inaccurate (that is why we have leap year - to compensate for an error in time)

With those thoughts in mind it is entirely possible that what God called a "day" in Genesis could be equivalent to what we now call millions of years. I have no way to prove if this theory is accurate or not. It really does not matter. What matters is where I will spend eternity, which is why Jesus is my Lord and Savior.

I also agree with you that if you believe Genesis and not the rest of the Bible you are hypocritical. I also believe that if you judge the entire Bible by just one Book, in your case Leviticus, you are either hypocritical yourself or intentionally taking the Bible out of context to attack Christianity.

Read and understand the Bible in its entirety, especially the New Testament. Only then will you really understand.

If you believe in Jesus then you need to learn more about Him. He is pretty clear in what the new law is.

Although it is possible for a someone of the Catholic Religion to be a true Christian, the Catholic religion as a whole is not Christian and never will be. Compare the teachings ov the vatican with those in the Bible and you will see I am correct.

2007-03-03 18:07:44 · answer #2 · answered by reallyconfuzzled1 3 · 0 0

Yes, I believe every word because it's God's word.

Please tell me how scientists can determine that a rock is 4 billion or 4 million years old? How do I know for sure that their machines are correct in determining these ages. If a skeleton of a T-Rex is 14 million yrs old, I would think that after that 14 million yrs more soil would have buried the bones. I mean, 14 million yrs is a LONG time. Go to drdino.com it a site from a Christian scientist that discusses the 6 days of creation vs. billions of years. Very interesting!

We don't have to sacrifice animals any more because Jesus did away with that by sacrificing Himself. He was the ultimate sacrifice. It's in the gospels and Acts. I believe Jewish married couples do not have sex while she is unclean. The secular world took that away for most of us. Realistically that time of month is when a woman is most fertile. Even though she is bleeding (unclean) her next egg is being released and she can get pregnant during that week.

I just asked a friend of mine that is a biblical scholar about the eating pork and shell fish. I was told that in Acts 10 God tells Peter in a vision that these animals are now clean and we are allowed to consume them. It's also told in Galatians 3. Jews are still kosher because they don't have the NT.

So I do believe in the entire Bible and follow all the rules. Of course I am not perfect and I sin from time to time. I am only human. But I can receive reconciliation if it's God's will and I do as He says. Thanks for the questions!

2007-03-03 17:35:44 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

2 Timothy 3:16
"All scripture is inspired of God and beneficial."
One thing I should clear up, though, is that the Bible never mentions how old the earth is. It only mentions how old the human race is (roughly 6,000 years old). Before you go off and say something about human bones dated back before that, let me say this: there was a hoax which was unknown for 10 years of a piece of chimpanzee bone that was called a missing link. The chimpanzee bone was dated back 6 million years using carbon-14 dating. It was actually only about 50 years old.

One more thing, if you believe in the Bible, including the Christian scriptures, you would know that all of those sacrifices and forbidden foods were part of the Israelite's law. The Israelite were a nation that had made a holy covenant with God, and thus they were required to do those things. However, after Jesus came, the Bible mentions that he was the sacrifice to end all sacrifices. He came so that "people of all the nations might be saved". In other words, so that people from all the nations, and not just Israel, could be saved and have everlasting life. If you really have questions about the Bible, and you are not simply trying to prove it wrong, then you can go to Watchtower.org and request a home Bible study, free of charge, of course.

2007-03-03 17:19:09 · answer #4 · answered by Atomic Collision 2 · 1 1

Hi irishcharmer84. Actually the Bible tells us the earth is a little more than 13,000 years old. Defiantly not billions of years old.

We need to remember that that written history only goes back to about 5,200 years ago. There is no proof of anything older than that.

Some people try to rely on carbon 14 dating, the problem is, if you are using carbon 14 dating, you have to assume that the carbon reservoir remained constant all the way back through history. This cannot be proven. Their conclusion will be a guess at best.

Carbon 14 dating is very accurate up to about 13,000 years. After that it varies, and it varies wildly.

I was at a museum a while back and there was a display of dinosaur bones. The sign said the bones were between 60,000 and 100,000 years old. That's a margin of 40,000 years for mistake. That is not science my friend, that's guess work.

For those who say that days or nights were thousands of hours long, that would be impossible. In Genesis 1:11-13 God tells us He created plants and fruits on the third day:

"Then God said, “Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb that yields seed, and the fruit tree that yields fruit according to its kind, whose seed is in itself, on the earth”; and it was so...13 So the evening and the morning were the third day."

On the forth day He created day and night. In Genesis 1:14-19 God tells us:

"Then God said, “Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and year...16 Then God made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night. He made the stars also. 17 God set them in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth,18 and to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good. 19 So the evening and the morning were the fourth day."

Now, if the days were thousands of hours long all of the vegetation on the earth would have burned up because of all the sunlight. If the nights were thousands of hours long all of the vegetation on the earth would have died because vegetation needs light to grow, but too much sun or too much darkness will kill the vegetation. God created 4 seasons and He created 24 hour days, just like it is now.

It should come as no suprise that there are so many people who are skeptical about the Bible. God does not intend to save the whole world. When we read Matthew 13:14-15 we can see that God is preparing the unsaved for judgment:

"And in them the prophecy of Isaiah is fulfilled, which say ‘ Hearing you will hear and shall not understand, And seeing you will see and not perceive; 15 For the hearts of this people have grown dull. Their ears are hard of hearing, And their eyes they have closed, Lest they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears, Lest they should understand with their hearts and turn, So that I should heal them."

2007-03-03 17:40:02 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You know we can also turn this question on those that dont believe the bible. How do you know that science is correct? Because you read it in a text book or on wilkepedia on line? Were you there to see these great scientific facts as they happened or do you just believe because your book and teacher say you should? There was a show on the discovery channel a few months ago(ill try finding info on it) that had a scientist who entered a cave system in either California of Arizona and spoke about the scientific belief that it takes millions of yrs for stalgtites and stalagmites to form, then he and his team broke off the 2 biggest pieces of each and marked the spot and left and returned 10 yrs later and guess what, the exact spots they had broke off were already formed to half the size they were before. Obviously debunking the whole taking millions of yrs to form thing. Id add more but im tired of typing.

2007-03-03 17:34:49 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

No, I do not believe every single word of the Bible as it has been written. Even though I totally believe in the concepts it puts forth, man had a lot to do with what is in the text of today. I believe that God created the K.I.S.S. principle. (Keep It Short and Simple) and that in many cases, man filled in the blanks or gave his interpretation of what God inspired to him. I also have been inspired and can only hope that it comes from God. I do believe that it does. As far as Genesis is concerned, I think the concept from God is clear. 1:1-2 God Created the Heavens and the Earth. The earth was formless and empty. Darkness was over the surface of the deep and the spirit of God hovered over the waters.(Life Application edition)

Doesn't this sound remarkably like what science believes today? The earth was formless (gases) and empty (void of life) and darkness (no energy from the sun as of yet) was over the deep and the spirit of God hovered over the waters.(according to science the earth was covered with water as it cooled).

What is the likelihood that a man from more than 3000 years ago could have known enough of science to be able to write that? The rest of the creation account is also remarkabely similar to science. It is the time line that gets people into trouble or the semantics. God is timeless so why do we insist on putting a time frame on creation? Simple...it was for our understanding. Men knew what a day was but they would not have had the slightest concept of billions of years. I believe God created everything and don't worry about the how or when.

2007-03-03 17:29:04 · answer #7 · answered by Poohcat1 7 · 0 1

Yes, and I'll tell you why.

Scientific evidence, fossils etc. If God could create such complex and amazing creatures like us, and create cells to the very tip of every leaf and make all of us so incredibly different - why wouldn't he make under the ground just as interesting?

You have obviously been reading the old testament. The thing is, when Jesus came he was the ultimate sacrifice and therefore we no longer need to sacrifice for our sins or "impurities". Now we can have a personal relationship with God and he personally forgives us.

So yes, I believe every single word of the Bible. Just like some traditions and languages have changed through the ages, so has the way we connect with God. Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice so we owe it all to him. :-)

2007-03-03 17:22:17 · answer #8 · answered by bezzy_mack 2 · 2 0

To answer your questions about Leviticus, Christians no longer follow the Old Testament law because of some theology developed after the life of Christ.

The food laws were rejected because of a dream Peter had that said nothing God made was unclean. This was a double entendre not only telling Christians that they could eat all food but also to witness to non-Hebrews.

The rest of the laws are dealt with in Romans were Paul goes on a discussion about how those saved by Christ are no longer under the Old Testament law. Their is also another discussion within Romans about how the rules will be scaled down for non-Jews who convert to Christianity.

Essentially it boils down to the concept that because God was demanding that the Jews atone for their sin, when Jesus came and took the penalty of their sin, it was no longer neccesary to offer sacrifices, nor to follow the laws of cleanliness.

This is why people who literally believe every word of the Bible don't follow Old testament law.

2007-03-03 17:19:12 · answer #9 · answered by jordanmclonghorn 2 · 1 1

Then, you're actually not particularly an rather sturdy Catholic/christian, are you---because of the fact a real one might have faith each and every line as real... once you initiate picking and determining on as to what's an allegory, and what's actuality, you're making use of your reasoning, and that in simple terms ain't truthful!!!! you have now replace right into a cafeteria type christian/catholic. whether it particularly is truthful to try this, then it particularly is truthful to introduce logic, reason, and technological understanding, and interior the face of that, little of actuality is left interior the bible... upload background as to why this e book replace into even prepare, and how it replace into, and what has been further, subtracted and ignored fullyyt, and one is composed of the tip that the thoughts are born of lack of information of the sought after worldwide.... that the classic stone age ravenous shepherds who wrote it for sure had no information of what brought about eclipses, floods, famine,ailment, lightening, and to assign all of it to the gods (and in our case, one god) looked in basic terms logical. Now all of us understand what motives those issues, or maybe how issues evolve... and yet we nevertheless have cafeteria type Christians, meaning that many human beings discover convenience in believing the impossible... yet in simple terms because of the fact they proceed to have faith, does not make it real.... it would look that in case you have been a real Catholic,, it particularly is "word for word, the interest of god...... you are not getting to %. and decide. The strangest verbal replace I ever heard replace right into a verbal replace between 2 grown men arguing approximately some journey, and attempting like hell to make your suggestions up, "Now in this occasion, what might Adam do......" (not even understanding that that tale is a Babylonian delusion................. those rather have been 2 very uneducated men

2016-12-18 05:16:04 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Another way to look at the oddies of the Bible consider that time and society have change. Also technology play roles on how each decade we suppose to gain more control of our ways. It's not surprising to me. Recently I heard it is almost like death if you stare at a woman with that is cover. If you began to study the different cultures of today, you'll be morally shock of what people do or still do.

Honestly, there are parts of the Bible that I don't consider to pay any attention, like sex with animals, (and yet I have been getting rated XXX video of women having sex with animals) and other things.

God Bless

2007-03-03 17:28:52 · answer #11 · answered by tony 6 · 0 0

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