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Does anyone know what the first religion ever was?

2007-03-03 13:00:23 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

29 answers

No way to know for sure. Anthropologists and historians find evidence of ritual drawings and use of burial items to suggest religious beliefs in cave men, probably animism or ancestor worship.

2007-03-03 13:07:13 · answer #1 · answered by scrabblemaven 5 · 2 0

The first monotheistic religion, the one that gave us the garden of Eden story was Zoroastrianism. That is the root of Judaism, Islam, Christianity and the Bahia religions. It is not however the first religion.

We are dealing with an entire planet and many cultures some of which we have to realize have come and gone without our knowing them today, it is therefore rather arrogant and unfair to say isn't it.

A philosopher said in a talk recently that religion was marketing. I separate the messenger from the institution! There have been many messengers. I like these shaman answers. Don't forget the Goddess either. So many beliefs all striving for peace. To bad we always mess it up.

Europe's Goddess period was relatively peaceful and seemed to exhibit more caring and culturally rich societies. First Nations had their own thing going here before 'the white man' tried to destroy it to.

History is interesting.


2007-03-03 21:11:04 · answer #2 · answered by Jamie 4 · 2 0

It would have been the first person to see lightning start a fire, the first person to realize that being burned hurts, that fire can light and cook. It would have been the first people to decide that fire was important and it was a good idea to keep it happy. Other people would have done the same with the sun, the moon, the ocean, whatever force of nature affected them would be personified, feared, and worshiped, because they were not understood, and that which is not understood will always be called "God".

2007-03-03 21:07:09 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I'm not sure you will believe me, but the Speaker religion pre-dated any we know.
Give me a sec...

"...the Speakers possess an extraordinary vividness of feeling and thought projection.
They can impress others with greater import through their communications. They can move from inner to outer reality with easy ability. They know instinctively how to use symbolism...
They often appear to others in the dream condition, and they help dreamers in the manipulation of inner reality....the symbolism of the gods originated with the Speakers...
the Speakers pre-dated the emergence of any religion that we know. Their message was as pure and undistorted as possible. It was for this reason however, through the centuries, that many who heard it translated it into parables and tales.
There are methods then, secret methods behind all the religions that are meant to lead man into a realm of understanding that exists apart from the symbols and stories, into inner realizations that would take him both within and without the physical world that he knows."
This excerpt is from the book, Seth Speaks, by Jane Roberts.

2007-03-03 21:05:03 · answer #4 · answered by ? 6 · 1 0

--It was the religion of Adam & Eve, who worshipped Jehovah God, when they were first created--Approximately 6,000 years ago, as science shows the age of man is:

*** ce chap. 7 p. 97 par. 40 “Ape-Men”—What Were They? ***

"The Fate of the Earth we read: “Only six or seven thousand years ago . . . civilization emerged, enabling us to build up a human world.”55

Genesis 2:4 (Darby Translation)

4These are the histories of the heavens and the earth, when they were created, in the day that Jehovah Elohim made earth and heavens,
5and every shrub of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew; for Jehovah Elohim had not caused it to rain on the earth, and there was no man to till the ground.
6But a mist went up from the earth, and moistened the whole surface of the ground.
7And Jehovah Elohim formed Man, dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and Man became a living soul."

Genesis 3
1And the serpent was more crafty than any animal of the field which Jehovah Elohim had made. And it said to the woman, Is it even so, that God has said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden"

Genesis 4(Darby Transl.)
1"And Man knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bore Cain, and said, I have acquired a man with Jehovah
2And she further bore his brother Abel. And Abel was a shepherd, but Cain was a husbandman."

2007-03-03 21:16:45 · answer #5 · answered by THA 5 · 0 2

The first organized religion was probably the cave people who worshiped what ever they were afraid of or had respect for. Example of these early gods and goddesses are the sun, wind, rain, nature gods, volcano god.

2007-03-03 21:14:05 · answer #6 · answered by Mary W 5 · 1 0

There are 2 religions that arose at the same time in Genesis Chapter 4. The one is the religion of Cain, the other is the religion of Abel.
The religion of Cain was based on "works righteousness" and the work of his own hands, when he tried to offer to God a sacrifice from the produce of the earth which God had cursed. The religion of Abel was based on faith, according to the author of the Letter to the Hebrews (chapter 11:4), and consisted in a sacrifice involving the required shedding of blood. The result was Cain's sacrifice was rejected, but Abel's sacrifice was accepted. The further result was Cain grew jealous of his brother and murdered him. As it was then, so it is today. Those who seek to earn God's favor by doing things their own way are rejected, and they become jealous of those who approach God in the prescribed manner, the way of faith and the way of blood atonement, and they end up persecuting them, even to the point of murder. You see the same pattern in Christ and the Pharisees. He was accepted by God, they were rejected, so they killed Him.
That is why Paul said in Galatians 4:29:
"But as at that time he who was born of the flesh (Ishmael) persecuted him who was born according to the Spirit (Isaac), so it is now also."
There really are 2 religions in the world even today.
The religion of Cain, based on self-righteousness arising from trying, and failing to earn God's favor; which always produces murderers.
The other is the religion of Abel, which is base on faith, and blood atonement, relying on the mercy of God; which produces the true martyrs.

2007-03-03 21:20:38 · answer #7 · answered by wefmeister 7 · 1 0

Islam is the only religion which recognizes and believes that all the prophets brought the same essential message This message was, still and will be the belief in and submission to ONE God (the Creator and the Sustainer of all things, the Exalted and the Redeemer of all things. The word Islam itself means "submission and surrendering" to God

The original, unchanged revelations given to Abraham and other prophets(like Moses and Jesus ) reaching back to Adam all came from the One True God(The Creator). This common origin explains their similarities in many beliefs and values

However, over time the teachings of the various religions, due to a variety of reasons, have become distorted and mixed with made-man ideas.

The last Prophet and Messenger of God, Muhammad , who is a direct descendant of Abraham through his first born son, Ishmael, was sent with the Last Guidance, Revelation and Testament, the Holy Qur'an(koran) to amend and correct the changes and corruption made to the the "Torah" which was sent to Moses and theTrue Gospel of Jesus.To say the truth ,God preserved all the other Holy Books plainly by preserving His Last Book the Holy Qur'an(koran)which contains the right and the truth of all that was changed in those other Books.

This is why this last Revelation which was sent 1423 years ago has remained unchanged, not even a word or a letter has been altered.

There is not even one word of difference between two Arabic Qur'ans, anywhere in the world. There has been no disagreements in history among Muslims as to what should and should not be in the Qur'an. However, in the case of the Bible, even the most ancient manuscripts conflict with one another so that no two are identical. Footnotes in all modern versions of the Bible prove this fact.

These revisions serve as concrete proofs that all the Biblical books are not at all divinely inspired. This is because it is beyond man's ability to correct the work of his Creator, who alone is Almighty and perfect

It was only natural for Almighty God to preserve the scripture revealed to Prophet Muhammad, because he was the last Prophet and Final Messenger of God.

Islam teaches us that we must pray directly to God without an intermediary and no soul can bear the burden of another and that the nature of humanity is good, and we did not inherit sin from Adam. Each soul comes into being free of sin.in Islam there are no priests or clergy -- each worshipper, man or woman, has a direct relationship with their Merciful Creator -- Almighty God. Since God is the Owner and Sustainer of everything, as well as the only one who can provide true and complete forgiveness, it is completely futile to try to approach Him through anyone else.

The oneness and universality of God's message requires that people accept all the messengers of God. Rejecting one of them amounts to rejecting them all. The Jews reject Jesus's mission and Muhammad's mission; the Christians reject Muhammad's mission; whereas the Muslims accept them all, but reject incorrect historical interpretations and human elements in these missions.

As the Qur'an is the final revelation and Muhammad is the final prophet, humanity is obligated to accept it: "If anyone desires a religion other than Islam, never will it be accepted of him; and in the Hereafter he will be in the ranks of those who have lost all spiritual good" (3:86).

The Final Prophet Muhammad said: "Whoever believes there is no god but God, alone without partner, that Muhammad is His messenger, that Jesus is messenger of God, and that Paradise and Hell are true, shall be received by God into Heaven."

you can do that now as you are reading these lines is to pronounce the two confirmations and attestations of faith, here it is


The right picture of lslam is conveyed in the Qur'an, which is exemplified by Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. The reality is that it is not fair to judge a religion by the actions of its followers alone because there are good and bad followers in every religion. The correct thing to do is to judge a religion by its documented revelation from God and the prophet who brought that revelation.

I encourage Christians and other religions to learn about Islam from Muslim sources and The Basis Of The Muslim Belief and not rely on second hand information which in many cases is distorted or contains a deep seated anti Muslim agenda. This is indeed a more scholarly approach

For more info




2007-03-03 23:03:02 · answer #8 · answered by BeHappy 5 · 0 0

The first religion in the world was Adam and Eve enjoying God in simple loving intuition|

The second religion came into being after their fall.

It was the religion of the worship of *self* over facilitating the greater good, this is something that we have been struggling with ever since, as Jesus came to show us how to transcend the self and love others, but it is still a struggle as we have to choose Jesus' way or the "I did it my way."


2007-03-03 21:07:51 · answer #9 · answered by Catholic Philosopher 6 · 0 3

Greek Mythology

2007-03-03 21:03:19 · answer #10 · answered by Lee Edward 1 · 0 1

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