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Do you have an eternal soul? If not, what is your purpose on earth. If you do have one, what happens to it when you die?

I am a Christian, I know exactly what is going to happen to my soul, I am just curious about how other people think.

Please, no funny, sarcastic one liners. This question is for earnest answers.

2007-03-03 09:34:25 · 36 answers · asked by MaggieSA 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

36 answers

As to your question about the afterlife, there is no soul sleep of the righteous. Only the damned sleep in their graves. Those that have died in Christ now reside in heaven. The spiritual bodies of the righteous will result from the joining of their heavenly natures with their resurrected bodies at the second coming and final judgment. Those that are damned will awake from their sleep to be judged and join Satan in their separation from God in Hell.

2007-03-03 09:39:18 · answer #1 · answered by Ask Mr. Religion 6 · 1 4

The Bible tells us what happens to the soul and its the same for all humans, and all life forms. Eccl 3:19, Eccl 9:5,10, Ezk 18:4.
The only hope for man is that God promises him a Resurrection.
See Acts 24:15. We must remember that God does not Lie. See 2 Tim 3:16.
Gods purpose for the earth has never changed, God will have mankind fill the earth and subdue it.Gen. 1:28. Isa.45:18.
As a Christian then you must of used the model prayer in Mathew 6:9,10, so if you have then you must know that Daniel 2:44 and Rev. 21:3,4 is part of the solution to it?
Jesus also said at Mathew 5:5 who would be on earth?
The thing that's important to remember is that we have a choice?
We can worship God in a way that we think is right? or we can worship God in a way that he thinks is right? The difference is studying the scriptures and finding the way that pleases Him?
See John 17:3 This is a requirement for all people. That is if they want to live on God's grand earth.


2007-03-03 11:07:59 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

In the star trek universe, i remember one episode with Klingon's, they regard the body as a Husk to contain the soul. A dead body had no value once the soul had felt it.

In the real universe, we appear to have an obsession with dead bodies of family.

Eternal souls, are common in many beliefs. Upon death, the soul can do many things, some may remain with the body for a while, others seek rebirth. others will travel the ethereal dimensions, which could include interpretations of heaven or hell.
traveling to a heaven or hell, is not the end, you could move on from there, to another life or another level of existence.

Many people claim past life memories, some memories are of other planets, universes that may have not existed for a long time. Like the stars in the night sky. some died before life first walked on earth. Life goes on. Your soul could go anywhere, when your body eventually dies, hopefully a very long from now

Enjoy life, and enjoy everyones answers,

2007-03-03 09:56:28 · answer #3 · answered by steven m 7 · 0 0

I believe in life.
I believe this is the way life works.
Everything is going along, and one
day we wake up, and here we are.

I don't believe there is a beginning,
nor an end, and any "Big Bang" that
occurs is just a point in a cycle.
Whether the big bang causes a
universe, or just a person. Everything
in creation is caused by a genetic
explosion, and dies from a frequency

Right now, we're in a particle stage
of energy. When we are not particle,
we are quantum. But, we always exist.

We are,
because we were
and we will be.

Life is a mystery. We all get a guess,
and this is mine.

2007-03-03 10:05:54 · answer #4 · answered by kyle.keyes 6 · 0 0

For Buddhists... your 'mind' detaches from your body, goes through a natural processing of your life.. & then takes rebirth... and so the cycle goes on & on...
"Mind" though doesnt = 'soul' or 'self'... it is the accumilation of your acts & deeds (your karma)... and so is ever flexible for the good or bad... & is not that 'Mr Smith of 22 High Street' continues into a next life... but the motivations, the likes & dislikes, the personality make-up... has another go on the roundabout.
Also, of course, a rebirth doesn't necessicarily mean as a human being of planet earth! Depends on your karma... the motivation for your acts in this life...

2007-03-04 18:41:10 · answer #5 · answered by ingietsultrim 1 · 0 0

Hi MaggieSA. I like the way you posed this question. It is a true matter of fact, all of us mortal beings will live throughout eternity. There is a heaven and there is a hell, and for anyone who is seriously interested, it's not that difficult to learn the truth. This is not a matter of religion either. It is a relationship that we as believers have with our Creator. (The same one who Thomas Jefferson spoke about in the Declaration of Independence). The bottom line is, we all need a Savior, and His initials are J.C.

2007-03-04 01:50:25 · answer #6 · answered by NewLife 1 · 1 0

I am not a Christian,but what I know is that when I die, I will be soil and I will walk through the roots of a flower ;then a bee will land on that flower to suck up the nectar and perhaps it will carry me to another flower,so I will live forever.
I am really earnest.

2007-03-03 11:02:21 · answer #7 · answered by edd 3 · 0 0

Do you submit to in ideas earlier you've been born? you gained't submit to in ideas when you die both. this is sport over pal. look what number of people copied my answer! i'm a damn genius is what i'm! i does no longer say that if this wasn't a regularly occurring prevalence via the way. I might want to extremely commence charging people earlier I open my mouth, or 'loosen my fingers' ha! Dammit! I merely did it back, did not I!

2016-11-27 19:29:24 · answer #8 · answered by puente 4 · 0 0

I am a Christian Minister and I have been so for thirty years, and, if I had the option, I would give this question of yours a thumb's down.

If you know exactly what is going to happen to your soul, then why tempt others to provide the funny, sarcastic, one-liners that you claim not to want to recieve?

That's my earnest answer.

2007-03-03 09:40:44 · answer #9 · answered by Robert G 5 · 3 4

I see life as a reflection of eternal soul. Its hard to give a convincing explanation for the soul without giving many explanations but I will give one good parable from Vedas that were written some 7000 years ago. The explanation of soul and its eternal nature is ubiquitous in Vedas and there are countless parables and examples to explain it. This one is my favorite.



"A bird was hopping on an immense tree having innumerable branches and huge foliage. The branches were laden with fruits of different sizes and shapes. The lone bird chirped and jumped from one branch to another. The sweet taste of fruits made him happy, and his eyes sparkled with contentment and joy. His breast swelled up with the pride of having discovered and enjoyed the sweet fruits.

But soon, the bird tasted a bitter fruit and his joy turned sour; his ego deflated. Cursing the whole tree, he pondered, 'all this is useless; there is no happiness or joy in these fruits. I don't want any of them.' Ah! The glorious feeling of discrimination and renunciation occupied his heart. He looked hither and thither, and his eyes caught sight of a calm and serene looking bird sitting at the top of the tree. That Bird appeared to be in state of meditation, golden effulgence radiating from His countenance that illumined the whole tree including our little bird.

'O my, my! What a dignified composure and wonderful peace! I must go there,' resolved the little one. It flew up for a while, but soon the temptation of juicy fruits hanging from the innumerable branches overpowered his resolve. He thought, 'those fruits on the lower branches were bitter, but these fruits here appear different, sweeter. Let me enjoy a few of these.' Thus, our little friend stopped and pecked at one juicy fruit. And what a wonder! The fruit indeed turned out to be very sweet. Soon, forgetting the past experiences of repulsive bitter tastes, forgetting everything about that Golden Bird above, this little bird got busy in relishing the sweetness of fruits and cool comfort of green foliage.

However, the story was repeated; it had to. For, the fruits although appearing healthy, juicy, and fresh were but a mixture of sweet and bitter. The bitter taste once again caused dejection, and once again there arose an intense desire to reach the Bird at the top. Repeating such cycles of which no account can ever be kept, at last the lower bird reached the treetop. Approaching the Graceful Bird with a mixture of fear and awe, respect and humility, the lower bird realized to his surprise that he was but the reflection of that Golden Bird! He also acquired that golden hue, that state of peace and bliss, which he had never experienced in its life before. At last, as he reached nearer and nearer to that Bird our friend became one with It, losing his own identity forever.

And on the lower branch another bird appeared and began tasting the fruits of the tree."

If you understand the meaning of it, you definitely will understand the soul as well.
I apologize I had to bring in specific religion to explain the soul. Personally I really dislike Indians. Sometimes I find them so stupid I could not believe this men could possible had have such a wisdom. But I found the eternal wisdom only from Vedas and am sure I would prove this truth to myself no matter what some day. I feel life needs to be lived with more higher motives and with more peace when I understood the wisdom from Vedas.
Contrary to this, people many want to believe how evolutionists keep denying god though the the origin of life according to evolution is a mere theory and has many contradictions. What they don't realize is believing in such theories means total chaos. We have to live in constant fight with each other. Whites will say we are the best and vice versa with other races. Men would like to believe we are better than and vice versa. None of us can accept we are bad. If we believe that we are eternal souls and that the same soul that resides in you resides in me as well. Then where is there a need for any one to fight. Any science that is trying to deny our eternal self is more superstitious than any other silly religion. This way science is advocating more evil.
Sorry for the long answer. I could not help myself giving such a long explanation after seeing so many learned men and women trying to disprove our eternal nature by bringing in so many theories.

2007-03-03 19:43:53 · answer #10 · answered by Pratap 3 · 0 0

I am sorry, I cannot stomach someone who is so sure about where you go after death. For thousands of years this has been debated and never resolved and now you claim to know better than all the mighty academics and scholars. Well done, I hope you and your modesty go to that other place or do you not believe in the flip side of your so called Christianity. You just plain annoy me for thinking you know better - its a dreadful conceit.

2007-03-03 09:40:34 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

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