1. Normally you don't catch it, you develop it. 2. Yes, a cold, especially with coughing, bronchitis, can lead to pneumonia.
Pneumonia is an illness of the lungs and respiratory system in which the alveoli (microscopic air-filled sacs of the lung responsible for absorbing oxygen from the atmosphere) become inflamed and flooded with fluid. Pneumonia can result from a variety of causes, including infection with bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites. Pneumonia may also occur from chemical or physical injury to the lungs, or indirectly due to another medical illness, such as lung cancer or alcohol abuse.
Typical symptoms associated with pneumonia include cough, chest pain, fever, and difficulty in breathing. Diagnostic tools include x-rays and examination of the sputum. Treatment depends on the cause of pneumonia; bacterial pneumonia is treated with antibiotics.
Pneumonia is a common illness which occurs in all age groups, and is a leading cause of death among the elderly and people who are chronically ill. Vaccines to prevent certain types of pneumonia are available. The prognosis for an individual depends on the type of pneumonia, the appropriate treatment, any complications, and the person's underlying health.
2007-03-03 07:49:11
answer #1
answered by peachtool 3
A very small number of people with a cold may get a secondary bacterial pneumonia. Generally those at most risk are the very young, the very old, and those whose immune systems are already compromised by other diseases, such as diabetes or immune deficiency disorders. Also patients on some medications, steroids and chemotherapy. Occasionally it will also happen to a healthy individual.
2007-03-03 16:10:43
answer #2
answered by Dr Frank 7
Depends on your general state of health. Most people can fight off a cold, but occasionally if it will not go away and gets worse it could eventually lead to pneumonia, but it is rare. Drink plenty of fluids and take things like lemsip with honey to help clear your head and breath more easily. Especially good at night. Take Vitamin C.
2007-03-03 15:53:54
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Yes you can very much so - and its no joke.....
A (fitness fanatic) friend of ours has been off work since October with pnumonia- simply through not taking a cold seriously and thought he could "train through it" and continued to go full throttle at the gym with a "it can't happen to me" attitude - now he's poor as a chuch mouse and only bringing in SSP- and is on antibiotics til at least April and could be left with serious long term lung and health issues -
Yer mamma wasn't fooling when she said
"wrap up warm it's cold out there......."
2007-03-03 16:03:50
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
2007-03-03 15:48:33
answer #5
answered by freddie 1
yes i was hospitalised with pneumonia when i was 23 weeks pregnant , i had a normal cold which developed into a secondary infection in my chest ..pneumonia .. and i have to say if i have ever felt like i was going to die it was then , i now understand how this kills the elderly it is absolutely awful ..
2007-03-03 17:06:39
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
You silly children
Don't you remember bacteria is all about us everywhere, all the time.
Many people RIGHT now walk arround with pneumonia, hacking up their flem and coughing.
A cold will knock you imune system down even though it is a virus.
That is why your told to stay home
2007-03-03 15:54:10
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
We CAN'T catch pneumonia....It's an infection of one or both lungs. Infections develop......
You'll find this site a brilliant help plus see the lungs at work.....I'd check it out....it's very informative.
2007-03-04 08:16:09
answer #8
answered by Funky 6
In short yes if your immune system is weak.
So build your immune system by having HONEY daily.
2007-03-04 07:36:09
answer #9
answered by **tomtom 5