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Just recently i have been diagnosed with I.B.S after illiminating foods i have discoverd i am intolerant to certain foods, mainly, bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, nuts and dairy. Whilst shopping today i got a bit hungry, while my sisters tucked into sandwiches etc i realised that noone anywhere catters for anyone with certain intolerances. ok some miss out glten, some wheat, some dairy, but not all. Ok so my intolerances are not life threatening and i could eat it, but it would cause me alot of discomfort. But what happens to people who have allergies to these things etc.

Another thing is price, when shopping in tesco they do a good range of products i can use/eat instead of the things i cant, but they cost so much, im a full time single mum of one, its extorsionate. Why do people who cant eat certain things have to pay so much more, its not our faults we cant eat them, i certainly wouldnt chose to be this way!

Does anyone elce find this a big issue??

2007-03-03 06:51:21 · 10 answers · asked by emma b 4 in Health Diseases & Conditions Allergies

10 answers

Your body is extremely adaptive. For example, if the environment tells your body that it is getting too cold, it will grow hair.

All foods contain proteins and sugars as well as fat and your body creates enzymes to break down those compounds. When you stop consuming certain foods, your body no longer needs to make enzymes for those foods. After months and months of not having that enzyme, it makes eating those foods again difficult - intolerance.

If you want to eat a certain food again do this:
1 Make a list of the foods you want to eat again
2 Go the store and buy SMALL quantities of each food.
3 At a meal, eat NO MORE than a quarter of a serving (I recommend quite a bit less.)
4 Gradually increase the amounts of the food till you get more comfortable.

I was the same way with nuts, eggs, and strawberries, but this is how I over came it.

Your problem is with starches it seems, so eat them slowly.

In the future, NEVER go on a diet that removes foods from your menu (unless told by a doctor, NOT a "weight loss expert"). If it was a weight loss issue, remember: it is calories in and calories out, not the types of food. Don't eat 2nds and 3rds, and you shouldn't gain weight.

Note: do this at your own risk, I am not responsable for any health problems that occur. I do not know the full extent of your condition.

2007-03-03 07:08:36 · answer #1 · answered by Charlie 4 · 1 0

Absolutely, I think it's terrible. Food intolerances are so common and cause so much misery. I'm not intolerant to much (okay, soya and rice and kiwi fruit, and I'm vegan too...), but I find it hard to find decent food, decently priced, too. You must have a hell of a time.

If you can tolerate oat gluten, there is a cheap alternative to dairy called "Oat Supreme". It's hard to find, but I cornered it in Asda... It's actually gorgeous and doesn't taste too different to milk.

Also, I found that by buying raw ingredients and making the food at home from scratch is cheaper and easier to control what's in it.

Occasionally, you can find cheap special diet foods form diet shops, and...

If you haven't already, there's a blood test you can have for gluten intolerance. If you test positive, you can get bread and pasta on prescription anyway, so definitely worth it.

Good luck x

2007-03-06 18:33:43 · answer #2 · answered by Auroraini 2 · 0 0

I've always been wary of having a bad reaction especially when eating out. Always on the lookout for the nearest toilet half an hour after eating anything.
All my symptoms seemed to tie in with a lactose deficiency so I cut out milk in tea, coffee, and breakfast cereals, and started taking Lactase Enzyme capsules from my local health foods shop.
The effect has been quite dramatic and I would recommend anyone to give it a try.

2007-03-07 05:46:03 · answer #3 · answered by Pit Bull 5 · 0 0

unfortunatly the companies only cater towards whats in demand.
IBS is becoming more and more recognised, and with tolerances being the carbohydrate fods mainly, most large suprermarkets havent reached that side of creating a food range, compared to intolerances to gluten/dairy etc whereby msot foods used these items and people with these intolerances loose out in a lot of foods.

Eating out on the run is bad enough for anyone, espically when you have IBS, always snack every 3 hours and it should keep you ticking over.Keep either dried fruits, or a bag of fresh veg (diced carrotetc) or fruit (apple) in your handbag with you incase of surpassing teh 3 hour barrier and being out and about.

2007-03-03 14:58:42 · answer #4 · answered by Frenchie 3 · 0 0

Yes i do! I'm a vegetarian by choice but have an intollerance to most glutens, all of them except oats (don't get me started on that blind spot!). Because I don't carry the cells showing me a coeliac I don't qualify for getting my pasta, bread etc on prescription as coeliacs do. The prices are ridiculous and no there aren't many options out there for grabbing a bite unless you like dry crackers.

I tend to stick with fresh fruit and vegetables and only have pasta occasionally simply because its so expensive (compare tescos value pasta at about 30p to their gluten free stuff at almost £1.30).

Yes we're penalised for it and it sucks but no one seems overly bothered except us poor saps who have to either starve or pay over the odds for food.

2007-03-03 15:01:48 · answer #5 · answered by Andromeda Newton™ 7 · 0 0

i had the same problem as you for 8 years i thought i had i b s but never got it diagnosed by doctor eventually i was sent to see bowel consultant he put me on some drinks that i have to take twice a day and it looks like wallpaper paste he also told me to cut out dairy products and wheat products and see how i go but there is no differance i have now been transfered to another consultant who i go to see in may so i am hoping now i get taken seriously,

2007-03-07 09:11:14 · answer #6 · answered by margaret 2 · 0 0

Yeap I have Coeliac Disease (allergy to gluten) and I get bread, pasta and biscuits on prescription, because its a life long problem I get it for free.

Have a word with your GP, If it causes you serious problems he may prescribe you with some gluten free stuff, you'll get a months worth of stuff at a time.

Get yourself a copy of this as it will be a great help too you


2007-03-05 11:45:44 · answer #7 · answered by I got wood 4 · 0 0

Yes I agree , I have a sugar intolerance ......there is flippin sugar in everything !!!!
I have to read lables on everything.
I end up paying so much more for things that dont have sugar.

I moaned like hell , every supermarket i go in , everytime i go in i fill out a customer comment form

good luck hun

2007-03-03 15:01:48 · answer #8 · answered by Byte 4 · 0 0

You may be lactose intolrent and need to be off of breads and pasta. Gluten free food is the best choise

2007-03-03 15:03:07 · answer #9 · answered by mary k 2 · 0 0

i wasn't going to read this question until i noticed your symtoms my uncle is the same as you in a way. he can eat any of those because of a problem he has and it is expensive but wouldn't you rather live than die? it's a hassle getting used to it but in the end up you won't even realise it. good luck;)

2007-03-03 15:00:36 · answer #10 · answered by chris c 3 · 0 0

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