What you are describing is a succubus, a demon spirit appearing in the form of a woman. Because the manifestations are so strong, my guess is you've opened a door somehow through occultic involvement. This could come from a wide range of sources, but basically any time you submit yourself to involvement with any supernatural power other than God, you open yourself up to the operation of unclean spirits.
You are best getting help from a qualified minister. If you know of a Church that believes in the power of God, especially in divine healing or praying in tongues, like an Assembly of God or Church of God, seek out help from one of the ministers.
If you do not know where to go, the first thing you need to do is to call upon the Lord Jesus Christ to save you. Repent, turn away from any known involvement in the occult, regardless of how innocent it might seem - such as ouija board, fortune tellers or even reading your horoscope. Repent of any other known sin in your life - sexual sin, lying, hatred for others - forgiveness towards others is absolutely essential for deliverance. You don't have to feel like it - just do it - it's a decision you make. Ask Jesus Christ to come into your heart and become your Lord and Savior. You must believe He is the Son of God, come from heaven, to die on a cross for your sins, and who was raised from the dead and is seated at the right hand of God the Father. The Bible says: "that if you confess with your mouth "Jesus is Lord", and believe in your heart God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth one confesses, resulting in salvation...for WHOEVER calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved," (Romans 10:9,10,13)
Whether you feel a change or not, just take God at His Word. He cannot lie. He promises help to those who come to Him in faith. He will cause you to be born again and make you a member of His family. From the point you call upon Him to save you, you can trust Him to begin the process of delivering you from the power of Satan. It says of believers: "For He delivered us from the Domain of Darkness, and transferred us into the kingdom of His Beloved Son" (Colossians 1:13)
Once we are born again, the Spirit of Christ comes into us, and the words of John apply to us which says:
"Greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world (Satan) " (I John 4:4)
James says: "But He gives a greater grace. Therefore it says 'God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble,' Submit yourself therefore to God. RESIST the devil, and he will flee from you." (James 4:6,7)
Only remember that it is the name of Jesus that demons respect and tremble at - Once you have submitted to Jesus as Lord, you have the right to use His Name against Satan and all his demons - Say: "I rebuke you devil in the name of Jesus, because it is written 'resist the devil and he will flee from you.', therefore you must flee IN the NAME of JESUS !" Speak with authority, like you would to a mean little dog who tries to terrorize you. Jesus will back you up.
One of the strongest weapons against demonic powers is to plead the blood of Jesus as your defense, and the reason no demon has any right to you any more. The Bible says: "knowing you were not redeemed with perishable things like silver or gold from your futile way of life inherited from your forefathers, but with precious blood, as of a lamb unblemished and spotless, the blood of Christ." (I Peter 1:18,19)
Jesus said: "Behold, I have given you authority to tread upon serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall injure you. Nevertheless do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are recorded in heaven." (Luke 10:19,20)
For free teaching go to: http://www.derekprince.org/site/PageServer
Peace to you ! Email me if you wish.
2007-03-03 06:15:57
answer #1
answered by wefmeister 7
Could just be bad dreams, but it sounds like something is really messing with you. The reason I say that is because they are consistently about the same thing. If it were one dream, I would say it is just a normal weird dream. Also the stuff you describe is consistent with someone who is being harrassed by an evil angel. I'd talk with a pastor. You might want people doing some serious prayer for you. Just remember Jesus gave us power to trample on scorpions and vipers(evil angels). They fear that authority. Claim that power and have faith that Jesus will come through for you.
Don't listen to midnight corbid. I'm sure she never considered that Satan could have been trying to scare her away from Christianity, and that once she left, those things stopped so she would come to the conclusion that Christianity was the problem, instead of actually the solution.
2007-03-03 13:37:44
answer #2
answered by The GMC 6
I have experienced similar things and I have read up on it and have attributed it to sleep paralysis. Although your visions are much different, I have seen demons, deformed humans, been touched, slapped, and smothered. I believe they have to do with your current state of mind. Are you religious? If so perhaps this is why you are seeing demons. In other words, these visions might take the form of things that you fear or believe fervently. I don't know what the exact cause might be but they stopped the minute I stopped believing that demons, ghosts and things that go bump in the night were out to get me. These experiences might very well be brought on by your own imagination. The mind is a powerful thing and I do believe it is possible. If it continues you should see a Dr.
2007-03-03 13:51:20
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
NEVER hear someone talk about demon possession again because it sends a subliminial message to these spirits to mess with you if you are a vulnerable person..........remember OUT OF MIND OUT OF SIGHT.
Those things use to happen to me too. Seriously........after I left Christianity those things went away. I'm serious. Too much preaching about demons and bad spirits all the time. It was like after church I was taking them home with me or something and ALL THE TIME! This went on for many years as I lost sleep from this. Sometimes I was afraid to go to sleep. My bed would shake and other crazy things would happen. A thump from my pillow to wake me up.
I'm glad all of that is behind me but it was ONLY because I left the Church and that religion. Now I have peace of mind and everything. If you are so bold and care more for your sanity, leave the church.
2007-03-03 13:36:04
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Just some bad dreams. Do you eat right before going to bed? That usually causes an upset feeling in your stomach sometime during the night which can result in these kinds of dreams.
2007-03-03 13:35:18
answer #5
answered by Maverick 6
It looks like you are under satanic attack and from the description I would say it is more than just normal "bad dreams" - I would suggest "cleansing" your whole house. Make sure that there is nothing that satan can "attach" to - such as bad movies, bad books, whatever. Then have a prayer session where you take communion in your home and then get the anointing oil out and anoint your whole house (praying over it the whole time) covering it in the blood of Jesus. And especially anoint yourself and your bedroom covering it in prayer. Then create a godly atmosphere of praise and worship (worship music, Bible tapes...). Then each night before going to bed, take authority over any and all spirits that are not of God binding them in the name of Jesus and command them to leave. Also be careful with your thought life - the Word says I will keep him in perfect peace whose MIND is stayed on Me. God Bless.
2007-03-03 13:41:46
answer #6
answered by wd 5
Satan is the Mastery of Trickery and he can try to make you think that he can harm you, which he cannot. You are doing the right thing by calling out to Christ, don't stop no matter how scared you feel, he is always on time. Maybe these demonic spirits are targeting you b/c they see that you have great FAITH in CHRIST and is testing you, if anything you should be flattered!!
2007-03-03 13:44:19
answer #7
answered by Breann 5
That's definately a demonic attack. If you are in any kind of sin such as pornography or something i would quite doing it. The enemy is trying to scare you, but if you are a christian there is no reason to be afraid. You have the God of the universe in you! Wash your self with the blood of Jesus and give every sin issue in your life up to God. These attacks will stop they have no right to exist you are a son of the living God.
2007-03-03 13:40:39
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
i know we read in the bible about demon posession,remember when Jesus walked up to the man and he asked what do i have to do with the //knowing it was Jesus w/o having to ask Jesus ask his name and he said i am legion for we are many///Jesus sent the devils into the swine and they ran into the water and drowned,you have Jesus that is above all demons when you ask remember you can do all things through Christ who strenghthens you regardless nightmare or demons,cast them down out of your mind and remember you are a child of the King they cannot hurt you
2007-03-03 13:45:28
answer #9
answered by loveChrist 6
It doesn't sound good to me. I've heard this happening before to people who were involved in the occult and witchcraft. If so, you must renounce and repent of all association with those things and remove everything from your home associated with that former lifestyle.
You must be born again and have prayer for deliverance from demonic spirits.
2007-03-03 13:39:03
answer #10
answered by Eartha Q 6
that is sleep paralysis sweetheart
and it is very common
it can bring with it some waking nightmares ( called hypnagogic imagery )
what happens is that pre dream sleep our body secretes hormones that paralyse us temporarily so that we dont act out our dreams
some people may waken too soon , or it is secreted too early
leaving us with a paralysed body and visions like you have described
it affects about 40 % of the population at some point
and you can see your doctor if it is too much xx
incubus and succubus along with old hag , aliens and many other things are thought to be result of sleep paralysis
2007-03-03 13:35:20
answer #11
answered by Peace 7