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4 answers

The whole thing is to happen in an irreversible process,
The human species will modify the atmosphere preparing this for the next cycle. Many animal species but mainly the man will perish. A high CO2 content in the atmosphere favors the grow of plant life, then this is not at risk.
In conclusion, we don't have to worry about the global warming there is nothing we can do but send to the gallows to those responsible of hiding information until it's too late.

Let It Be

2007-03-03 05:35:19 · answer #1 · answered by QQ dri lu 4 · 0 0

Carbon dioxide levels are not higher. If they were it will have no effect because the earth has natural anti-CO2 devices called trees. Plus why did the world not end in the 1880's during the Industrial Revolution when 3x as much CO2 was being pumped into the atmosphere from all of the factories. Or during WWII when factory production was up 200%. Maybe it is because humans cannot adversely affect the global climate or atmosphere. why is the hole in the ozone over Antarctica? I am pretty sure there aren't very many factories down there.

ccguy- the ice caps are not melting. Antarctica is growing thicker which is why chunks break off. You may have never actually seen a glacier personally, but I have. Glaciers and other masses of ice calve, which means chunks break off their edges, when they are too big to support their own weight.

2007-03-03 13:25:20 · answer #2 · answered by irishrunner1 5 · 0 0

Elevated C02 levels have much less effect on global processes than the sun... The proof is that the ice caps on Mars are melting just like here on Earth (see link below) Melting ice caps are the major effect that Scientists are noting.

Before you go to the bank with this whole man made Global warming based on rising C02 levels, know that the jury is still out about climate change and man's role if there is one, but one thing we do know for certain is that there are political agendas to promote socialistic politics. Even if man was partially responsible, if humans changed entirely, there would only be a slight difference of a degree or two in temperature change. I think we should get off fossil fuels because it makes us dependent upon unstable nations for our energy supply, not because of global warming.

Top scientists have refuted man's affect on the climate such as Astrophysicist Nir Shariv who stated, "Solar activity can explain a large part of the 20th-century global warming. Particularly because of the evidence that has been accumulating over the past decade of the strong relationship that cosmic-rays have on our atmosphere."

"The sun's strong role indicates that greenhouse gases can't have much of an influence on the climate."

Even doubling the amount of CO2 by 2100, for example, "will not dramatically increase the global temperature."

Oregon state climatologist, George Taylor said that "the global warming seen in the past century is caused largely by natural events, including cyclical climate patterns and solar fluctuations linked with cosmic rays and changes in cloud cover." Mr Taylor was recently fired by the Oregon governor for his "scientific" views.

I don't think there is a debate about whether global warming is occurring, but the idea that it is man made is a myth. Remember, the UN that came out with a recent report about climate change is a political entity that has done many things to prove it is not a credible, un-biased source. A recent example is the oil for food scandal that diverted millions of dollars to UN members and others. Also, even if there was man made climate change, China (the world's second-largest greenhouse gas emitter) and India are not going to embrace fossil fuel consumption.

Additionally, many scientists disagree about climate change and 17,000 signed a petition against the Kyoto treaty. Unfortunately, the sales focussed media who know little about this, spin it to suit their own opinions. So, its highly debatable whether humans are influencing global warming. Another thing to consider is that every 11,500 years, the earth goes through a major extinction with a global warming and cooling phase (ice age.) Paleontologists are able to track this through soil samples. We may actually be headed into an ice age because we are coming to the tail end of the current cycle. The problem is that the media and politicians get focussed on a piece of the puzzle and try to simplify this issue. Don't be fooled. There is probably nothing humans can do. Even if we could, there is no way you can control China who is becoming a major world polluter. Humans will need to adapt to climate change. Where I live there are small changes in our weather pattern, but nothing major. A lot of the media is hype to sell newspapers. The only caution is that some past climate changes have been more radical, swinging wildly from hot to cold. Others have brought on instant and severe cold conditions. I know the area that I live used to be buried in hundreds on feet of ice, but temperatures are mild today... Humans will just need to wait and see what mother nature brings and adapt as necessary.



2007-03-03 13:17:50 · answer #3 · answered by ccguy 3 · 0 0

well, for one thing, plants do grow bigger

2007-03-03 13:18:03 · answer #4 · answered by jtf7793 3 · 0 0

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