Yes... the bible wasn't "passed down orally" We actually have access to the original manuscripts.
I eat pork because those passages are simply historical documentation... they aren't commands for us today.
The Bible is very complex and takes years to read and understand. You can't really just take it at face value - you have to actually understand it according to historical, textual, and cultural context
2007-03-03 02:08:33
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
True the BIBLE was passed down but not orally. It was written down . When a piece of writting is translated , if translated correctly, the original message will not be altered.
Kings did not translate .. Special scribes were selected to tranlate and the translation was then checked again for accuracy. If an error was found in the translation , that copy was destoyed..Thus to prevent a message being received that was not actually written.. I believe The BIBLE was translated from Aramaic to Greek then to English It might be 4 translations . Correct me if I am wrong.
Example : Jesus name : taken
Wikipedia Library > Reference > Wikipedia Iesous
Iesous (pronounced "ee-yay-soos") is the English way of writing the Greek name of Jesus. In the original texts, which were written in Greek, the word Jesus (pronounced "gee-zuhs") never actually appeared. Some groups also call Jesus Yeshua, Yahshua, or Yahoshua, which is the Aramaic origin of Joshua
That answers the 1st part...
There once was a student that had to purchase a history book for his History class .. Not believeing everything in the book was literal but still purchased the book because it was needed in the class..the student went along his/her merry way.
Due to the students lack of belief in what was written inorder for the student to pass the class, the student ultimately failed with a big F....Moral of the story.. Read the book and believe it and get an A read and doubt or believe its not literal get an F..
The BIBLE is the only known source where you can find anything from a-z...You name it , its,science,mental coping skills etc..
As for the no eating pork.. I do not eat pork . GOD would not have put it in the BIBLE if it was not meant for our knowledge today.. Just because we are in the 21st century , doesnot mean it does not apply..Also on a medical note, Pigs are known to eat anything in site . They also carry a worm that if not properly cooked , can make a person very ill..That also applies to today not just then.
I am not an extremist or as some would say bible thumper .. I just believe that the BIBLE is the written word of GOD and its for us now as it was then..
I really don't think there are verses that are out there in the BIBLE..The BIBLE is what it is...Take away from it and you get 1/2 of a message..
I hope I was able to help you with your question ... and sorry my answer was soooo long :)
2007-03-03 03:01:41
answer #2
answered by Joann 3
The Bible has been reinterpretted hundreds of times over. The one constant I think is the ten commandments, but these have also been subject to different interpretations. The old testament contradicts the new and there are contradictions within both the old and the new testaments. The reason being is that each book in the bible was written by a different man. As such they all had a different view of the same thing.
A person south of a mountain will see a different image of this mountain than a person standing north of the mountain. I feel the same can be said about the Bible or any other religion. You have to understand that Christianity, Islam and Judaism all beleive in the same god also. Perhaps they are all serving the same cause but in a different way.
2007-03-03 02:29:08
answer #3
answered by Kryten M 2
I basically agree with you; however, your argument would make more sense if you separated the Bible into the New and Old Testaments. Many issues of the old testament were changed in the New Testament by Christ. Eating restrictions were lifted as were many other things.
ALL churches are selective literalists!!!! You may be also, if you understand the basis of the Bible well enough to present an opposing argument which you wish to believe; or a difference of opinion which educated clerics subscribe to.
Obviously no one church is, or has been perfect, as they all keep evolving in this evolving world. Those that think they have ALL the answers and are the only road to salvation are kooks and should be avoided.
Some points do not change. The belief that Christ is your savior, sent to earth by God the Father, and died for your sins is what you need to believe to be saved. John 3:16 ought to be read, over and over.
2007-03-03 02:16:34
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I was a christian...
I think being spiritual is good, and I respect that, but taking the bible literally is to miss the point. The bible isn't supposed to be taken literally. The bible is not an infalliable word of God, but rather a set of stories from which you can take ideas on morality and spirituality from its metaphors.
It really saddens me to see people that just don't get the bible. I would say you're in the right track including faith in your life but also using your logic. It almost seems insulting to suggest that a supernatural, all knowing being beyond our comprehension would write something with so many contradictions and moral atrocities in it.
I'll take a quote from the bible here:
17It shall be a perpetual statute for your generations throughout all your dwellings, that ye eat neither fat nor blood
I'm not twisting or turning any words. That is a direct quote from the bible, and read literally means exactly what it says. Rather, I would say it is these lost christians that are doing the twisting and turning of words to skew the text into saying what they want it to say.
You see, its quite simple. Genesis, and many other parts of the bible, are NOT FACTUAL. They didn't happen. Stop trying to make the bible something it isn't, and instead, take it for what it is. They're stories, metaphors about life and value, and to take them literally is to not understand an ounce of what you're reading.
2007-03-03 02:58:00
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Yes, I do every word.
The bible was inspired by God.
Bible is 66 books written by 40 inspired differnet authors over thousands of years.
1000's of Men and women died for this book so we could have it.
There is 100s of prophesies throughout the Bible
in isaiah, daniel ,Revaltion and more.
The Bible is the most historical book from that time in print.
It also has 1000s of copies maybe even millions
.The Bible has never been edited expect by the Catholics and a few more religions but no kings edited the Bible.
God set down those rules so Israel would get diseased because if you cook wild bore and they ate something bad then disease would spread. I believe got put ever thing by design.
Here a "conqucidence".
Gen 5:
mahalalel-The blessed God
Jared-shall come down
Methuselah(oldest man bible)-his death shall bring
All together
Man(is) appointed mortal sorrow(but) the blessed God shall come down teaching his death shall bring despairing comfort.
Tell me that's an accident!!!
Somes up the Bible right there.
So there are codes in Gods word.
It was all placed by design.
So God word is the perfect gift.
John 1:1
In the begging was the word and the Word was with God and the WORD WAS GOD. So the bible is of God so believe every word in it and you will do well.
Do some more research....God wrote his word so we could learn about him and know all we can about him.
If you want more contact me by email.
New part....
Yes they did they took out the part that controdicted their beliefs shouch as Jesus family Jesus had atleast 2 brothers and they dont like that. I studied it...
2007-03-03 02:37:24
answer #6
answered by rockinweazel 4
You are incorrect in your assumptions. The Bible was not given orally but through inspiration by God. Each of the Bible authors either eyewitnessed what happend in the books, or they interviewed somebody who was an eyewitness.
The Bible does have many translations, but they are all based on original manuscripts that we have that were from the original languages they were written in. If what you say is true, then what wouldve happened over time is we wouldve recovered manuscripts one by one seeing that the earlier they go back, the more the variance. But fortunately that isnt the case. Out of 5000 manuscript copies of the NT(the most of any ancient document) there is only a 1% variance and most of those are just spelling differences.
Eating Pork was a Jewish law, not a universal law.
Then why did Jesus constantly refer to Scripture and even call it "the bread of God?" Jesus constantly referred back to the OT because it was the truth of God and he trusted God, why dont you?
We have to be careful not to conceptualize God into what we want him to be and pick and choose what we are going to follow in the Bible. That leads to some really poor doctrine and hypocrisy.
2007-03-03 02:31:32
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I am a Christian, I believe everything the Bible says, I eat pork, and I am perfectly consistent.
1. Your facts about the Bible are pretty confused - I suggest you do your homework before making claims like that
2. You may be a Christian, but with a bit of Bible study you would find consistent reasons why pork was forbidden in the Old Testament and yet why Christians can now eat it. It's all there.
2007-03-03 02:16:49
answer #8
answered by Mr Ed 7
For those who would say the Bible is not the Word of God, or that the Bible contains numerous errors I would say this: Paul could say in 2nd Timothy 3:16, "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God." That's the Greek word, "theopneustos" meaning "God-Breathed." Every single word was given from God to 40 different men, and 2nd Peter 1:21 adds: "for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God." Now that was the Old Testament. The New Testament wasn't in existence when Paul used these verses. He was telling the churches in his letters what had happened in the past, but in John 16:12-13, Jesus talked about the coming of the New Testament. He says, "I have many more things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. But when He, the Spirit of Truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come."
That's the New Testamant. And we can say with John 17:17, "Your Word is Truth." Today, we have 66 books written by 40 different individuals on 3 continents covering a period of 1,500 years and there's not one mistake, regardless of what some of the critics say. They haven't studied God's Word enough to know the truth. Among the writers we had kings, poets, philosophers, prophets, scholars and fisherman. And I want you to know we have all of the Word of God today. Someone says, "Yes, but we don't have the original manuscripts" Who said so?
We have copies totalling 24,800. Now, how do we know that they're right? Well, if you take 20 items and you compare them and 19 state one thing and one doesn't, then the one is in error. We've got 24,800 manuscripts that exist today to compare one against another and we have another 80,000 quotations from the church fathers, enough to put the entire Bible together with the exception of 11 verses. Take the 80,000 quotations from the church fathers and the 24,800 manuscripts for a total of 104,800 and you have all of God's Word dozens and hundreds of times. This is so because God's Word is literally flawless. After computers have compared millions, or even billions, of letters in analyzing the 104,800 manuscripts the texts are basically flawless. So, don't listen to the critics.
2007-03-03 02:33:44
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
The entire Bible is the inerrant, infallible, and inspired word of God. It sounds like you could benefit from a good Bible study group, and a course on Hermeneutics, (the historical and grammatical study of the Bible). Also, pray for help from the Holy Spirit. He will make the scriptures come alive for you.
Any question that sparks this many responses is a GREAT QUESTION! I pray that God will give you the wisdom that you seek, and the courage to keep asking. We should all be very clear on our theology.
2007-03-05 11:25:35
answer #10
answered by Sister Christian 3
Yes the bible is the inerrant word of God. Eating pork as well as a host of other things which for some reason are over looked by people. If you read leviticus chapter 11 you will get a complete list of things that should not be eaten. Among them is seafood of any kind (anything withour scales we are not to eat) why? because it is bad for our bodies. Sea creatures are bottom dwellers and eat waste, just like pigs. Their flesh is unhealthy for us. Also a host of flying creatures we are not to eat. They are basically scavengers and God says not to eat them. Anyway, it makes for some interesting reading and makes you think about why God made these kinds of rules. For our own good!
Also, God hand picked those whom he wanted to write the Bible, I for one would not second guess him and Im sure he did not pick people who would not have written down what he wanted. The true scriptures are inspired and written by God through the humans he knew would do just as he instructed.
2007-03-03 03:10:43
answer #11
answered by evertoldalie 3