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having drinks tonight with friends need some entertainment anyone have any good drinking games???????????????? especially with cards.........thanks cheers.

2007-03-02 19:01:38 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Food & Drink Beer, Wine & Spirits

5 answers

you can play questions. Everyone seats around and u can only ask questions but if the next person being asked the "Q" answers it they have to take a shot. I played that game and my sister got so wasted she feel out the chair and broke it it was halirious

2007-03-02 19:07:54 · answer #1 · answered by lolipop_01_420 2 · 0 0

hahahahaha lmao!! woo hoo .. yeah spoons is a good drink game
if 4 play only 3 spoons on table and 8 cards dealt out to each person. first person to get 4 of a kind grabs a spoon the others have to grab a spoon to.. and then the one who dosn't grab a spoon has to skull a shotty of wine or what ever you got on the side..

2007-03-03 03:07:29 · answer #2 · answered by ? 7 · 0 0

haha, we play a game called "turrets" or however the hell you spell it... anyway, you have the deck of cards and you go in a circle, and the dealer plays one card with each person...

You flip a card, and you have to yell the first word that comes to your mind but it cant be a number or proper noun. looser drinks, move to next person... after you finish the circle, pass the deck and go for another round...

Oh and you cant repeat words of course...

hope that helps

2007-03-03 03:35:42 · answer #3 · answered by Scott 1 · 0 0

depends on the friends?strip jack naked?spin the bottle?boats.
boats is where you sit around in a circle a metre apart and get 2 matches each you have a glass of water in front of you and the person next to you gets to flick the match if it lands in the glass you have to skull a largey(750ml bottle of beer)just remember they still have another match?you get 2 shots and continue on until you miss.so if you get a match in it goes on and on and on.until you miss.

2007-03-03 03:21:01 · answer #4 · answered by BUSHIDO 7 · 0 0

Play I Never, that's classic....People take turns saying things that they have never done...for ex..."I never bungee jumped" then all the people who have bungee jumped has to take a shot....Most of the time the I Never's turn sexual, but hey...

2007-03-03 13:20:19 · answer #5 · answered by Boom Boom! 6 · 0 0

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