Has she been spayed? If not, she needs to be. Loud annoying meows, yowls, and other seemingly strange vocalizations usually mean that Kitty is in estrous (heat). It might sound horrible to you, but it is music to a male cat's ears. LOL!!!! If this is the case, get her spayed---soon!!! this coupled with the fact that she is being very affectionate sounds like estrous.
If she has been spayed, then I would think she is trying to tell you somehting. Unfortunately, the answer isn't always clear. you'll have to play detective.
Although cats like a little excitement through their day, they like their daily routines/schedules to be constant. Are you scooping her little box once a day? Have there been any changes in your household, lately---such as new animals/people? Are you spending less time with her? Did you change her food? Are there other animals/people in the house that might be bothering her? Is she eating and using the litterbox normally?
Good luck...
2007-03-02 18:41:34
answer #1
answered by maggiebridget09 2
It is pretty normal. I have a little boy, Harry and he is a complete motormouth. I mean he jumps on the bed at night and meows until I wake up and pet him. He will follow me from one room to another meowing until I stop what I am donig and pet him. He even talks back. When he does something wrong I scold him and he meows back. I think of it like some children need lots of love and are always under their mothers feet and some cats are the same way. Is she the only cat in the house? Maybe she needs a friend? I got Harry a kitten last spring and it did help some. He had something to do when I was busy. Before I got the kitten he used to sit by the door and cry when I left the house, it was so sad. Maybe you can her him a cat? I also do things like leave things out for him to play with. Like he loves the ring around the top of a gallon of milk and balloons, so I let him play with those. Or I leave a little newspaper out for him to shred. Good luck.
2007-03-03 00:42:21
answer #2
answered by chanajane3 2
You know how some people are just talkative? Well, some animals are this way too! I have this one beautiful solid black male cat who "talks". When he was a kitten, he never, ever shut up, and it got to be very annoying. I think it's because of his friendly personality and then the fact he lived in a shelter for two months before I got him and he was lonely. However, as he grew older, he mellowed out a bit. He's about a year old now, and he's no longer annoyingly talkative. However, he still "greets" me whenever I come home, or when he enters the same room as me. He just has a friendly, talkative personality. Just give your cat love, talk back to her sometimes, and as she becomes more secure she won't meow AS much. But it's just part of some kitties' personalities!
2007-03-02 20:10:55
answer #3
answered by grayhare 6
If she is affectionate and doesn't want to be alone, then that's why! She's mewing to get your attention. She could also be a very talkative cat. Some will mew more than others.
2007-03-03 01:03:31
answer #4
answered by Sakaki 4
each kitty is different just like people are different. our cat that we had put to sleep 2-8-07 didn't say too much. our new kitten is very talkative you say his name and he mews, you ask him a question he'll mew sometimes he looks at you and mews. he is also on the other end of the spectrum of attention than our other cat. lacey would do her own thing and when she wanted to, she'd come to you. this kitten, has to be by you almost all the time.whether kitchen,bathroom,bedroom,living room, he wants to be by you. sounds like you have a very loving and vocal friend. aren't cats wonderful?
2007-03-02 19:20:44
answer #5
answered by ♥ cat furrever ♥ 6
Some cats can be very vocal - usually when they are experiencing some anxiety. Cats that are a mite more anxious and insecure than others tend to be the most vocal. Your kitty may benefit from some catnip or "feel-good" flower essences like Feliway.
2007-03-02 19:08:35
answer #6
answered by Phoebhart 6
It sounds as if your cat may have some siamese in it. Some cats talk a lot and others don't. It's normal.Perhaps your cat needs another cat around to play with.
2007-03-02 19:26:40
answer #7
answered by nemesis1im 3
I just read a in a magazine today that cats have different sounding meooows.. some because they are hungry, lonely or are looking for a friend such as another cat..or.. lol tweety bird..
2007-03-02 19:04:11
answer #8
answered by Angus. 4
Yes, it is very very normal. Maybe it's because your kitty thinks you don't pay much attention to her/him. Than, she/he would probably mew to get your attention. Try playing and grooming your kitty more often. I think you're very lucky to hear a kitty meow all the time^^ Don't you think their mews are like a sonatine??
2007-03-02 19:27:34
answer #9
answered by chipper_adi 3
if she has any siamese in her at all she will tend to be more talkative than other cats. our cat is 3/4 tabby and 1/4 siamese and she talks all the time.
2007-03-02 18:43:07
answer #10
answered by MommyCaleb 5