This is one of those things Christians cannot answer. When I was a Christian I did not even try, I admitted the dinosaur existed, but I also admitted I did not have an answer. The Behemoth is not the dinosaur. There were many types of dinosaurs and one creature does not even come close to explaining them all also the behemoth is believed to be the hippopotamus.
2007-03-02 16:21:38
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Dinosaurs were made when the animals were made. Modern man calls them "dinosaurs" but ancient people called them lizards, dragons, etc.
Dinosaurs were on the Ark with Noah, and they are even still alive today. And some keep them as pets.
Quick version of long story.....
Use to be ice shield around earth prior to flood. When you encase the earth in an ice shield this increases air pressure and oxygen content. We can see in a oxygen chamber today that when we put animal, plant, human in there, it will grow larger, live longer, be more healthy, etc.
This explains how Noah lived 900 yrs, explains how a small tree lizard can become a huge dinosaur as well. For reptiles never stop growing during their entire life. So instead of one living say 50 yrs today, back then it could live 500 or more yrs. Since its under pressure, greater oxygen content and a long get one big lizard...aka dinosaur.
For even science says that the modern day reptiles are ancestors of the dinosaur. They are.....they just don't grow as big anymore. But some do...go down to the Amazon and you will find 60 ft snakes, some that are over 2 ft in diameter, etc. And that is just say 40 yrs of living....imagine a snake that lived 500 yrs....could easily swallow a car.
Dragons and stuff in other ancient times is nothing more than dinosaurs. When they are small they are not a threat, but when a few grew big and lived long, then people had to go out and slay them.
Easy way to see this is to look at the skeleton of the running desert lizard and the (forget the name) small fast running dinosaur that they say was bout the height of a man. Their bones are almost identical.
But these facts are never released to the population for it goes againt the "theory of evolution". But then one must understand something when they say that and think that.....for define "theory" by webster. Its a guess, a speculation. Yet so many say its "fact" when in fact, its not, its 100% guess. Plus science books change yearly to be updated. Sure don't see the Bible being updated.
That ice shield around the earth is how it rained for so long with Noah (plus water came up from the ground).
2007-03-03 00:17:58
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
The dinosaurs lived on the earth along w/ the animals and people. There weren't that many people. It was just Adam and Eve and there children. The Earth is a large place.
Adam and Eve were the first PEOPLE
The animals were created before the people
2007-03-03 00:18:04
answer #3
answered by J DUB 2
Any Christians who does not believe that dinosaurs existed are deluding themselves. Their existence is consistent with the teachings of the Bible as it is consistent with the physical evidence of their existence.
The Bible teaches that the land animals were created at the same time that man was (on day six of creation). The Bible teaches that man lived at the same time as all created creatures, including dinosaurs. The book of Job refers to creatures living in the land, whose descriptions most Christians believe can only be applied to dinosaurs.
Furthermore, contrary to evolutionary teaching, there is evidence from oral traditions around the world, evidence from art from antiquity, evidence within geological formations, and evidence from historical written record that dinosaurs and man coexisted.
Even in 2005 there was further convincing evidence found that dinosaurs went extinct hundreds or thousands of years ago, far less than 65 million years ago that is taught by believers in evolution. Of course evolutionary dogma requires a spin on the evidence to ensure that the religion of evolution maintains its control over the masses.
2007-03-03 00:28:15
answer #4
answered by tj 3
If dinosaurs existed they were probably harmless to man at first. God brought all the animals to Adam to name them.
Remember the Garden of Eden was created perfect.
2007-03-03 00:13:50
answer #5
answered by zoril 7
Try Job 40. The Behemoth is a dinosaur
2007-03-03 00:07:36
answer #6
answered by tebone0315 7
There is no set chronology taught in the Bible about when civilization began. That is a huge misconception mostly among unbelievers. (and even some believers) There is no contradiction between the existence of dinos and ppl.
2007-03-03 00:14:00
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
they came before them. Adam wasn't the first man created EVER. there was an earth that then was mentioned in peter. it had old types of people who were ruled by someone, but were all destroyed for their sins. read jeremiah, genesis, and peter. or the book "another time" by finis dake which points out this using the bible.
2007-03-03 00:12:00
answer #8
answered by morobell 3
They are going to say that humans and dinosaurs lived together but how come there is no human bones that data back that far, and if they dint believe in dating they they dint believe in chemicals or fossils or DNA, and we know all these things are true.
2007-03-03 00:18:51
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
People who made bible didn't know about dinosaurs, so they didn't write about them. present day idiots read, and determine that must mean no dinosaurs existed.
Short story, bible is incorrect, use logic.
2007-03-03 00:07:07
answer #10
answered by Anonymous