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I believe my ex's sister, age 17, got the mumps because I looked at the pics online for mumps and her neck area was swollen like it. Now , he had drank from her when she had it and I had to drank from him. Is it possible that I can get the mumps too?I've been vaccinated when I was younger. What are the possibilities that it might not be the mumps? How can i get checked up to see if i have the mumps or not?

2007-03-02 15:14:18 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Diseases & Conditions Infectious Diseases

4 answers

Mumps is only a mild infection, and yes you can still get it despite being vaccinated, but the chances are much lower. In the UK mumps is a reportable illness, especially in a University. Last year we had an outbreak, and they gave out mumps boosters to prevent it from spreading.

Mumps is only dangerous for pregnant women. The foetus has no immune system, and is only protected by its mothers immune system. If a pregnant women contracts mumps in the first trimester the virus mercilessly attacks the baby, causing cell death which leads to deformities and/or miscarrage.

2007-03-02 21:51:26 · answer #1 · answered by Bacteria Boy 4 · 0 0

If you are not a woman but a boy or man, being vaccinated in your childhood is not healthy, as you could still get the disease at older age, after ten years, which is considered more dangerous , as you can get some complications leading you to sterile conditions, not being able to have children, and also other complications with the internal organs, which would not happen if you had the disease in your early age.

2007-03-03 01:27:40 · answer #2 · answered by Suzan K 5 · 0 0

the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) booster lasts for 10 yrs. it is possible to contract one of these diseases if the person's body has no antibodies even after the vaccination.
mumps in the US is very rare. did your friend travel to a 3rd world country recently or have contact with someone who did?

2007-03-02 23:18:51 · answer #3 · answered by KitKat 7 · 0 0

To put it simply, you probably won't get it.

But you slightly can.

Don't sweat it. If you do get the mumps, your previous vaccination has already given your immune system "homework"
to go from so chances are your illness won't be all that bad.

If your get ill, go see your doctor.

You'll be OK.

2007-03-03 03:34:43 · answer #4 · answered by welder guy 2 · 0 0

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