Atheists believe humans are highly intelligent animals except for Right Wing, Republican, Christians, which type does fall into a lower class of vertebrate creatures who go through life playing follow the Leader.
2007-03-02 14:29:45
answer #1
answered by Terry 7
That's a bit far-fetched. Life has no purpose but to live it. There is more to life than fun, procreation and death. Any woman who could bring herself to have an abortion would only plague the human race and society with the unwanted and uncared for offspring. A baby not taken care of in the womb or beyond is horrible and forcing women to have these babies does nothing for society or humanity. Being an animal is a compliment, when has an animal ever said something just to start a fight or gone to war killing thousands because someone else said their god was a false god?
2007-03-02 14:06:10
answer #2
answered by Huggles-the-wise 5
Your arguement doesn't make sense. The earth is already overpopulated. There is no danger of the species becoming extinct through the lack of numbers.
Did you decide that an Atheists purpose is to have fun,procreate, and die ? Who told you that ?
What is your purpose ? Religious nuts are going to die and rot away just like the rest of the living things of nature. In the mean time they can fool themselves and each other about the impossible. Anyway, may God bless you ah-soul.
2007-03-02 14:14:19
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
We ARE just animals. And who says that all our purpose is, is to have fun, procreate, and die? You perhaps? No Atheist say that. An Atheist says that its up to you to decide what you feel is your reason for living, not anyone else.
Atheists support abortion because its needed. There's already enough people on this planet and growing every single day. By 2015, there's supposed to be 7 billion people here. Thats TOO MANY for our planet to support.
Its the Christians that seem to think the more kids the better and won't take care of the planet because they think this planet was put here for their use.
The species is only in danger of killing itself off by blowing itself up in some insane religious war, ignoring problems like disease because "only gays get that", and continually having more and more babies with abandon while harping on everyone else that they shouldn't take birth control because its against god and that abortion is wrong in any circumstance.
Atheists are firmly grounded in reality. Religious (especially Christians) deny reality in favor of their favorite fantasy.
2007-03-02 14:09:38
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Like the species is in such danger of becoming extinct. Have you never been stuck in traffic, at a mall during the holidays, or see the crowds in some cities in the world??
I don't "support abortion," I am pro choice. There is a difference. I don't support it, I don't totally approve, I just don't think it's my place to control the lives of other people. Which some of you seem to think is your right, oddly enough.
2007-03-02 14:06:20
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
What do you mean, "support abortion in such high numbers"? Do you mean that a lot of atheists support abortion? Or that atheists support a high number of abortions?
I'm not a big fan of abortion. In fact, I'm really uncomfortable with the fact that it's legal in the third trimester (or at the "age of viability)... I'd restrict it to cases where the health of the fetus or mother is seriously in jeopard.
But I also support our right to control our bodies... yes, our animal bodies.
2007-03-02 14:05:38
answer #6
answered by ZER0 C00L ••AM••VT•• 7
I do not support abortion. However i am not against it happening either because many of the fetuses that are aborted have mothers that drink during the pregnancy or will be born into extreme poverty where the parents can not support the children. Also there is a huge population problem in the world, which is not helped by making more babies.
2007-03-02 14:05:03
answer #7
answered by Wardog 3
I wish we could reduce the rate of unwanted pregnancies dramatically, because I think every abortion is a tragedy.
Having children in greater numbers is not the best way to ensure the survival of the species. That path risks ruining the Earth's ability to support us.
2007-03-02 14:15:42
answer #8
answered by Jim L 5
Your question is from a true air head. How could you ask some such a dumb *** question. Not believing in la-la god has got nothing to do with having more kids and blah blah blah. You Christians are sicker than i thought.
By the way, of course we are animals. Or you thought there is a difference between animals and humans. There is no difference and do not even touch that subject because you lost before you even start.
2007-03-02 14:11:33
answer #9
answered by ? 3
I think we are born, live, and die. I don't necessarily believe our purpose is to procreate. If you want to, more power to you. If not, that's great too.
What I do this, is it isn't the governments business to make decisions like abortions for the people. I think it each person's decision. And, everyone else needs to mind their own business.
2007-03-02 14:35:03
answer #10
answered by ? 5