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The term "Wicca" encompasses a wide variety of practices and beliefs -- perhaps too wide for some folks' liking. Lately I've been in discussions with British Traditional Wiccans in particular about what, exactly, constitutes a Wiccan (or Neo-Wiccan as the case may be).

So... in your opinion, what minimum characteristics DOES it take to be called a Wiccan? Is it enough to adhere to the Wiccan Rede, acknowledge the sabbats, and honor the Goddess and the God? Or is there more to it? Or even less? And what do you think of the term Neo-Wiccan for those who are not of BTW lineage?

Thanks in advance to all who take the time to answer. :-)

2007-03-02 13:28:36 · 16 answers · asked by prairiecrow 7 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Thank you, Terry, but I have been Wiccan for 13 years. :-)

And ahab... Wicca doesn't have a set "holy writ" or the equivalent of the Bible, so I'm afraid your argument against it falls down on that count. The rest... well, you're entitled to your own opinion.

2007-03-02 13:44:05 · update #1

16 answers

I'm still of the opinion that "Wicca" as a term has evolved beyond "The Gardnerian Initiatory Tradition" and into a broader-use term more akin to the word "Christianity".

By saying "Wiccan" it identifies a general set of beliefs and tenets. By saying "Gardnerian Wiccan" or "Dianic Wiccan" or "Seax-Wiccan" it narrows down the identity to a specific set of beliefs and tenets held by that Tradition.

In the same way, saying "Christian" identifies a general set of beliefs and tenets. By saying "Episcopalian Christian" or "Southern Baptist Christian" or "Lutheran Christian" it narrows down the identity to a specific set of beliefs and tenets held by that Denomination.

I know that there are some BTWs who hold to the idea that "if it ain't Gardnerian, it ain't Wicca" and all the elitist exclusionary mentality that it entails. And I can understand why they want to hold onto the roots of their Tradition. But I wish that they would understand that the reach of Wicca has grown beyond strict BTW... and that's a GOOD thing.

No, I don't agree with the idea of "take whatever you want and call it Wicca" - there are some core beliefs (belief in the God/dess, the sacred as immanent in nature, Harm None, Sabbats and Esbats, for example) that are prerequisites of Wicca. These are the things that differentiate Wicca from other paths such as Asatru or Druidism. But I don't believe that the exclusionary "it takes a Wiccan to make a Wiccan" attitude of some BTWs is applicable or desirable. I should probably add, though, that that attitude is one of the reasons that I call myself "Pagan, with strong Wiccan influence" - precisely because I *don't* want the hassle that comes from some quarters about being a self-dedicated follower without a Traditional initiation.

Just about any religion out there has a broad-based term that the religion "started off" as, but as the religion grew and the number of adherents increased, specific differences emerged in paths, traditions, denominations, etc. that required a more specific label for that specific set of beliefs. But the broad-based term still applies to all of them.

Jews. Amish. Muslims. Hindus. Christians. Shintoists. They all have different sects, divisions, traditions, denominations, whatever you want to call them. But at their core, they hold similar-enough beliefs that they are all members of the same religious "family". Why should Wicca be any different?

(The interesting thing is, we're having this same discussion on one of the Wiccan forums I'm on - it must be a cross-forum carryover discussion if you're having it on one of yours, as well!! =) )

2007-03-02 13:46:35 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The term Wicca has come to mean a variety of practices and beliefs.

To me the first thing that it takes to be a Wiccan is Tradition. Why tradition? Because those who spent the time to come up with the practices that people have borrowed deserve the respect due for having done the hard part. So If a person is not willing to follow the tradition that brought about Wicca/Wica it's like someone claiming Bardship without spending the time learning to be a Bard.

There is somethng that you get from following tradition that you will not get without having been covened, the bond. Those who are or have been covened know exactly what I mean. All BTW covens are connected, you have kin. So to me if you aren't willing to take the steps to know the Tradition, you will never truly know what it is to be Wiccan.

Adhering to the Rede is Second, but it requires that you understand the whole Rede, not just the last Eight words of it., it's like saying you are Catholic and all you know how to say is "Amen".

Not just an acknowledgement of the Sabbats and Esbats, making them a part of your life, living them.

Revering the Lady and Honoring the Lord and knowing what that means as well, not just _____ is cool!

Then there is Lore, every Wiccan is supposed to be a priest and should be able to do any ritual when called upon to do so, from birth to death and beyond.

I personally don't like the term Neo-Wiccan, because either you is or you ain't. Wicca is a fairly new religion, too new to already have Neo-Wiccans.

To me anyone not willing to do the work should call themselves a Pagan, Witch, Shaman, Medicine man/woman or Energy worker, all of those are good and honorable names.

In my mind you have to study to be a Doctor, you have to study to be a Lawyer, you have to study to be an Dentist, you have to study to be a Bard and once you have studied you need to go before those who are what you wish to be and meet the qualifications, if Wicca is so important why would you want to take short cuts?

2007-03-03 00:42:31 · answer #2 · answered by Black Dragon 5 · 1 0

Well...I have never called myself a "Wiccan" because I'm not initiated into a BTW Tradition...I've variously called myself a "small-w wiccan" or a Witch. Generally I supply too much information, and say "I'm about equal parts hedge-Witch and coven initiated into a non-BTW Tradition". That particular Tradition (NROOGD) is *informed* by Wicca, and it is the public practice of many hard Gards, but it's NOT "Wicca".

I know that things have changed a lot - but "Wicca" really doesn't mean "anything I want to call it" any more than being Catholic means anything you want to call it. And it ought not to mean that, because then it HAS no meaning.

So, as far as the minimum, people who call themselves Wiccans:

* honor the Goddess and the God

* celebrate Full Moons and the eight Sabbats. They may or may not also celebrate dark moons or new moons

* follow the Rede

* have been initiated into *some* sort of lineage Tradition, even if it's not BTW. You can self-dedicate, but NOT self-initiate..you cannot pass along *to yourself* the lore and history, the rites and wisdom, or pass *to yourself* the power.

Let me repeat that. You cannot pass *to yourself* the power.

IMO, the set/sub-set thing is NOT "Wiccan" including Dianic and eclectic and so on....it's this:

There is a set of religions called "Paganism."

Within that set there is a sub-set called "Witchcraft"

Within that sub-set there is a further sub-set called "Wicca".

And I'd be interested in knowing what problem people have with the word "Witch". A Witch is a fine thing to be. It's not neccessary, or even desireable, for everyone who wants to practice a nature-oriented religion with a female as well as (or in place of) a male face of the Divine to be "Wiccan".

Yes, the horse is out of the barn insofar as only BTWs being called "Wiccans"", at least here in the U.S.A. But let's, please, not make the term "Wiccan" meaningless.

Of course, there is also the whole inner-court and outer-court thing, and for anyone who has read a book about "Wicca', it's strictly outer court stuff. You don't GET inner court stuff from a book, only from a coven into which you've been initiated.

Some of the folks I've met who say they are Wiccans are, essentialy, praciticng folk magic, and have no religious aspect to what they do. These people, in particular, really should not call themselves Wiccans.

Let me repeat; THERE IS NOTHING WRONG with being a Witch. I've been one for over 30 years.

So, what's a Witch? A Witch is a woman or man who practices a life-affirming, Earth- and nature-oriented religion, honoring Divinity in female as well as (or instead of) male aspects, and practicing Magic (which some Witches spell "magick," to distinguish it from stage illusions). There are many different traditions of Witches. Some traditions are practiced by women only, and recognize only the Divine Feminine, the Goddess. Others include men and recognize a male god in addition to the Goddess.

"Neo-Wiccan"? Bleeech. I suppose I could eventually get used to this, if i have to. But I don't like it.

WITCH. Reclaim that word, folks. It's a proud heritage.

Last, I just want to say this: People who do not even *understand* the Rede (who think it means "never do any harm") ought not call themselves Wiccans. The Rede is not that simple, and I get thoroughly disgusted watching people go through utterly dishonest mental gyrations and justifications in order to try to convince themselves and other that something "does no harm" when it does. I'm not going to go into a long diatribe here, but if you want to understand why the Rede does NOT mean "never do harm", you can read this:


As for myself, I will continue to self-identify as a Witch, because that's what I am. Unless at some point I decide to take on the work of becoming Wiccan; but, honestly, I feel no need to become a Wiccan - I love being a Witch and don't feel that I'm missing a doggone thing.

2007-03-02 23:31:16 · answer #3 · answered by Praise Singer 6 · 2 0

Before you begin your journey on this Wiccan path, write a short paragraph about Wicca/Witchcraft. What do you think Wicca and Witchcraft is all about? What kind of feelings do you get at the word "witch"? Write all of this one the first page of your Book of Shadows and date it. Your view about this will change as you study more.
next do a little reading. Books are better than the net.
focus on the "Higher Powers" or the Goddess and God, the Deities.
Wicca is a Religion! Not a Hobby, but a Religion, so Deities and higher powers are a big part of it. If you do not agree with this, then Wicca might not be for you. Wicca is not a way to escape from Religions with Gods, but has Gods of its own.
Wiccan Deities how ever, sees us as EQUAL. They are not looking down upon us. They are not here to punish us. Gods should not be feared, but celebrated!
Write all out in a Book of Shadows. When you are ready you will follow the path.
It may or may not be what you want but there is no sin in looking
After all we come from the same earth and the same moral fiber.
I always say does not matter what you call God as long as you Call

2007-03-02 21:39:04 · answer #4 · answered by Chris 4 · 0 0

I have to agree with the BTWs. A Wiccan is someone who has been initiated into a coven that can trace its lineage to the New Forest area. They have been introduced to the Wiccan god and goddess and know their secret names, and they also know the Wiccan Mysteries. These are still secret, and according to BTWs, who are priests and priestess of the Wiccan god and goddess, they are required to become a Wiccan priest or a priestess.

I can't remember all of the Wiccan traditions that qualify, but they include Gardnerian (of course), Alexandrian, and Georgian Wicca.

I think that those who call themselves Wiccan who do not qualify under the above-mentioned conditions aren't really Wiccan. Their faith and religion is still valid. They are nothing less. It's just that the term "Wiccan" is inaccurate. I use the term "neoWiccan" for these people, but I think we need to come up with a better one.

2007-03-02 22:26:06 · answer #5 · answered by lalasnake 3 · 1 0

This is just a tiny piece of a course that is in zip form and covers enough of Wicca that you should be able to decide if Wicca is your path. Contact me, and we'll figure a way to get it to you.
Excerpted for educational purposes.

A. As in everything else in the world, nothing is free.

1. There are four prices that a Wiccan must pay in return for the
wisdom and power that they can gain through the Craft.

a. Paying these prices awakens our true potentials and allows us
to be 'as gods', and thus help us to creat a better universe.

(1) Discipline and Responsibility

(a) To awaken the extra-ordinary mode of consciousness is a
natural step in any Wiccan development but it requires a
great deal of practice to develop and train it properly.

(b) Powers and abilities gained through this heightened
awareness must also be used responsibly, for otherwise they
will destroy their possessors.

(2) A Willingness to Play

(a) We unleash a great power when we are willing to let go of
our adult dignity and laugh for no particular reason, without
worrying about looking foolish.

(b) For example, we can make believe that a wand has magic
power, and it becomes a channel for energy.

(c) Humour and play awaken the sense of wonder that
characterizes Wiccans, and is the basic attitude that the
Craft takes into the World.

(3) The need to maintain a balance between the different states
of consciousness.

(a) The difference between magic and psychosis lies in
maintaining the ability to step back, by an act of will, into
the ordinary mode of perception.

(4) A willingness to face the most frightening of all beings,
one's own self.

(a) The depth of our inner selves are not all sunlit.

(b) To see clearly, we must be willing to dive into the dark,
inner abyss and acknowledge the creatures that we may find
there as being a part of what makes us what we are.

2007-03-02 21:40:56 · answer #6 · answered by Terry 7 · 0 0

As near as I can tell, anyone can call herself (or himself) a Wiccan; precisely because it is not a centrally controlled or doctrinaire faith.

That said, if there exists an actual organization called (for example) 'British Traditional Wiccans' that claims some specific definition of that term; it would be rude - though probably not illegal - to use that specific label without belonging to it or at least following the defined practice.

Heck, if Fred Phelps can get away with calling himself a Christian, you shouldn't have much to worry about.

2007-03-02 21:41:50 · answer #7 · answered by dukefenton 7 · 1 0

Well, if BTW was so special and lineage based, then how did we end up with thousands of books on Wicca circulating through every bookstore in the free world?

If the religion was Lineage based and they held to their rules, then nobody would have ever known about it unless they were part of it.

either for money or because of braggarts the secret got out. and now there are books that explian many aspects of the religion started by Gardner. i believe that Gardner himself is published is he not.

so if people of your religion publish books about it then others will begin to follow the teachings that you put into your books. so to answer what makes a Wiccan?

A Wiccan is made when somebody holds true to the Wiccan Reede. and preforms their rituals with success and makes a connection with the gods that they seek. this is something that training and lineage cannot give to you.

i am sure that the training given by the BTW covens is very helpful and creates a responsible witch. but training does not make a witch any more than talking to my cat makes me a Druid.

the idea of lineage of covens bothers me. seems like they worry more about who taught you than WHAT they taught you, or what you learned from them. Or even what you are doing now.

besides lineage, implies a history. and further implies a long history. many are still alie today that could have been taught by Gardner himself. it needs a few hundred more years before any Lineage would mean anything to me. right now it is very possible that many that claim lineage are taught by a guy that was taught by Gardner. get 30 or so names in that line with an un-changed philosophy and then you will have something.

Neo-Wicca. Wicca itself is relativly new. how can something already new, be Neo(new)?

the second that they published a book telling people that they could be solitary witches. BOOM solitary witchcraft was a belief system. when people apply the beliefs of Wicca to their solitary path, then you have a Solitary Wiccan.

i think that the folks that worry about lineage and tradition so much should open their minds a little more. and think about what really makes somebody a part of something. are you a part of it because somebody else says "you can join our club". or are you a part of it because you follow all of the rules and beliefs of that club.

I once saw a teenaged girl reading a book about Wicca and Druidcraft and the combination of the beliefs. when a person approached her and said that unless iniatated by a high priest that you were not Wicca. she said to him, "are you a high priest."
to which he replied "yes". and without missing a beat she said "well maybe one day when you understand some more about the world i will iniate you". he turned red with anger and
and she looked at him with a single tear in her eye, and replied in a soft voice "how dare you come over here and crush the butterfly that i have been learning from all morning, beneath your clumbsy foot. how dare you claim connection with the world when you can not hear the voices of the very trees mocking you. how dare you tell me what i am and what i can believe. how dare you walk through a field of fey and not stop to greet a single one of them."

lineage and training may make a Wiccan i really do not know.

but spirit, heart, compassion, and honesty will make a person worth learning from. and that is more importent than any name or title to be given.

2007-03-02 22:04:32 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

The defining characteristics are a belief in a Goddess and God, a belief in magic (I don't know if you HAVE to spell it with a k), and the followin of the Wiccan Rede. Everything else is petty and false (in the arguing over I mean). Sadly, it very much mimics the "I'm a better Christian than you" denominational fights.

2007-03-02 21:37:43 · answer #9 · answered by Huggles-the-wise 5 · 2 1

I prefer not to delve too deeply in labels but when asked what my religion is, I reply "my spiritual belief follows those who practice Wicca". If this needs explained, I tell them simply it is a religion which honors both male and female deities and is wrapped around nature and its seasons. If they want further explanation, I often simply say, "Do what thou wilst but harm none". I smile and nod when they probe more, and smile and nod if they don't. Wicca to me is a melding of my life with the history of the world to make the future better for all. As far as terms are concerned, I could go into a litany of gibberish to define what I believe but what does it make it then? Simply put, I embrace diversity.

2007-03-02 21:36:25 · answer #10 · answered by mrscmmckim 7 · 2 0

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