I am not an athiest by any means, but I think an athiest might have as much hard evidence of evolution as a religious person has of God. Both have reasons to believe their theories, but there is no actual proof.
Everybody gravitates toward the belief that comforts them most.
2007-03-02 12:31:23
answer #1
answered by amber ɹəqɯɐ 4
Why do you lump two unrelated concepts together? The scientific evidence for evolution is overwhelming, and until a better theory is proposed that takes into account all the available evidence, evolution is the only alternative. This however has absolutely nothing to do with belief or non-belief in God. A great many people are well educated in the sciences, which means they fully accept the fact of evolution, yet are also devout Christians. Besides, there is no such thing as "proof of non-existence" of anything! That is a logical impossibility.
2007-03-02 21:02:26
answer #2
answered by PaulCyp 7
Evolution is fact. There is 150-odd post-Darwin cross-discipline research that validates it, feel free to study. In fact, an elementary biology class will sort you out. I'm not going to explain the whole lot here. As you guys are fond of saying "read the bible" I'm going to say "read a textbook already"
There is no god is a different matter. We can bounce back and forth on this but it is pointless. So let's take a different tack and assign a probability to Christian god (because that is who you are talking about) and at the same time assign probabilities to all the other gods (i.e. Zoltar, Zeus, Ra, Odin, Ganesh, the lot)
All the gods will have a rather low probability because a lot of them are mutually exclusive. And they all somehow magically exist outside of space and time. In short, they're all fairy tales for children and it would be funny if there weren't so many people who died for these imaginary gods.
2007-03-02 20:56:16
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Forget the word "proof" please. Proof only exists in format mathematics.
Also, please don't conflate atheism and Evolution. There are Christians who accept Evolution, and there are atheists who do not accept Evolution.
One common complaint I hear from Christians is that they accept microevolution, but not macroevolution, saying that they acknowledge evidence for the former, but that there is no evidence for the later. There is in fact a LOT of evidence for macroevolution. Please go spend an hour reading the link below, there is no possibility that I or anyone else could do justice to it here.
Note that the author of the page has the integrity to link to a Creationist web site that claims to be a refutation. I provide that link, and the counter argument link as well.
2007-03-02 20:43:05
answer #4
answered by Jim L 5
Wanna know a cool fact? A mathemetician gave the odds that in the short time the earth has been around amino acids blending just right to form a single protein in the same odds as a tornado forming a fully functional airplane on accident. And hundreds of proteins are needed to make a single cell. In other words its nearly imposible it happened on its own. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!This is actualy for icarus who answered. What you are describing is Microevolution ie the virus adapting. There is no disputing that in a short amount of time things can change and adapt. What I am disputing is darwin's "Macro" evolution. ie everything evolved from promordial goo. The scientific community has agreed to throw out any experiament that cannot be duplicated. Longterm evolution that takes supposed billions of years cannot be duplicated in a lab. In fact it takes 26 different parts for an average animal's eye to work. If only one componet dosn't work then the animal cannot see. your very own fossil record has fish and animals that can see! They didn't evolve eyes according to the records they poof could see. THere are hundreds if not thousands of instances like this that points to intelligent design. Don't belive me!!!!!!!!1
2007-03-02 20:43:33
answer #5
answered by Crash 2
I justify my answer with the fact that nature is organized chaos. Trees branch in a random, yet organized pattern. Fluid flow is not as simple as one would think, given the fact that it would have been designed in one week.
Moreover, one need only turn to mathematics to prove that there is no order. Numbers like Euler's Number and Pi are not rational numbers, which means they continue on for infinite (atleast to our current knowledge).
A world design by a divine being needs not this complexity, there would be no need for system checks like conservation of energy or mass, when the god in question could hypothetically just add more as they desired.
2007-03-02 20:32:20
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Some type of evolution happened, whether you want to admit it or not. Just look at the people who reside at the equator and compare them to people who reside near the poles. One is tall, thin and dark skinned, the other is short, thick and light skinned. Both are adapted to their environment. If evolution does not happen on some level, and we all came from the same common ancestors, Adam and Eve, then shouldn't we all resemble them?
2007-03-02 20:42:44
answer #7
answered by Wisdom in Faith 4
Evolution is a scientific fact which can be tested in any Biology laboratory. But it does not disprove the existence of God and the Creation.
It is just the method God has chosen to create the Universe and all the living creatures.
The Creation is not a one-time-only, single event in time. It is an ongoing process. It is evolving since ever and probably for ever.
God is not subject to Time. Therefore for Him the Creation is just the same as a single, one-time event.
Every religion has its mythology, which is mainly symbolic. It is an error to take such stories literally in order to disprove the existence of God.
Take for instance the story of Adam and Eve. Should you take it literally, then their offspring should have committed incest, or mate with other primates in order to multiply.
2007-03-02 20:35:32
answer #8
answered by PragmaticAlien 5
I have proof.....for the atheist that is......
Call an airline, and see about getting a monkey in first class seating. Or 2nd? OR ANYWHERE aboard the flight>? Cargo perhaps.
When you go to the zoo, do u stare in awe at the chimps and think...this could be my cousin?
IN ALL SERIOUSNESS....EVOLUTION means to evolve. So if we evolved from the apes neanderthals....why do we have monkeys at all at present day?
How do you explain the finding of fossils atop mountains that are very contrary to the climate those creatures inhabited? Its the very proof of the Great Deluge, or better known as THE FLOOD spoken of in the Holy Bible, or what about chariots found by deep sea divers in the Red Sea?
Evil-ution is a fairy tale; to continue in a life of sin. Calling the GOD and CREATOR of the universe-does NOT make HIM any less REAL or omnipresent.
You keep on ( to the atheist) living YOUR way. Who can really blame you? For the Word of GOD tells us all PLAINLY that it is the HOLY SPIRIT who quickens your heart to hear and understand, and THUS ACCEPT the salvation, the GOOD NEWS, the GOSPEL OF THE LORD JC!~ I just pray that you turn HIM not away when you KNOW HE is tugging at those hardened heartstrings. CHOOSE CHRIST....and many of your answers will be resolved. THAT IS FACT.
2007-03-02 20:44:31
answer #9
answered by º§€V€Nº 6
There is no "proof" of evolution. There is evidence of it. Scientists are still working on it. They probably won't know if our lifetime exactly how it worked. But even now, there's a lot more evidence for evolution than there is pointing to "creationism."
2007-03-02 20:54:03
answer #10
answered by Jess H 7