Atheists will commonly refer to God as the "God of gaps" when it comes to science. It seems common that when we can't totally explain the big questions, the beginnings of life and the universe, then theists will jump in with God. If we adopted that point of view, then wouldn't it follow that anytime we can't explain something, we should jump to God? Take lightning or plate tectonics, there's a lot of stuff we do not know about them, so why shouldn't we attribute them to God? Why just stop at life and the universe? What I'm trying to get you to see is that "God did it" is not a valid answer because of the above points.
I can think of one objection...
Life and the universe are exclusively of God and the other things while coming from God, are not actively controlled by him.
The only thing I can say is that unless he specifically said that I do not actively control these things, then isn't it an assumption on your part that he doesn't?
11 answers
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Society & Culture
➔ Religion & Spirituality
Science does not end in a biblical world view. It is just not the point of it. For most Christians, the begining and the end is God. God is the creator, the sustainer, and the reason for the entire thing. But, that is not to say we are not to fully learn about and explore the world God gave us. A quote from the bible that one of my creation science books uses is Hosea 4:6, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee..."
God gave us glorious mysteries. He wants us to try to solve them. The thing is we can solve them without removing Him. Lightening happens, there is science behind it, plate tectonics is truth, we just disagree on the timing because secular science refutes a worldwide flood. Too biblical an explanation. God wants us to fully search for all answers because if we are looking for an answer and not just looking to prove ourselves right then we will find Him.
I think you just have God in too narrow a box. He has the ability to plan from the begining where a lightning bolt will strike and where the rain drops will fall and have science accomplish it thousands of years from now. Millions if we are here that long. It is not like He has to stand in the moment and direct them (though He could), He designed the world to function and follow His plan and He allowed for every contingency, from the begining.
All things are controlled by God, only man is given free will on earth. Elements are all controlled.
I hope I answered your question.
2007-03-02 11:03:36
answer #1
answered by micheletmoore 4
We as Christians do not claim to know all the answers about the why or how God created everything. The text is sketchy to say the least and was written a long time after the creation took place. However, I have another reason for not being overly impressed with science. They are very often wrong (and that I can prove). What people beleived five hundred years ago from a scientific perspective is laughable today. Is the earth still flat? Does the sun still go around the earth? Even things we thought science knew just a hundred years ago has gone the way of the bad idea. Every day, science learns something new and it usually means that they have just disproved something they believed in yesterday. Man will never be able to totally have everything figured out. I am not saying that science has not made great strides in some areas. They most certainly have and I appreciate what they have done. But, any thinking human being must realize that history has proven them to be wrong also and many scientists today are beginning to rethink everything. Some have even acknowledged that creation does not appear to have been accidental. They are not going so far as to give the credit for creation to God, but some do acknowledge that "intelligent design" is likely. In the future, they will prove or disprove that theory. In the meantime, I will stay with my God. I may not know everything about him, but I know he is here.
2007-03-02 10:48:31
answer #2
answered by Poohcat1 7
Since God is the Creater & Designer of the entire Universe that also includes science, physics etc...there is no separation or end.. It is all of His creation, as far as His active involvement & control***** everything you need for answers to these questions can be found in the Bible. Questions that cannot be easily answered are best set aside until the day He returns and we will have that opportunity to ask God about the deep mysteries of this life & the universe**<>< <><
2007-03-02 19:10:40
answer #3
answered by skittles 2
That's exactly how god is created. In nature based pantheons there are gods of lightening and of volcanoes and earthquakes. Christians (and other monotheistic religions) consolidated the various gods into one god but people still speak of natural events as "acts of god".
To believe that god actively intervenes in today's events, you must believe that he either actively controls all those events or that he actively chooses not to control certain events. The logical conundrums of this are what led the Deists to declare that god was the creator but that his intervention ceased after the creation - a divine watchmaker who created the watch and wound it up but then didn't have to do anything more.
2007-03-02 10:39:26
answer #4
answered by Dave P 7
You are sayng that god is a convenient vague cloud whom everyone decided to attribute every non answerable fact or event of creation and conundrum that man has ever conceptualized?
Very good.
Now that is merely parrotting everything passed down to us through the generations of stumped explainers, aka philosophers religious, village elders, scientists, chief, guru and whathaveyou.
If we didnt have god, we had to invent him.
You referred to God as a male. Why cant God be a woman? or a machine?
If I were a teacher of creative writing, Id ask my class to create GOD- geodesic orbiting depository of information, created by the previous race of advanced humans who inhabited the earth and who knew they would be wiped out by an incoming meteor that was of extinction category. This depository would randomly recreate the earth at certain points timed to predict development .
Isnt that a nice topic?
2007-03-02 10:50:00
answer #5
answered by QuiteNewHere 7
It has held back technology and repressed new advancements at almost each and every turn. Galileo replaced into forced to recant that the earth orbited the solar as a results of fact the church thought that the earth replaced into the midsection based on the Bible. Darwin's presentation of "Origins of the Species" replaced into meant with solid resistance based on the Bible, and Fitzroy, the captain of the Beagle which Darwin traveled on for 5 years, marched interior the process the presentation keeping a Bible aloft shouting "The e book, the e book!". Ironic that Fitzroy replaced into fanatical approximately looking evidence for literal creation and that he invited Darwin alongside as a gentleman's substantial different. fairly, the Bible contributes no longer something to technology, different than in archeology the place it interior of reason precise approximately places and civilizations interior the six hundred to seven-hundred BCE era.
2016-10-02 07:06:47
answer #6
answered by Erika 4
You are actively describing the Force. If there happened to be a mythical entity like the one we call God he is probably using some form of energy greater than him much like how we live in nature on mother earth.
2007-03-02 10:49:28
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I don't know why there has to be this science vs God thing. You can still believe in God did it all but want to know how it all works.
2007-03-02 10:42:12
answer #8
answered by TaDa 4
filling in the blanks with any rational answer u can dream up is not a valid explanation either ....
2007-03-02 10:39:44
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Why is "We do not know yet but we are working on it" so hard to say.
2007-03-02 10:43:38
answer #10
answered by U-98 6