That's pretty much one of the great questions.
I'm of a mindset that God probably doesn't exist. I won't say he doesn't, since God could be of the deist variety and just doesn't make himself known.
But, consider the number of miracles that's been happening today. I don't mean the birth-of-twins miracles. I mean column-of-fire and turning-water-into-wine miracles. They don't happen.
The fact that there are non-Christians means that God is not talking to people. The claim is that God will answer those who seek him, but plenty of people sought him and found nothing. Even if God does exist, he's pretty quiet about it. That is unusual for a deity that wants to be worshipped.
So, either God doesn't exist or he's not interesting in your worship. In either case, God has no bearing on your life. So, the best you can do is live as good a life as you can. Be nice to people, for that may be all you have. If God is real, he should realize that you're living life the best you can.
If he doesn't, then would you really want to serve him?
2007-03-02 10:31:14
answer #1
answered by Rev Kev 5
Well for me God exist, yet people say he doesn't yet they cannot prove that God doesn't exist. The problem is that many people think is that if God doesn't do what they want they said that he doesn't exist because they didn't get a yes to certain things. The thing is that people have also different views of God, yet the most trusting thing is to stick to the Bible not any new belief that comes out by someone saying that he met God and has given him a new Bible or book saying its holy.
2007-03-02 18:42:16
answer #2
answered by Pathfinder251 1
God does exist, I assure you of that. The problem is, you are listening to the Catholic Religion. I mean no offense; I was brought up Catholic, and never learned anything - well, at least nothing that was truth or Scriptural. And now, after 35 yrs. of study in the original manuscripts, I can tell you that whatever it is they teach from, it certainly isn't the manuscripts of the Scriptures. I think its mostly church rules/regulations and traditions. Gods Word (what it really says - not what you read in the "catholic bible" or catecism) will absolutely facinate you. Let me give you an example of one thing I bet they didn't tell you:
Did you know that Eve's sons Cain and Abel were twins? yep. Eve did not eat fruit, what she did was have sexual relations with satan himself; God was so angry because this was a blatent attempt of satan to pollute the purebloodline that down the generations, womb-to-womb, would come the Christ child. God told Eve he would multiply her conception - he did; multiplied by 2; One pregancy of two separate fathers (separate sacks); Abel was Adams son, but Cain was Satans son. Thats why there was so much bitterness between the two brothers. Where Genesis says Eve had Cain and then again bare Abel, that word "again" in the manuscripts is actually "continued in labor".
Eve had Cain and then continued in labor and had Abel. What does that mean when you have one child then continue in your labor and have another one? You had twins. Both Cain and Abel gave their offerings to God at the exact same time, because they both reached the age of accountability at the exact same time. Twins.
If you can hardly believe this, look in Genesis 5:1, and there you find the complete geneology of Adam. You won't find Cain listed there, because Cain simply was not Adams son.
When Cain was thrown out of the Garden, a mark was placed on him - the mark of his father. Ever hear of the "mark of the beast"?
Well, this is its beginning right here on Cain.
Why is this important? Well, because Cain had lots of decendants called Kenites, and they even made it thru the flood, and you will find them alive and well, and doing scribe-work for the Tribe of Judah in 1Chronicles2:55; and, they are alive on this earth today. Satans own seed. Betcha they never taught you that in Catholic School, huh? Do you see how deep this rabbit hole goes? The audacity of people to teach that Eve ate an apple. If you start someone off with lies, they aren't going to understand any of what they read in the Scriptures - it will just seem like a bunch of contradictions and confusion. Do me a favor.
Go to the first chapter of Revelation,and you will find that John was given a message for 7 churches that will be here in the end generation.
That would be now. Of these 7 churches, only two (2) were approved of by Christ, and the two of them both taught the exact same thing.
Know what it is? They teach who the Kenites are. Remember, those sons of Cain????
None of the other churches were approved by God - so if you are in a church that doesn't teach this, then you are in a church that is simply not approved of by God. Don't take my word for it - read it for yourself. You'll find the two approved churches at Rev. 2:9 and 3:9 - never mind the names, look at the content of what is being taught.
Obviously, you knowing what really happened in the Garden is important to God, but it seems its not very important to the Catholic Church.
God certainly does exist; and He's coming back this time not to be crucified, but as a King, and carrying a rod of iron. Thats for correction. Quess where He says He's gonna visit first?
The pulpits of those churches that he does not approve of, thats who. And, he says he's gonna take the center beam of the support of those churches and drop it right down on their heads.
Thats what God thinks of teaching nonsense and lies. Am I judging - no, I'm just telling you what the Scriptures say. You decide.
2007-03-02 19:26:54
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Say something Bad about God,....Curse God!
Then u will find out!
Try THAT for a scientific experiment!
2007-03-04 15:43:04
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
There is no real answer to this question. But with science and technology growing as fast as it is, it seems like there isn't. That's why the ideas of evolution and Darwinism are gaining more and more support. So that would make it Science: 2 Religion: 0
2007-03-02 18:33:29
answer #5
answered by gregtkt120012002 5
When you put away all your doubts and unbeliefs, and seek Him with all your mind, heart and soul. When you honestly, earnestly want to know Him, then He will come to you and prove to you of His existence, just as He as multitudes of believers before you. Many of whom had serious doubts like you. Remember the story about Thomas the apostle of Jesus, who once actually walked, talked with the Savior for some three and one half years. Remeber how he said to the other disciples, that he wouldn't believe that anyone had seen the resurrected Jesus, unless he actually seen the nail prints in His hands and feet??? Well, Thomas soon changed his mind didn't he? So will you when you draw nigh unto him
2007-03-02 18:37:07
answer #6
answered by Old Truth Traveler 3
No God doesn't exist. Man created the idea of God to sell religion to the masses.
2007-03-02 18:39:09
answer #7
answered by T-Rex 5
Yes , as a Muslim
this Universe cant be created without God .
2007-03-04 20:22:54
answer #8
answered by seven seas 3
Ask the Inca and Aztec people they existed for thousands of years and God never spoke to any of them or sent any messengers to educated. Just think all those hundreds of thousands of people condemned just because they lived on the wrong continent.
2007-03-02 18:33:32
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
God certainly exists. God just hasn't got anything to do with Abraham.
We don't know anything about God, if we're honest.
2007-03-02 18:32:38
answer #10
answered by nora22000 7