I get that a lot.. these people have no idea what my walk with "Jesus" was nor do they have any knowledge of how I came to my conclusion that I no longer believed, yet they feel they can twist their scripture to tell me that my 20 years as a die-hard believer wasn't real.
Not one person has a right to tell another what they are or they aren't.. they set themselves up as god as if they have a right to judge us.. this is yet another reason why so many people are leaving christianity in droves.
I know what I experienced, and at the time for me, it was truth.. when I came to the realization that Jesus probably never existed, and if he did, he was not at all "god", it was heartbreaking.. devastating.. and yet, I got through it and became the better for the experience.
As for it being hard to accept.. their belief is that you are either for god or against him per belief in Jesus. If you don't believe, then you're going to eternal torment. Some of them actually care.. most of them just like to use it as an excuse to beat up on you.
That bible is way too open to interpretation, which is why there are so many different denominations. Heck, they all stem from the Catholic church, and yet 3/4 of the protestants will tell you that Catholics aren't christian. They can't get any unity amongst themselves, and yet they feel the need to come on here and try to preach "peace through jesus" at us.
When they live it, they can teach it.
2007-03-02 10:38:02
answer #1
answered by Kallan 7
i'm getting that each and each one the time too, the completed "properly you not in any respect were truly Christian then!" argument even as people discover out I left Christianity at age 17. Nevermind the very undeniable truth that i turned right into a really religious Christian who even theory about growing a nun for a touch. i imagine that is a blend of self-righteousness and a cop-out so that they do no longer might want to admit to being jealous. they merely can't settle for the very undeniable truth that someone who leaves Christianity will be at liberty (which i'm, btw, a lot happier now than i become as a Christian).
2016-11-27 00:53:38
answer #2
answered by ? 4
Then assume (incorrectly) that if someone knows Jesus and knows "The Truth" that they'd never change their minds. That if someone has the "Holy Spirit" in them they could never reject Jesus. This is not biblical, the bible says the unforgivable sin, denying or casting out this "holy spirit" from your life. This is why in the bible Lucifer and the fallen angels are condemned to die and have no chance of forgiveness, they knew full well what they were doing...as did I when I rejected the holy spirit and denounced Christianity.
Now some Christians know better, then understand it is possible for someone to be an EX-Christian. Unfortunately many Christians see fit to judge others, they have no way of knowing what has gone on in someone's life or what is in their heart. By telling people "You were never a Christian" they are judging.
2007-03-02 11:05:58
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
All Christians are the same but not everyone who call themselves Christian is. Christians believe in Christ, that He is God and that the Bible is His word. That His promises will be kept. Too many churches have become social clubs where people go to show the world how excepting they are or how good they are. Jesus told us that when we except Him we become His child.. Once you are a child belonging to God born of His Spirit how could you be Unborn of Him... It makes no sense. All I can say is there are those that say the right things do the right things but haven't ever received Him.. That I can understand... Jim
2007-03-02 10:42:29
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I've met it time and time again (thank you Lara Croft) but I was a genuine Christian when I became one as an adult.
No pretending. No ignorance as to what I was doing.
At the time.
It is quite possible for genuine faith to be lost. I read my bible too much, basically, to eventually honestly believe Christian doctrines as matching what I was finding in the texts. And that while doing and believing everything I was supposed to. Including being honest. The paradox was painful for a long while.
2007-03-02 10:30:35
answer #5
answered by Pedestal 42 7
Totally disagree with yummy. Some people do choose to leave, and that in no way means that they were not 'true' Christians.
And yummy, your 'born again' phrase.
The term "born again" may not appear in the Bible. The Greek phrase often translated "born again" (gennatha anothen) occurs twice in the Bible—John 3:3 and 3:7—and there is a question of how it should be translated. The Greek word anothen sometimes can be translated "again," but in the New Testament, it most often means "from above." In the King James Version, the only two times it is translated "again" are in John 3:3 and 3:7; every other time it is given a different rendering.
To the asker, no one, even those who insost that they are 'saved' and can never lose their alvation - pure delusion. The Bible tells them so..
consider this warning Paul gave: "See then the kindness and the severity of God: severity toward those who have fallen, but God’s kindness to you, provided you continue in his kindness; otherwise you too will be cut off" (Rom. 11:22; see also Heb. 10:26–29, 2 Pet. 2:20–21).
Jesus declared: ‘Not everyone who says to me, "Lord, Lord" shall enter the kingdom of heaven’ (Matt. 7:21)."
"I am not aware of anything against myself, but I am not thereby justified [Gk., dedikaiomai]. It is the Lord who judges me" (1 Cor. 4:4).
"I pummel my body and subdue it, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified" (1 Cor. 9:27).
Jesus told us, there are those who "believe for a while and in time of temptation fall away" (Luke 8:13). It is in the light of these warnings and admonitions that we must understand Scripture’s positive statements concerning our ability to know and have confidence in our salvation. Assurance we may have; infallible certitude we may not.
For example, Philippians 2:12 says, "Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling." This is not the language of self-confident assurance. Our salvation is something that remains to be worked out.
2007-03-02 10:25:08
answer #6
answered by SpiritRoaming 7
I come from a family which were basically Christian, my Fathers family were traditionally Methodist and Presbyterian, whilst my mothers side were Jewish who converted to Christianity via the Church of England.
Yet both sides of my family did not get along due to their different social statues and outlook on life.
Both my Father and I rejected Christianity for atheism due to the fact that neither of us could except as the truth the virgin birth of Jesus nor the resurrection .
We respect the teachings of Jesus and believe in morality and ethics, but cannot believe in the superstitious element of Christian faith.
As one cannot (according to Christians) be a Christian with out this form of blind faith we both held our own innate spirituality which is based on logic.
Years later I came into contact with Buddhist teachings which for me at least gave me the answers to my own innate beliefs.
I believe a lot of ex-christians have become Buddhists as we are discouraged by Christian dogma to see Jesus as a teacher like the Buddha.
Most of my family would be traditionally God fearing yet my Grandfather who fought in world war two and witnessed Belsen whilst in the process of liberating the victims confirmed to him that religious figures (the then pope) had conspired with Hitler in their antisemtic hatred.
Since them days, on my fathers side we have become secular and socialist.
We believe in the principles of kindness, tolerance and the freedom spiritually to think for ourselves.
I think for a lot of so called Christians their religion has become their culture instead of being their spiritual foundation and guidiance.
My mothers family do not repect my Buddhist beliefs since they believe I have betrayed my culture which to me is ignorant and absurd.
2007-03-02 20:50:32
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
this Christian question says the word Christian too many times
2007-03-02 10:18:21
answer #8
answered by Four Eyes 2
I thought I was a "true christian" for 17 years. Of course for those 17 years, not a single one of my prayers was ever answered. (Except with no)
Then I realized I had been fooling myself out of fear all those years.
I guess I never was really a "true christian."
Oh well... I'm much happier now anyway...
2007-03-02 10:21:14
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
"Faith without works is dead" -bible
Losing your faith comes when you move your 'but'.
Here's an example:
"I know God can help me, BUT I'm going through a really hard time right now"
instead of
I know I'm going through a really hard time right now, BUT God can help me because Jesus has overcome the world!"
"The power of life and death is in the tongue" -bible
What we say affects what's in our hearts. It's not blind faith, it's faith with the expectance to have God remove the veil from your eyes and make you see again.
I must admit I do indeed assume sometimes... But I can say that 90% of the time, this is what happens ^ Plus, too many churches have becoming complacent, and quite frankly...spiritually dead. Dead Churches produce dead Christians. I almost lost my faith and one day visited a different church-- I then realized I could really have a relationship with God. I gave my heart to Christ and everything changed for the better.
My life lesson:
-Not all churches are the same!
-There is a BIG difference between a relationship with God and religion!
2007-03-02 10:19:34
answer #10
answered by Doug 5