You need to go to a jewish temple. they will guide you.
also search for 'converting to Judaism' in Yahoo or google then click on the results and read them.
glad you found faith, good luck pal
2007-03-02 08:02:27
answer #1
answered by Mikael 4
You must first study the different branches of Judaism to make an intelligent informed decision. In North America there are 3 main branches of Judaism, they are Orthodox, Reform, and Conservative. Orthodox Jews are the strictest. They separate men and women from the services, follow strict kosher dietary, or food, laws- no pork or crawling seafood, no mixing of milk and meat products, among other laws. Reform Judaism is the most liberal and seeks to adapt traditional ways to modern times. Reform Judaism holds the Torah (the old testament book of law) as authoritative, as do other branches of Judaism. Reform Judaism does not believe, by and large, of the coming of a personal leader, but rather in the period of time that God will rule. Conservative Judaism is somewhere between Reform and Orthodox. Like the Orthodox the Conservative Jews keep dietary laws and emphasize Hebrew, the Jewish language. Like the Reform they favor the families sitting together in services and seek to interpret ancient laws for modern life and education. The most difficult conversions are Orthodox; they will require you to ask three times before they will even consider it. If I were you, I would go to a Reform Temple and talk to a rabbi.
2007-03-02 08:10:29
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
As Rachel says, there are several branches of Judaism. You might feel the most comfortable in a Reform congregation to begin with. Don't worry about being Black -- Judaism is about welcoming and respecting all of God's children.
Converting will involve at least a year of study and participation in the holidays and traditions. You might want to start by attending a Purim party this weekend. It's a fun party of costumes and baudy fun.
You may decide that conversion is not for you, but I guarantee you will love what you learn about Judaism and that you'll want to continue on a lifelong path of learning.
2007-03-02 08:16:38
answer #3
answered by Hatikvah 7
You'd need to find a synagogue and talk to a rabbi who'll help you. I believe they couldn't care what colour you are. They accept all people who want to convert. Rabbis will turn you away three times and discourage you from converting. But keep your head up high and be persistent, being turned away is only a test to see whether you are sincere or not. Attend some services and festivals to get the feel of it. Good luck
p.s. there's even a jewish group in ethiopia called the falashas.
2007-03-04 17:16:51
answer #4
answered by paTROLLer 2
As far as the race issue look up " Operation Moses" It is about all of the Ethiopian jews who were starving in the 1980"s. The Israeli Air Force would fly in at night using C-130 aircraft and evacute entire villages to Israel. Once their they were provided housing, food and complete education by the community. About 90,000 Israeli Jews are black. By the way these Ethiopian jews are the descentants of the Queen of Sheeba (Ethiopia in Bibicle times) around the time of King David. Fantastic Story you must read
2007-03-02 17:29:34
answer #5
answered by DOE 2
I was going to write something long here but you really have recieved lots of good advice (fromn Rachel and L'Chaim).
The only thing I would like to add is that being Black and Jewish is not unheard of. Do you remember about 20 years ago when there was a famine in Ethiopia? Well, the Ethiopian Jews were blamed for the famine and persecution was starting to happen. Israel airlifted the Jewish community of Ethiopia to Israel, granted them citizenship and took care of them until they could take care of themselves. From what I saw in Israel when I visited (in 1998), it looked like Israel was about 10% Black.
Don't be disappointed if people do not welcome you immediately into the temple-- they might be distant. If that happens, they are only trying to determine your sincerity.
Good luck-- and whatever you decide, PLEASE keep us informed!
2007-03-05 04:05:45
answer #6
answered by eyedoc999 3
get in contact with a rabbi. unless he is reform, he will probably refuse to convert you three times, and perhaps even be somewhat rude to you. be persistent, this is a talmudic tactic to judge the sincerity of converts. after you've proved you won't be dissuaded, thats when the conversion process begins. as in study, study, study for a long time. i know a person going through an orthodox conversion in toronto, and she has to be fully observant for a year before they will convert her, and she has to take a 12-hour long written test to show that she has learned enough about judaism before she can convert as well. non-orthodox conversions will be somewhat easier, but keep in mind that there is a kind of hierarchy in jewish conversions. if you convert reform, conservatives and orthodox won't consider you a jew. if you convert conservative, reform will consider you a jew but orthodox will not. if you convert orthodox, everybody will consider you a jew. choose which branch you like best, but keep this in mind if other people's acceptance of your jewishness is important to you.
2007-03-02 08:18:42
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
i have not switched over yet, yet I plan to contained in the subsequent few years. i'm extremely excited, and that i visit't wait till i'm in a position too. I wish you the finest of success on your learning. Edit: in case you think that Jesus become the Messiah or had any impact in Judaism, you may't be a Jew. Jews that believe in Jesus at the prompt are not any more Jews, they're Christians.
2016-11-27 00:38:50
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I personally have meet and know several black converts, trust me it is not unheard of.
While I cannot guarantee that their are no racist Jews I can guarantee you are not alone and you will be supported by the Jewish community.
as for how to convert follow the other suggestions.
2007-03-04 17:12:19
answer #9
answered by Gamla Joe 7
Study about Islam first, it will complete your knowledge. May God guide you to the straight path, we still accept Jesus peace be upon him as a Prophet of God.
And we do not discriminate against anyone, there are many Black Muslims,
look 1400 years ago the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him in his final sermon said
"O People
Listen to me in earnest, worship God, say your five daily prayers (Salah), fast during the month of Ramadan, and give your wealth in Zakat.
Perform Hajj if you can afford to.
All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over a black, nor a black has any superiority over a white- except by piety and good action. Learn that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim and that the Muslims constitute one brotherhood. Nothing shall be legitimate to a Muslim, which belongs to a fellow Muslim unless it was given freely and willingly. Do not therefor, do injustice to yourselves.
Remember one day you will appear before God and answer for your deeds. So beware, do not stray from the path of righteousness after I am gone. People, no prophet or apostle will come after me and no new faith will be born. Reason well therefore, O people, and understand words which I convey to you. I leave behind me two things, the Quran and the Sunnah (Hadith), and if you follow these you will never go astray. All those who listen to me shall pass on my words to others and those to others again; and may the last ones understand my words better than those who listened to me directly. Be my witness, O God, that I have conveyed your message to your people."
This is only the last part of it, may God guide you to the straight path.
2007-03-02 08:05:02
answer #10
answered by Anonymous