Oh yeah! And if god loves all people, Why am I told that I'm going to hell for not believing?
2007-03-02 07:48:52
answer #1
answered by ARMY Babe 4
Your premise is based on a faulty understanding of what Scripture says.
1. God did not walk in the flesh until the coming of Christ. In Genesis 3:8, it does say God was walking in the garden, but He was not in the flesh as a human, and it was after the fall.
2. God never told Eve about the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, He told Adam only, who most likely told Eve. So she got the information second hand.
3. The term "free will" is never mentioned in the Bible except in referring to a free will offering by the Israelites.
4. Intelligence has nothing to do with rebelliousness. We have the Bible that states clearly, "Do not murder", yet we have serial killers who rebel against that, even though many of them are highly intelligent.
5. The "talking snake" was Satan, the second most intelligent and beautiful creature in the universe behind the triune God. Obviously you are also listening to him.
6. Rev 13:8 And all those dwelling in the earth will worship it, those of whom the names had not been written in the Book of Life of the Lamb having been slain from the foundation of the world.
Interesting, the Lamb or Christ was slain from the foundation of the world, meaning, the way of salvation was already in place at the creation. Maybe God knew exactly what would happen?
Be careful in questioning others intelligence when you own is limited and finite.
2007-03-02 16:15:38
answer #2
answered by BrotherMichael 6
Your arguments ignore the proper, formal understanding of the concept of omnipotence.
The fact is that a supreme being, God, cannot act in an illogical manner with respect to that being's divine and perfect attributes. Hence, God cannot make a rock so big that He could not move it, nor could God do anything that would be a logical contradiction to His divine nature.
Omnipotence means God can do everything that is possible. Omnipotence doesn’t mean that God can do anything. The concept of omnipotence has to do with power, not ability per se. In fact, there are many things God can’t do, e.g.,
- God can’t make square circles.
- God cannot lie.
-**God cannot create a morally free creature that couldn’t choose evil or the creature would not be morally free to choose.**
None of these, though, have to do with power. Instead, they are logically contradictory, and therefore contrary to God’s rational nature.
See also:
"Whatever implies being and nonbeing simultaneously is incompatible with the absolute possibility which falls under divine omnipotence. Such a contradiction is not subject to it, not from any impotence in God, but because it simply does not have the nature of being feasible or possible. Whatever, then, does not involve a contradiction is in the realm of the possible with respect to which God is omnipotent. Whatever involves a contradiction is not within the scope of omnipotence because it cannot qualify for possibility. Better, however, to say that it cannot be done, rather than God cannot do it." (T. Aquinas Summa Theologica p. 163-164 , Volume I, ques. 15 ans. 3)
One needs to have a formal knowledge of philosophy and logic to understand the nature of omnipotence. Just claiming Go is all powerful so he can do anything is nonsensical to the trained listener.
2007-03-02 19:12:11
answer #3
answered by Ask Mr. Religion 6
I think free will is fair and just. If we had no free will then God would be a dictator and not a loving God. If I had a choice of riding my bike into the woods and getting my head chopped off as a consequence or riding on paved streets and being rewarded for obedience, I think I’d choose the latter.
God punished man kind for Eve’s actions. Woman still suffered the greatest consequence which was great pain during birth.
2007-03-02 15:56:23
answer #4
answered by qwerty 3
God created Adam and Eve as total innocents. They did not know the difference between right and wrong. (And yes, in a sense that makes them dumb) The only thing God asked of them in return for the bounty he had given them was that they did not eat of a particular tree in the garden. Lucifer (the fallen angel) came down to earth specifically to deceive Adam and Eve so God would no longer love them more than he had loved him. If you think about the situation and the fact that God actually walked with Adam and Eve in the garden on occassion, I would have to assume that they did not understand that he was "God" in the same way we recognize him today. (We have street smarts now) In fact, most of the old testament gives this same impression. (That God was more of a buddy than the almighty.) God's desire was to have them love him as a dear companion and creator, not to fear him. The example you gave of yourself being obedient was based totally on the fact that you would fear him (because you have enough understanding of his capabilities to fear)...not love him for what he had done for you. Love is based on free will. Whether it be for God or for another human being. Love is a choice. If God had not given mankind free will to either love him or not to love him, if instead he had simply made us mindless robots, what would our love mean? The answer is Nothing. You sound like a reasonably intelligent person and although we disagree at least you are putting forth valid questions. For that I thank you.
2007-03-02 16:03:47
answer #5
answered by Poohcat1 7
Wow, you must be a kid. An adult wouldn't write something so...um, well I don't want to be reported so I will keep this as nice as I can. Your question is unanswerable. Nobody knows if God exists or not, and I myself believe He does not, but if he did, do you really think he would have made us all like a bunch of robots? Because if we all had access to God and saw him on a regular basis, we would be robots. We'd have no choice but to do what He wanted all the time. I think maybe God would have had the presense of mind(being that he is GOD!)to think that through and come to terms with the fact that if we wanted to create a world, he'd have to leave well enough alone and hope for the best. But, like I said, it's all fantasy talk, and ridiculous, because there's no such thing as a "god". LOL
2007-03-02 15:52:16
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Free will do not work in the way you described.
First, please understand man needs free will to advanced to be better. Just like free enterprise helps the economy grow.
Adam and Eve understand they must go through earth life inorder to learn and experience and to know good and evil.
God gave man the free will to choose good or evil, so man can prove themselves to be worthy of the eternal reward.
Obviously, every one will do as God said if we see God, but as you know, all of us forgotten we are children of God, some even do not believe there is a God, so free will do come into play to see who is truly good. It is like a "test".
Trust me, God is not stupid.
2007-03-02 20:44:38
answer #7
answered by Wahnote 5
I think at the very least we are talking about our "first parents" being weak even though they were created with the ability to obey God. Did God do this on purpose? Don't know.
2007-03-02 17:58:41
answer #8
answered by ccrider 7
My friend, you are sadly mistaken. the fact that God gives us free will shows that he is not a slave driver.
He could make you worship him, but you wouldn't be doing it out of love. Much like a child being forced to lived a certain way. The child would only follow suit because he's told to.
Don't be mad because certain individuals, like yourself, fell for Satan's tactics and are trying to blame those actions on God. That's disrepectful. Shame on you.
2007-03-02 15:52:06
answer #9
answered by se-ke 3
I really want to answer this question but I do have the free will not to. Decisions, decisions.
2007-03-02 16:42:02
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
We are given free will as long as we do what we are told. My parents had the same philosophy.
Good point though.
2007-03-02 15:50:03
answer #11
answered by Anonymous