In order to get over him, you need to take care of yourself. Look inside and realize what a worthy, worthwhile person you are. Know that you deserve the best you can have. Trust that good things will come to you. Have faith in the future of your life. Then you will begin to find the ways to let him go in your mind and heart. It will start slowly, at first, but before long you will be forming whole new relationships with people who deserve to spend time in the light that is you.
2007-03-05 13:58:16
answer #1
answered by B Scott 4
Its tough getting over a guy especaily since youve dated for a long time. I think the best way is a girls night out! Go to a theme park or anything to get your mind of him. And your friends will help you him off your mind. You've got to move on, theres nothing you can really do about the situation. Get on with life and have some fun :] Meet other people.
2007-03-02 05:28:00
answer #2
answered by xpoisonousxinjectionx 2
You see...It is really hard to get over a guy you were with for about 4 years but you have to think about this. "Maybe it's not that you always compare them to him." What if it's because you don't want to forget about him, and honestly i've been through this your just trying to find him in those guys. I don't think you should move on!!! Try calling him, you never know what if he misses you, and misses the past. It doesn't hurt to atleast just call and talk as friends right?
2007-03-02 05:26:45
answer #3
answered by Saub L 1
TAG UR IT!! This is so scary. Send this to 15 people in the next 143 mins. When you are done press F6 and your crushes name will appear on the screen in big letters. This is scary cuz it works!! if you break the chain you will have problems with relationships for the next 5 years JUST COPY AND PASTE! no tag backs!
u dont especially after 3 1/2 yrs sorry
2007-03-10 04:01:19
answer #4
answered by *hola* 2
I feel your pain. I'm going thru that also. I have gotten better but it takes TIME. Everyone says that and it doesn't make you feel better but, it's true. I broke up with a guy(yes a guy) that I loved sooo much and he broke my heart too and it hurts. I joined singlesnet on line dating site and have met a few nice guys but, it's not the same and I do that comparing thing too. You gotta be strong and remember it's HIS loss really.
2007-03-02 05:28:15
answer #5
answered by Fireman T 6
Boy, do I know what you mean!
I had a crush on someone for 3 years, went out with him for a year, then we broke up because of personal differences. It took nearly a year after that for us to become friends. Now we're great friends. We both have significant others and we're happy for the other.
I would just say to give it time, to not rush into dating or another relationship until you acknowledge some of your feelings that you have remaining from your time with him.
2007-03-02 05:25:23
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
hang out with friends. get interested in other things, projects, books on relationships, hobbies, etc. give yourself time to move on and get to know yourself a little better. meet other guys and talk to them as friends, not about your past bf. you have all the time in the world and you just had a great life experience. Find a best friend , mom, aunt, grandma ,etc to talk to about it that will sincerely listen to you about this situation. Things like you have described take time to get over. If you like music, listen to music and write down your thoughts maybe to get them out of your mind. Somethings these things are very therepudic and make all the difference in the world. Time heals all wounds, not the scars... you will definitly be ok...good luck
2007-03-10 04:28:01
answer #7
answered by Gary G 4
It's really hard, but if you keep yourself busy you won't have time to be thinking about the past.
Join a gym, hang out with friends & be around others as much as possible.
Pray & ask God to help you.
Everything happens for a reason; you may not understand why at the moment, but hopefully later on you'll be able to look back & understand why.
2007-03-02 05:26:11
answer #8
answered by bunni96 4
The first step in getting over any guy is to spoil yourself go shopping get pedis and manicures always continue to go to school or work you'll regret it later it you don't. start making yourself a better person like telling yourself that the best is yet to come but before you could start to date and eventually love someone else you must love yourself and be confident in what you have to offer someone else. The new Renewed you.
2007-03-02 05:39:28
answer #9
answered by Ree O 2
I have learned this from experience and im goin to tell you da the truth. Since you had been with this guy for a long time im goin to let you know now that its goin to take time and ur goin to still feel feelings for him. Your best bet is to find someone else that you will really like and get to kno without thinkin or comparin him to other men, or try to be friends with him without feelings attached because thats the best ways i kno.
2007-03-02 05:26:23
answer #10
answered by Lala 1