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Got a funny joke. Please dont tell me unfunny jokes

2007-03-02 03:51:42 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Entertainment & Music Jokes & Riddles

4 answers

here's an English joke:
A man was driving down the road with 20 penguins in the back of his car. A bobby pulled him over and told him, "Oi, you can't drive around with penguins in your car. Take them to the zoo."

The man agreed and drove off. The next day the same man was driving down the road with 20 penguins in the back of his car again.

The same bobby pulled him over. "Oi," he said, "I thought I told you to take those penguins to the zoo!", the bobby said. The man answered, "I did. Today I'm taking them to the movies. "

2007-03-03 06:17:36 · answer #1 · answered by Ting 4 · 1 0

An englishman, a Scotsman, a Welshman and an Irishman walk into a bar..
..The landlord asks...'is this some kind of a joke?'

Why are there no telephone directories in China..
...There are so many Wings and so many Wongs...they keep Winging the Wong number.

2007-03-05 21:02:39 · answer #2 · answered by knowitall 4 · 0 0

there's a woman on a beach with no arms or legs is crying. a guy walks up to her and asks "why are you crying?" she says "I've never been hugged before." he hugs her and walks away. he comes back later and she's still crying. she says "I've never been kissed before." he kisses her and walks away. he comes back again and asks "why are you still crying?" she says "I've never been screwed before." he picks her up, throws her into the ocean and says "now you're screwed."

2007-03-04 07:35:14 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Sorry, I only have 89% funny in my collection.

2007-03-02 20:45:03 · answer #4 · answered by jammydodger 5 · 0 1

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