Because unreasonable beliefs are harmful to human society. When you have beliefs that are unjustified, beliefs that you are 100% sure of, it's not a good thing. For example, think about the way you look at Islam extremists and fundamentalists. Their beliefs are clearly violent and aggressive, even to you. All atheists look at religions in pretty much the same way.
It's really a sad thing if humanity is going to come to a conflict over a fairy tale. Belief in god has as much evidence as belief in fairies, Santa, Zeus and lots of other nonsensical notions. It should be clear to you that people who are acting under unreasonable beliefs ("Zeus tells me that being gay is a sin", for example) are ridiculous. What I'm trying to say is that religious beliefs are no different. It's time for humanity to grow up and look at the world through reasonable and evidence-based thinking.
2007-03-02 03:57:32
answer #1
answered by greenbottlemage 2
Why do Christians Even CARE what others believe?
I don't understand why a christian would come here to argue every day! Why do they care? If I believed in god, I would just go about my business and leave them alone! It's not like the christians are making a difference!!! Why do they come here and why are they so MAD?? What did we ever do to them?? Why are they so incensed about anything NOT god or christianity?? I Really Do Not Understand Why They Care What We Believe!! If there's a god then we are suckers, right? WHAT DO THEY CARE?? WHY ARE THEY SO ANGRY??
This is your real answer. The same can be said for anyone of ANY religion who comes on here and bashes others in the name of his or her god/gods and/or goddesses.
2007-03-02 03:53:26
answer #2
answered by PaganPoetess 5
I am a angry Atheist because I have your damn values imposed on my values every day. Eisenhower put god in the flag salute and the the money because there were to many atheists. We have to pledge under god every time the flag salute comes up and trade money under your religion because a guy thinks we should be exterminated because are beliefs are immoral. Christians want the commandments at the state courthouses, our children to be taught the bible in school. Bush senior said that we were not Americans and should leave the country when he was president and we are constantly bombarded by televangelists on TV yelling that we will go to hell if we don't converge. We are also forced to use a calendar based on Christianity. The majority of us were also brainwashed into believing in Christianity as children. When there is no opposition to religion totalitarian beliefs take over and sooner or later you have a fascist nation like the ones our ancestors came from. The idea that all people opposing religion are burned at the stake is the reason I protest and is a belief that is still practiced around the world. Without opposition it is possible that in 1000 years from now Americans could be living under religious tyranny like they did for the past 2000 years. On top of that, we are the most hated of all religions, races, and sexual preferences combined and compared to people as low as sex offenders. If we don't fight for the truth then we risk loosing job rights, economic rights, and freedom for believing in truth. Every year Christians read something stupid in their tall tale bible and come up with something more dumb to impose on everyone, like no birth control, no womens right to chose, no stem sell research for stem sells that will be thrown in the garbage anyway, no morning after pill, and many other dumb laws brought about by those dumb tall tales and a belief in a magical character that sounds more like the Orwellian thought police than anything real.
2007-03-03 06:04:15
answer #3
answered by Alan M 1
We don't care about what you believe. We are not trying to save you from anything. We are not mad at anyone. We are not obsessed about 'god' or christianity. We are not angry.
There are some christian people who ask derogatory questions towards atheists to stir up trouble just as there are some supposed atheists who do the same. Most of the juveniles who ask insulting questions are angry kids or young adults playing on the computer trying to piss people off because they find it amusing. A mature atheist has actually read up on a religion or many religions and has done a lot of research before coming to their current status. So please, stop catagorizing a group of people because of a few children playing on the internet.
2007-03-02 04:10:03
answer #4
answered by Maureen B 4
Probably the only truthful answer you got so far is the guy who said "we are amusing ourselves just like you".
(I'm Christian)
When you hear something like what "glitterkitty"
(?) says, that they are here to make sure the government isn't infiltrated, then you know you are hearing pure bullshit. As if someone called glitterkitty is going to report back to the special anti-dogma forces and give them the inside scoop. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze.
Besides the guy who speaks the truth and just kills time here, alot of Athiests just simply do not know why they are here; they just automatically end up here, and thats a whole statement in and of itself. Makes ya wonder what God is doing, huh? Remember that Paul was the biggest zealot against Christianity of all , and God had big plans for him, so its probably best not to question it; if just one of these guys finds God and peace for their lives, then its worth years of them aggravating us.
I thank God every single time I realize one of them is on here. Try to look at it from this perspective, and see if it doesn't make you feel a bit better about it.
2007-03-02 03:59:28
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Atheists are looking for positive proof of the existence of God just like millions of other people in this world. I think that Atheists really want to believe in a God but, they are angry because they feel like they are being duped or lied too and are reaching out for the TRUTH.
2007-03-02 04:03:54
answer #6
answered by jimbobob 4
Not being snarky - but you DO come across as angry about it. Perhaps you and the atheist in question get angry at one another and feed off of that anger.
In general, atheists object to having Christianity shoved in their faces every day in some way. That is what irritates them - I doubt it is anger about God or Xianity. More like anger about Xians and the daily torrent of Xianity.
The same might be said of Xians or any other religion. Why does ANYONE care what others believe? If it does not hurt you, leave it alone. This works for atheism, Xianity, Islam, or any other religion.
Why do Xians care what Jews, Muslims or any other religion or lack of believe?
2007-03-02 03:50:43
answer #7
answered by CaptDare 5
There are a number of different reasons atheists would have to do something like this:
1. Spite or hate for theists. Many atheists have been chastised, threatened, and abused by theists in the past; they thus desire to do the same to theists. There may be an element of this in the more hateful atheistic comments, but this attitude is actually a lot less common than most theists think; in general, atheists don't hate theists (nor do they hate God); at worst, a significant number might hate the institution of religion.
2. Desire for entertainment. Many atheists simply find it amusing to talk with theists, be it by taunting them or just having a friendly exchange with them.
3. Concern that religion is harmful. Anti-religious atheists feel that religion causes things like war, intolerance, and violence, and that opposing religion thus helps make the world a better place.
4. Desire to inform or educate. This is probably the primary reason, after, perhaps, #2. Atheists genuinely feel that their position is reasonable, and theists' is unreasonable. They therefore simply wish to correct the "error" of theism, in the same way that you would want to correct someone who still believes in Santa Claus.
2007-03-02 03:49:49
answer #8
answered by Rob Diamond 3
We are angry because you guys make us angry. And it isn't all of you that do so. There are tons of Christians who respect our disbelief and don't care. There are tons of Atheists, like me, who don't care what others believe and won't argue or explain my disbelief unless asked to. The reason Atheists get so mad is that there are so many radical Christians who really make us mad. How would you feel if I told you all the time that you're going to hell for what you believe? These Christians organize and try to do crazy things like make the world Christian and they don't do it peacefully either. We see this as a threat to our freedoms and want to stop it.
But, that doesn't apply to Yahoo Answers. Our freedoms aren't threatened here. Some people just like to argue and always like to be right. I used to be like that, but I pissed off too many people and decided to stop. Those people just want to be considered and show others they are idiots. Too bad there are jerks like that out there. There are Christian counterparts too so we aren't the only ones doing it. Oh well.... Nothing you can do about it.
2007-03-02 03:51:38
answer #9
answered by Dido 4
It does to me seem strange.
A person who says there is no God, caring what a person who says there is a God. Not only that, that God is actually Jesus, is a strange thing indeed.
Some get very agitated. I saw one who became red in the face. Funny thing was I never spoke to him of being a Christian.
It seemed as if he knew it instinctively.
I really don't know why they care. I can't put my finger on it. I for one don't care if they believe or don't believe. That truly isn't my business.
2007-03-02 04:04:54
answer #10
answered by chris p 6