a teenager comes home from school.his mother is like "oh how was your day precious?"."fine" he says,"but i had sex with my teacher".his mother is outraged."you did WHAT!!!?thats it lets see what your father has to say!"so they go tell the old man.secretly he is proud but cant show it in front of his wife so he pretends to be mad and says to the wife"il take him out for a drive and teach him a lesson."when they get to the car he puts his arm around him and says"thats my boy!well done son.ok im gonna reward you with anything you want from the shopping centre."so they head in and the kid sees a lovely red bike and decides its what he wants.so they head back to the car and the dad says"listen you can cycle it home we dont live so far away."but the kid says "i cant dad,my bottom is still sore".
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asked by
rossy g
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