Star Trek: Devinoni Ral
Star Wars: Yoda
Lord of the Rings: Elrond
Matrix: The Oracle
Greek Mythology/Roman Mythology: Prometheus
Christian Mythology: Lazarus
2007-03-02 15:54:40
answer #1
answered by NHBaritone 7
I'm not totally familiar with all of these because my domineering, Christian parents were a lot like some of the people who post here sometimes. They liked to control everything that I read and watched while I was growing up, as well as what I thought and how I felt. As an adult, now an atheist, I am really enjoying being free of that, but am not that much into sci-fi. I'll give it a try though:
Star Trek: whoever is very logical...Spock or Data?
Star Wars: R2D2 - I ask a lot of questions
Lord of the Rings - no idea, haven't read or seen it
Matrix - again, no idea
Greek/Roman Mythology - Helen of Troy (I was quite fine in my younger years and men were known to fight over me)
Christian mythology - Eve. I'm always getting blamed for everything.
2007-03-02 15:45:25
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
FULL GOSPEL SHIRLEY: To begin with, please do not presume that you speak for all Christians. I am an evangelical, fundamental, bible-reading and Jesus loving FREAK, and I also happen to really enjoy fantasy and sci fi. The two things are not mutually exclusive.
You will not win any brownie points from this community nor from God with your exclusionary language. And to top it all off, you didn't even answer his question.
Star Trek - Probably Vash (the archaeologist who fell in love with Capt Jean Luc)
Star Wars - not too many female characters to chose from, so I guess I'd pick Yoda.
Lord of the Rings - Gandalf is my favorite, again not a female though.
Matrix - Trinity
Greek Mythology/Roman Mythology - Aphrodite (where's the LOVE people?)
Christian Mythology *ahem* Not mythology my friend, history, and I would most likely be the woman at the well that Jesus spoke to about the living water.
2007-03-02 15:33:15
answer #3
answered by Last Ent Wife (RCIA) 7
I used to identify with the Greek goddess Artemis when I used to be a witch.
In Lord of the Rings then I would say Gandalf, because I am a leader without all the answers.
In Christian mythology (very funny) then Mary Magdalene.
I never watched Star Trek or Star Wars. As for the Matrix, I can't remember the characters very well.
2007-03-02 03:31:49
answer #4
answered by Ayesha 4
Star Trek - Picard
Star Wars - Yoda
Lord of the Rings - Gandalf
Matrix- Agent Smith
Greek/Roman Mythology - Janus
Christian Mythology- Jesus/Satan
2007-03-02 03:39:06
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Star Trek - Never watched it.
Star Wars - Han Solo
Lord Of The Rings - Aragorn
Matrix - Neo
Creek Mythology - Apollo
Christianity - Not sure
2007-03-02 03:26:55
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Star Trek - Kathryn Janeway
Star Wars - Princess Leia
Lord of the Rings - Legolas
Matrix - Trinity
Greek/Roman Mythology - Artemus/Diana
Christian Mythology - no one
2007-03-03 00:53:42
answer #7
answered by genaddt 7
Star Trek- Tasha Yar
Star Wars - Leia
Lord of the Rings - Galadriel
Matrix- never saw it so can say
Greek Mythology/Roman Mythology - Artemis
Christian Mythology - Lilith
2007-03-02 15:48:55
answer #8
answered by Sage Bluestorm 6
Star Trek: Seven of Nine & Data
Star Wars: Darth Vader
Lord of the Rings: One of those Elfs
Matrix: The Computer, the villain.
Greek Mythology: Nemesis
Christian Mythology: Lucifer
2007-03-02 15:34:23
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Star Trek: Montgomery Scott/Miles O'Brien/Garak/Kes/Malcolm Reed
Star Wars: Qui-Gon Jinn, sometimes C3P0
Lord of the Rings: Faramir, or Fatty Bolger
Matrix: Rama Kandra
Greek Mythology/Roman Mythology: Daedalus or Prometheus
Christian Mythology: the prophet Amos or the apostle Thomas
I identify with characters who aren't trying to be heroes, just to see straight, solve problems and do right without overlaying everything with heroic overtones.
2007-03-02 08:01:02
answer #10
answered by skepsis 7