Ask the guy at the front door if HE would like a sticker, than procede to give him one of your little sisters "My little ponie" stickers
2. Run and hide between aisles and randomly poke people and say "Tag, your it" and run off
3. Hang out in the clothes dept. and give fashion advice such as..."That is SO not your shade" "I dont think they carry UR size" or "Anything is better than what your wearing Now"
4. Ask a manager to make an anouncement for your "lost" senile grandmother "Dixie Wrecked"
5. Go to the toy dept and set up a tea-party for you and ur imaginary friends...ask others if they would like to join
6. In the bedding department, build a fort with sheets then invite people in for a good ol' fashioned pillow fight!
7. MOVIE TIME....Grab a bag of popcorn and sit on the floor in the video department and throw popcorn randomly...saying "Whew, I wasnt expecting THAT"
8. Get washable markers and ask random people to sign your body.
9. Come out of the bathroom soaking wet from head to toe and suggest they call a plumber.
10. When you see someone buying a snickers bar, ask them if you can have the first bite
11. Furiously slam the dressing room door closed and tell the attendant that the elevator is broken
12. Re-enact you faviorite Titantic scene w/ barbie dolls...ask others to play the part of jack as he saves you from jumping over the back of the boat
13. Ask if you could have a price check on yourself....act insulted when they respond
14. Open a box of condoms and hand them out only to women over the age of 65....tell them age is NO reason for carelessness!
15. Go to the appliance section with a frozen dinner....get upset when after 5 mins its still frozen
16. Tell a worker that there will be a mess in automotive dept in 5 mins... tell them u have a feeling ur other personality is planning something...u dont know what...but you know its gonna be BIG!
17. make a beard of Maxi-pads & hang out in the Christmas Aisle wishing everyone a "bloody merry christmas"
18. Put on a pair of Depends and a baseball cap, Running around like Baby New Year, wishing everyone a Happy New Year
19. Put on some bunny ears and hand little kids plastic eggs..notify the parents those plastic eggs cost 10$...each!
20. Paint yourself green and run around with a box of cereal screaming (in an Irish accent) "Those bloody bastards are trying to steal me lucky charms"
2007-03-02 03:29:03
answer #1
answered by Snow Bunnie 4
Yeah I would be careful about the acting like a retard thing. My best friend did that at an amusement park and someone we were with was telling him to stop being "dumb" and people cussed the guy out for being mean to a retarded person. It was soo funny but DJ didnt like being cussed out. Also my friends and I use to go to Toys r us and camp in the little plastic playhouses and yell at kids when they wanted to come in saying that it was our house and they had to know the secret password. Oh and of course you and your friends can let loose all the bouncy balls or see if you can test ride a kiddie bike. Or find a bicycle horn and walk all around the store honking it to try it out. Just a few ideas. Good luck
2007-03-02 11:49:06
answer #2
answered by Ryne's proud mommy 4
For wal-mart associates:
When a customer comes up to you while you're working in that bright blue vest and asks "Do you work here?" say no, and walk off.
When a customer asks "Can I ask you a question?" tell them "You just did." (Nearly every time someone gets past the blank stare stage and figures that out, the next words out of their mouth are "Oh, well can I ask you another?")
2007-03-03 15:21:34
answer #3
answered by straycat 2
A woman walks into Wal-mart and asks the clerk for a refund on the toaster she bought. She explains how it just doesn't work.
The clerk tells her that he can't give her a refund because she bought it on special. All of a sudden, the woman throws her arms up in the air and starts screaming "Grab my breasts! Grab
my breasts!"
The clerk, not knowing what to do, went to get the store manager. The manager comes up to the woman and asks if he can help. She explains that she would like a refund because the toaster she bought doesn't work. He replies by telling her that he can't give her a refund because she bought it on special.
Once again, the woman throws her arms up in the air and starts
screaming, "Grab my breasts! Grab my breasts!"
The store manager says to her, "Why are you saying that?"
The woman replies,
"I like to have my breasts grabbed, when I'm getting screwed!"
2007-03-02 11:25:00
answer #4
answered by sprinting_turtle 5
get a box of condoms and when people arent lookin put it in their cart.
Dart around suspiciously while humming the theme from 'Mission Impossible.
While handling knives in the kitchen department ask the clerk if he knows where the anti-depressants are.
Go to the fitting room and yell real loud..."Hey we're out of toilet paper in here!
Set all the alarm clocks to go off at 10-minute intervals.
Walk up to an employee and tell him/her in an official tone, "I think we have a code 3 in house wares," and see what happens.
When someone asks if they can help you, begin to cry and ask, "Why won't you people leave me alone!"
2007-03-02 11:50:33
answer #5
answered by WWE Rox My Sox! 2
(while your with your friends) run down the isles with a buggy and then just drag you feet.
go to the make up isle and start putting on make up and be like is this my color, does this look nice
after you get through at wal-mart go to sonic and try and get the every one at sonic to honk there horns by honking yours ( its fun iv done it before and didn't mean to) it was great every one loved it. cuz see i was with this lady from work right and she is about in her later 30s and a bunch of ppl come up riming there engines right well we are in this mini van right so i lean over and honk the horn. well then every one starts to do it. so shes tripping out oh my god stop, we are in a grandma van there gonna think that grandma is honking at them. so we are sitting there and they do it again so i honk. so she start oh my god stop. it was so funny then when we were leaving, i said come on one more time and she was like OK but just once, so i did and every one started honkin again. i was so much fun i loved hanging out with her she was so much fun
2007-03-02 11:26:56
answer #6
answered by slick_chik316 3
When Me and my Hubby are in Walmart, he will talk and walk like a retard and scream things like, I want Candy, or I gotta go potty, people laugh and I turn all red from embarrassment and start laughing.....
2007-03-02 11:32:38
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
really late at night, bring in some take out food and sit on the benches in the middle of the store and eat it.
2007-03-02 11:29:36
answer #8
answered by Tracy 3
Working at the checkout and asking for a pricecheck on condoms or vaginal cream.
2007-03-02 11:22:26
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
â¥Slide on wet wax
â¥Super glue quarters to the floor
â¥Poke holes in the liquid soap
â¥aske random people to take this quick survey, then ask them very personal questions.
2007-03-02 11:23:33
answer #10
answered by Pirate 3