Both are wrong.
Homosexuality:1 Corinthians 6
Abortion (not adressed specifically,but murder):Murder is obviously wrong.Check the 10 commandments.
Gorgeoustxwoman,you have once again twisted scripture to support your agenda.You need to tell the difference between God commanding something,and the actions and records of what people did.You cannot seem to tell the difference,unfortunately.
Genesis 38:24:That is what Judah said,not what God said.Nice try.
Numbers 31:17: Says nothing about killing babies.
2 Kings 15:16:That King who did that,God said was evil.'He did evil in the eyes of the LORD'
Hosea 13:15-16: Was a prophecy about Samaria.
Numbers 3:15:No,they were people.The census was for a specific purpose.
Numbers 5:12-31:This says absolutely nothing about a fetus.I'm not sure hopw you came to that conclusion.
Ecclesiastes 6:3-5:Ecclesiastes is a book of mourning and sorrow,written by King David.
Matthew 26:24:Sorry,wrong again.This verse is talking about Judas Iscariot,not humans in general.
2007-03-01 18:46:29
answer #1
answered by Serena 5
Well, to be honest, the Bible says nothing about abortion specifically. There are some verses that can be used as an argument against abortion, but it's not very clear.
However, even though I'm a Christian, I don't use the Bible for my argument against abortion. I use science.
Although, the Bible does say that God "knitted" David in his mother's womb. I would think that goes for all of us.
(Psalm 139:12-14)
As far as gay lifestyles, it says SEVERAL times that ALL sexual immorality is to be discouraged (which homosexuality falls under, as well as adultery and fornication), throughout both the Old Testament and the New.
Here are some verses for you to look up (I'll provide a link where you can do so.)(I'm only doing New Testament passages):
1 Corinthians 6:8-10
Matthew 15:19
Mark 7:20-22
Acts 15:20
Acts 15:28-30
Romans 13:12-14
1 Corinthians 5:1-3
1 Corinthians 6:11-13
Galatians 5:18-20
Ephesians 5:2-4
Colossians 3:4-6
1 Thessalonians 4:2-4
Jude 1:6-8
Revelation 2:13-15
Romans 1:23-28
Hebrews 12:15-17
Hebrews 13:3-5
I hope this answers your question.
Let me be clear about one thing though: Homosexuals are NEVER condemned in the Bible, unless they actually participate in sexual immorality. Note the passage in 1 Corinthians 6, where it says that we WERE thieves, liars, fornicators, and adulterers, but when we become sanctified, we are not to take part in these things any longer.
2007-03-02 04:31:12
answer #2
answered by The_Cricket: Thinking Pink! 7
Homosexuality is clear
Leviticus 17: 22 "you shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination"
Abortion is not mentioned in today's terms. Most references are to miscarriages (either intentional or accidental).
Exodus 21:22 two men fight, hit a woman, cause a miscarriage. the husband determines what the man will pay.
Hosea 9:14 Miscarriages happening as punishment
Job 3:16 Job thinking that if he had been a miscarriage, that he would not be feeling the grief of losing his entire family.
As a Christian, I encourage you to study the scriptures. The more that you read, the more God will reveal to you.
2007-03-02 03:16:09
answer #3
answered by fireman9982 2
Well, we have a Proverb that tells us to not stand idly by while innocents are put to death. The context is vague at best when applied to abortion, and I am against it after bouncing back and forth for a while on what it is that I believed about it. I have come to the conclusion that the kid should have a chance to look at his Mom and say, " You are one crazy ***** for what you are doing to your children. Sex = death? Feeling good for one night = killing your children?
About Gays we should be very careful. Too many Christians are acting like the Gospel is, "Thou shall not be a Christian if you are Gay. And that's not the Gospel. The Gospel is Grace and Peace with God through Jesus Christ by Faith. Jesus was resurrected by God and so shall we IF we believe.
In the Bible, it is clear that Paul had things against it.And I would agree that God is against it, as he is against all sin. Man confuses things so readily.
On the other side of the coin, Christians have confused things too. They think that Sodom was destroyed because they were doing Gay things there. That's simply missing the point. The point is that God judged them because they didn't trust him, and would have saved that city if he only found a few. As it was, Lot's family left without any of them.
Exodus 23:7
Have nothing to do with a false charge and do not put an innocent or honest person to death, for I will not acquit the guilty.
2007-03-02 02:59:46
answer #4
answered by Christian Sinner 7
The Bible approves of killing pregnant women: Genesis 38:24, Numbers 31:17
The Bible approves of abortion: 2 Kings 15:16
God approves of abortion: Hosea 13:15-16
People are not counted as persons until they are a month old: Numbers 3:15
The Bible contains directions on how to abort any pregnancy caused by adultery: Numbers 5:12-31
The Bible states that being aborted is better than living a bad life: Ecclesiastes 6:3-5, Matthew 26:24
The Bible says that a person becomes a living soul when he BREATHES the BREATH of life through his nostril (fetuses don't breathe): Genesis 2:7
Just wanted to point out that *I* originally posted this as an answer to another question weeks ago. "Gorgeoustxwoman" COPIED/STOLE it from ME. See the original here:;_ylt=Ao3FCkl9sjz4UvBHiWFKFBPsy6IX?qid=20070120122957AAH3ack&show=7#profile-info-b601098f95fe12c5995fb1067972acb6aa
Anyone who doesn't see the very clear COMMANDS to kill babies and cause abortions in the Bible isn't reading very carefully. You don't have to like it, but it says what it says. God commands killing people of all ages throughout the Bible. READ the ENTIRE Bible and SEE.
2007-03-02 02:56:40
answer #5
answered by gelfling 7
God doesn't really value fetuses and is seen commanding people to kill them constantly.... I guess he's pro choice.
As for gay lifestyles, it only really talks about it in Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13 (2 passages... that's a lot), saying it's an abomination for MEN to lie together as they would with WOMEN (men-men gays not lesbians) and says they should be put to death. But that's in the Old Testament and no one follows that stuff anymore unless you want to sacrifice animals all the time and stone people who kindle fire on the sabbath day.
Then there's Romans 1:26 where Paul condemns gays and lesbians... one passage from one guy. And it's the only time lesbianism is covered. Oooh scary... let's stone the gays now and prevent them from living happy lives because Paul the womanizer said so in a single passage.
Oh.. and another thing... homosexuality is never referred to as a sin in those passages. Just an abomination, kind of like the how retarded people were seen back in the 1500's.
2007-03-02 02:51:50
answer #6
answered by dmlk2 4
Everyone interprets the bible differently...Some people will quote Leviticus and say that to lay with another man is an abomination, however, Leviticus also says that a woman cannot enter a church until 42 days after giving birth, that deformed people, even people with acne, cannot enter a temple, that men must cut their beards with Sharp corners, and that a priest's daughter who "plays the whore" should be burned alive.
Consider what your opinion is, not what a book says. Besides, did you know that the first time the bible states the ten commandment, #10 is "Thou shalt not boil a kid in its mother's milk", kid being a baby goat. Anyway, many people interpret the bible differently, so just go with what you feel.
And to answer your question...sort of, the catholics have never officially rescinded their agreement with St Thomas Aquinas, who said that abortion was acceptable within the first few weeks of pregnancy, and say that homosexuals should be supported, but should remain celibate.
2007-03-02 02:49:39
answer #7
answered by buggin 1
The Bible treats abortion basically as a misdemeanor, and specifically NOT as murder - no matter what others say. Read this carefully:
Exodus 21:22: "When people who are fighting injure a pregnant woman so that there is a miscarriage, and yet no further harm follows, the one responsible shall be fined what the woman's husband demands, paying as much as the judges determine. 23 If any harm follows, then you shall give life for life, 24 eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, 25 burn for burn, wound for wound, stripe for stripe."
Now, clearly the Bible says "causing miscarriage" = fine to be determined by the court. In modern society, we call that a misdemeanor. "If any harm follows" - meaning the wife dies, then "eye for eye"
It really couldn't be clearer.
2007-03-02 08:12:31
answer #8
answered by Brendan G 4
The parts that people actually follow (and there are MANY that people ignore, eg Leviticus...) do not say anything about abortion. The closest is "thou shalt not kill," however Christians kill animals all the time, and kill other people at times of necessity, so whether this applies to a fetus is debatable. As "thou shalt not kill" is more about violence (hence it not applying to animals) it is unlikely it was meant to apply to abortion.
Homosexuals however are frequently condemmed. The Bible says things like "thou shalt not lay with another man" (uh paraphrased) and such that directly state that homosexuality is wrong among men. Women I'm not so sure... Oh and Sodom and Gomorrah pretty much says that too, though rape/uncontrollable lust comes into play as well.
2007-03-02 02:50:40
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
The Bible doesn't talk specifically about abortion. It says one thing about the fetus moving around in the womb, something we call "quickening", but nothing about abortion. It DOES, however, talk about dashing small children against stones. The Bible sure isn't shy when it comes to talking about murdering children.
As for homosexuality... The Bible does NOT condemn homosexuals and does NOT consider homosexual sex a sin.
The passages in Leviticus (18:22 and 20:13), understood IN THE CONTEXT of the time and place, are not an admonishment against loving sexual relationships between people of the same sex but instead against sex as a form of domination and control. Besides, these passages are part of the Holiness Code which is not binding to modern day Christians (or anyone else for that matter).
The story of Sodom and Gomorrah was a warning against rape, inhospitality and xenophobia. The reason for Sodom's destruction is made clear in Ezekiel 16:48-50. According to Ezekiel, the sins of Sodom were pride, laziness, being inhospitable, neglecting the needs of the poor, greed, and idolatry (the worshiping of idols). Nothing about homosexuality is mentioned. If Jude 1:7 describes anything about the sexual immorality and perversion in Sodom and Gomorrah, it's describing RAPE.
1 Corinthians 6:9 was a mistranslation of the word "malakee". It's used elsewhere in the Bible to mean someone who lacks discipline or one who is morally weak, and never is it used in reference to sexuality or gender.
1 Timothy 1:9-10? Also a mistranslation. 1 Timothy was an admonishment against male prostitution, not committed, loving same sex relationships.
The words "physin" and "paraphysin" in Romans 1:26-27 have also been mistranslated. Contrary to popular belief, the word "paraphysin" does not mean "to go against the laws of nature", but rather implies action which is uncharacteristic for that particular person. An example of the word "paraphysin" is used in Romans 11:24, where God acts in an uncharacteristic (paraphysin) way to accept the Gentiles. When the scripture is understood correctly, it implies that it would be unnatural for heterosexuals to live as homosexuals and for homosexuals to live as heterosexuals.
2007-03-02 02:51:03
answer #10
answered by ZER0 C00L ••AM••VT•• 7