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15 answers

No because sex still serves a purpose. While it no longer serves as a means of procreation, it is still a necessary expression of love which promotes intimacy between the couple. It promotes a healthy marriage. The church changed its stance on the issue several years ago.

2007-03-01 12:34:43 · answer #1 · answered by stell0603 2 · 1 1

okay - YES Catholics believe sex IS for procreation HOWEVER.... this is becuase us the mandates of sex being between and married man and woman. God gave us sex as a gift - a joining of husband & wife with the potential outcome of a child. Catholics & many Christians do NOTbeliebe in contraceptives. so.... if you are having sex you very well could get pregnant. in the whole of natural family PLANNING -- notice the worl planning.... planning TO or NOT to have children. you follow the ovulation cycle and time when you can or can't (too fertile if you do't want to get pregnant). THAT is what family planning is all about. SO yes, more then likely they are making love to t heir spouses during that time.

2007-03-01 12:46:18 · answer #2 · answered by Marysia 7 · 0 0

Nope. Sex has TWO purposes: procreative and unitive.

As long as a couple would accept new life as a gift from God- regardless of how remote the possibility, they are encouraged to exercise thisprivilege of marriage.

In fact, the Church teaches that a spouse cannot withold sex without a just cause.

2007-03-02 14:40:48 · answer #3 · answered by Mommy_to_seven 5 · 0 0

That's an awesome question!

I'm not Catholic (Protestant Christian) and I've always wondered where the Catholics get this idea that God thinks sex is only for procreation. Sarah got pregnant even when she was way past a menopausal age...now how would that have happened if she and Abraham had stopped shagging?

2007-03-01 12:40:19 · answer #4 · answered by Hamlette 6 · 0 1

No. Catholics believe sex is unitive and procreative. In menopause the procreative part is not present naturally. It is because of nature and it would not be illicit.

2007-03-01 12:37:32 · answer #5 · answered by enigma21 3 · 1 1

No, because contrary to anti-Catholic claims, Catholicism does NOT teach that sex is only for procreation.

"Marriage to be sure is not instituted solely for procreation; rather, its very nature as an unbreakable compact between persons, and the welfare of the children, both demand that the mutual love of the spouses be embodied in a rightly ordered manner, that it grow and ripen. Therefore, marriage persists as a whole manner and communion of life, and maintains its value and indissolubility, even when despite the often intense desire of the couple, offspring are lacking." -- Gaudium et Spes 50

"The sexual activity, in which husband and wife are intimately and chastely united with one another, through which human life is transmitted, is, as the recent Council recalled, "noble and worthy.'' It does not, moreover, cease to be legitimate even when, for reasons independent of their will, it is foreseen to be infertile. For its natural adaptation to the expression and strengthening of the union of husband and wife is not thereby suppressed. The fact is, as experience shows, that new life is not the result of each and every act of sexual intercourse. God has wisely ordered laws of nature and the incidence of fertility in such a way that successive births are already naturally spaced through the inherent operation of these laws. The Church, nevertheless, in urging men to the observance of the precepts of the natural law, which it interprets by its constant doctrine, teaches that each and every marital act must of necessity retain its intrinsic relationship to the procreation of human life." -- Humanae Vitae 11

2007-03-01 12:41:56 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Most Catholics follow Natural Family Planning.

It goes by following the woman's ovulating cycle, and determining when she will and will not get pregnant.

I imagine some Catholics would follow that belief rigidly, but most would probably continue to have sex.

2007-03-01 12:34:49 · answer #7 · answered by Nowhere Man 6 · 0 0

Well wouldn't you? Who wants to bang a dried up, dusty old corpse?

The only reason men are attracted to women in the first place is youth and the 'look' of fertility.

Men and women stay together because it's a committed relationship, if there is sex in an old couples life at all, it's because it's their life mate and the only thing available...

2007-03-01 12:36:08 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

I doubt it. Only the REAL hard core Catholics and even then I'd be surprised.

2007-03-01 12:35:00 · answer #9 · answered by patchouligirl 4 · 0 0

They still will because of certain responsibilities of sexuality. I fthe male receives notice from a doctor not to have sex than, yes.

2007-03-01 12:35:59 · answer #10 · answered by agiclands 1 · 0 1

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