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So... that's my question. Most Christians that I know are set in their ways and think that their way is the only way. For instance, most Christians do not accept gay people and are against gay marriges. Most of them are also not open minded and don't like to listen to other people's beliefs. They don't like to tolerate other religions, for instace buddhism. Back in the day, Roman Catholics used to take the lives away from people who did not agree with them or just practiced a different religion. Now, I am not saying that most Christians are like this today, but that's how they used to be. Isn't God supposed to be all about NOT killing people, but accepting people for who they are and forgiving them? I am not an atheist, so don't go calling me one. That's another thing, whenever I ask a question like this one i just posted, i always get people saying, "Don't post stupid questions like these, you atheist!" or some people just tell me how I'm going to hell and stuff...

2007-03-01 11:43:58 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Some girl named Midge answered one of my Q's before and told me that i was going to be stuck in my grave and that i was going to feel every spider and worm crawl over me. That i'm going to be killed and bothered by demons.... and stuff like that.
She changed her answer after i posted her answer on something. She put,

"I was the one that posted that. I am sorry that you don't like what the Lord says."

Thanks for telling me that i'm going to hell fellow Christian!

2007-03-01 11:45:57 · update #1

Thanks for all the answers... stupid or not... and also sorry for any spelling mistakes. i was hurrying.

2007-03-01 11:47:00 · update #2

Billy Corgan is My Dad... you are sooo totally right!

2007-03-01 11:49:28 · update #3

Then... they say that they're not like that... and just deny it!

2007-03-01 11:51:47 · update #4

J.P. you are totally wrong.

2007-03-01 11:53:43 · update #5

i'm not critisizing (cannot spell today) your religion... just the way that u guise tend to act like ur way is the only way... WELL ITS NOT!

2007-03-01 11:58:25 · update #6

i mean why can't they ACCEPT different people for who they are, not FOLLOW them! just ACCEPT them! Can't u read???

2007-03-01 12:01:34 · update #7

34 answers

Please don't take what Midge says to heart. She's a little crazy.

And yes. The most intollerant, hateful people in the world think they're filled with the "love of Christ." It would be funny if it weren't so sad.


2007-03-01 11:48:02 · answer #1 · answered by Haiku Hanna 3 · 11 5

Well...Christians are supposed to share God's love, not sit in judgement of other people.

The Bible says that "Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life" - and the only way - which is why Christians believe their religion to be the correct one. The Bible also says that homosexuality is an abomination against God - which is why a lot of them say that homosexuality is wrong. I think the way that some Christians get thier message across isn't the best way - condemning people is never the right way to influence people. Sin is sin is sin is sin....I don't believe in different degrees of it, and won't sit in judgement of someone else's decisions - that's God's job.

God is a loving God - and is totally forgiving and merciful. He is the only one qualified to sit in judgement of anyone else. Everyone has "sin" in their lives - noone is perfect. I think those who come across as "holier than thou" are really doing a dis-service to their religion, and are scaring people away rather than showing them what it is supposed to be about.

2007-03-01 11:57:07 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

I wouldn't say it's "most" Christians who are intolerant. I'd say it's only SOME Christians that are intolerant.
I am set in my ways, yes, but does that mean I'm intolerant? I believe that everyone is entitled to believe whatever they want; I just expect people to treat me with the same courtesy.
I accept homosexuals. I do not, however, accept homosexuality. I know this is an unpopular opinion to hold, but it's not my own laws that decided this. If it was up to me, everyone would be able to sleep with whoever they want, whenever they want, wherever they want. But it's NOT up to me. I live according to God's law, and God's law is that homosexuality is wrong. Period.
I have no problem studying other religions. I own two copies of the Koran, several books on Buddhism, a couple on Wicca, and several on evolution, including The Origin of Species, and Carl Sagan's Universe. Very few of my friends share my religion. Most are agnostic, but I also have a few atheist friends, a couple Muslims, and several Wiccans. I've also studied Zoroastrianism and Hinduism, though not to the extent I'd like to, as well as Greek mythology, Celtic mythology, and Roman mythology.
And I'm FASCINATED with ancient Egypt.
Yes, I have my beliefs, but that does NOT make me intolerant. One of the most intolerant people I've ever met was a swinger. He told me I'm "narrow-minded" because I don't swing. What's funny is, I simply told him I wasn't into stuff like that. I don't like to share, and I don't want to be shared. I wasn't judgemental, and I even told him that he's entitled to live however he wants. Is that intolerant?
It isn't a person's beliefs (or lack of) that make them intolerant. It's how they react to other people. I say live and let live.

2007-03-01 12:01:04 · answer #3 · answered by The_Cricket: Thinking Pink! 7 · 1 1

I will listen to other beliefs but I stand pat on my belief. As a Christian, I will defend my faith and why I found that the Bible is the infallible Word of God.
Second, the Word of God says that homosexual relationships of ANY kind is an abomination of God. An abomination is a practice or belief that goes against God's laws or nature. Homosexuality goes against the nature that sex was created to be between a man and a woman.
I stand by that truth.
As far as forgiving, God does forgive but He does NOT forgive people if they continue to live in a rebellious lifestyle that God condemns. People forget REPENTANCE. Change your thinking and lifestyle that is more pleasing unto God. Gay people who believe they can love God and live their lifestyle are living a lie (Romans 1:18-32)
In simple words, if God says it's wrong, we have no right and the ability to prove God is wrong. God doesn't change, and we have no given authority to change His ways to benefit our selfish lifestyle. Since the Bible says that fornicators will not inherit the kingdom of God(this includes gays), then that is God's commandment.
If people have a problem why don't you take it up with Him.
If you love Jesus, you will keep His commandments.

2007-03-01 12:00:34 · answer #4 · answered by n9wff 6 · 1 1

MOST Christians are very tolerant! They have to be because there are more non-Christians than Christians in today's world. The Christians that do speak out against gay people, gay marriages, abortion, and other religions are doing so because it's cool these days to speak your mind no matter who you hurt.

I am a practicing Christian who doesn't speak out against gay people(everyone is different in many ways), gay marriages(if there is love then let there be a union), abortion(children who won't get the love, and care they need in life, shouldn't be brought into this world), nor other religions(everyone has their own God).

2007-03-01 12:00:59 · answer #5 · answered by Sue 5 · 1 1

Well,Jesus said that He was the Way,the Truth,and the Life.If i blieve in Jesus,I can't go around saying that all roads lead to heaven.According to the definition today,tolerance means accepting all beliefs.I cannot do that.
And I am against homosexuality,God says it's a sin.Why would I be championing it?I don't hate the gay person,but I hate their sin.
Yes,we are told not to kill.
But you are wrong.Christians didn't all used to kill,that's not the way they used to be,and they were not all Roman Catholics.My denomination,for example,was hunted and killed by both Catholics and Protestants.

2007-03-01 11:54:11 · answer #6 · answered by Serena 5 · 2 1

First of all, 'most' Christians aren't. And that is especially true historically. Politicians and warriors who kill in God's Name are fools, and not working for God at all.

That said, perhaps you should reconsider your definition of 'intolerant'. Christians are SUPPOSED to warn people off from sinful activities. To stop doing that so you can feel better about yourself would be like a physician not telling you that you have cancer so you can continue on your merry way. We wouldn't be doing you any favors, would we? As long as we do not coerce you into following our beliefs, we are being as tolerant as anyone else out there. Why would you single us out when there are Muslims decapitating people, atheists forcing their views in China, and Buddhists fighting Hindus in Southeast Asia?

2007-03-01 12:02:59 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

On this forum, some of them are intolerant. Just ignore them and if you want , you have the right to report anyone who violates the community guidelines. While there are some religious bigots on here, there are also some obnoxious atheists as well. I focus on the good people be they religious, atheist or agnostic. Have a great evening!

2007-03-01 12:00:58 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0


Just because the ones you know are doesn't mean "most" of them are. I'm an agnostic but I only know a very few Christians who are intolerant. The only one in the WORLD I've seen being intolerant are the Islamics. Their holy book says "convert them and if they won't convert kill them".

2007-03-01 12:18:54 · answer #9 · answered by Kevin A 6 · 0 0

The bottom line is a Christian can either follow God or follow man, but not both. If following God gets us called intolerant then I say...Who cares what the world calls us! True Christians are intolerant! If they aren't considered intolerant by the world then they're doing something terribly wrong.

To answer your questions:

1.) Yes, Christ is the only way to heaven.
2.) Yes, a practicing homosexual is committing sin.
3.) Yes, gay marriage is an abomination to the Lord.
4.) Yes, Buddhist will endure the same punishment as any other non-believer.
5.) Yes, God does kill....His wrath is great. He cannot murder, He can kill as He has just cause and reason. He created all life and He can do what He wants with His creation.
6.) Yes, God forgives, but we cannot continue in the same sin day after day. We cannot thumb our nose at God. We all sin, but we must all do everything in our power to turn from that sin. We must repent and put our faith in the Lord.
7.) Yes, you either are for God and all He is or you are the enemy of God. You make the choice.

Accepting sin of any kind is condoning that sin. If you accept another person's sin and you don't correct them and show what God commands, then you are guilty of the same. We are here to help and guide each other in truth; we are not to appease the enemies of God. If you do that then you yourself have become the enemy of the almighty God.

2007-03-01 12:09:45 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 5

christians are not intollerant, if disagreeing means i'm intolerant, then i'm sorry, but yes, i AM intolerant. we don't accept homosexuals, or homosexual marriage, because God specifically says that it's wrong. the ultimate destination of homosexuals? i don't know. but i do not believe in an unforgivable sin. if they die forgiven, they go to heaven. but if they die and never accept that they are wrong, then i am sorry, but God says Hell. and about that psycho that told you to go to Hell, i apologize on her behalf. some people can't learn to "hate the sin, not the sinner." don't take that personally either. we are all sinners. i am sorry that you believe we are intolerant because we don't believe that Muslims are right, we simply believe what the Bible says. and here's what i don't understand, why do Christians get pegged with intolerance, when Muslims fly planes into buildings for the purpose of conversion? which one goes to a further extreme? the one who points out falacies, and try's to convert by showing the truth? or the one who kills hundreds of people every day in mass suicide bombings for the purpose of "furthering Allah's purposes"?

2007-03-01 11:59:03 · answer #11 · answered by sf1medusa 1 · 1 1

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