Not all non-believers who post to this Forum are hate-mongers. And some self-professed Christians seem to have left the love reservation when judging some of their responses. I will confine my remarks below only to those that act badly.
For both of these types of persons, it is interesting and sad to see how some persons will behave when hiding behind the anonymity of the computer. As an "old guy" I have occasionally acted irresponsibly in my youth, so I can relate, but only up to a point. It is also readily apparent these persons would be ashamed if they knew their parents, husband, wife, children, etc., learned of what they write herein. They do their loved ones a disservice and dishonor them with such behavior.
The questions and answers one sees in this forum all too often represent a triumph of superficiality over seriousness. These flippant persons that post ad hominem, obnoxious, vitriolic items obviously have not formally studied the matters being asked for several years. Rather they enjoy mockery and proving that they really have no value to add to the answer and too much wasted time on their hands.
2007-03-01 10:51:49
answer #1
answered by Ask Mr. Religion 6
Religion satisfies emotional needs. Just because someone is smart or talented, that doesn't mean they're not going to be susceptible to the appeal of religion. What matters (from the non-believer's point of view) is whether these notable characters are any more successful in supplying valid argument or evidence for the existence of a god or gods than other people have been. History shows us that they are not. We're still waiting.
Also as a previous respondent pointed out, professing non-belief would be likely to get you killed until relatively recently.
2007-03-01 18:49:07
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
You are correct in you assertion regarding many smart Christians; however, it's a two-way road (contrare to some Christians beliefs, there are many very intelligent atheists). I think nonbelievers say this because some studies have been done that show a correlation between education and religion and found an inverse correlation - more education, less religious; less education, more religious. Note, it's merely a correlation.
There are many educated Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Atheists, etc. There are also many unintelligent and uneducated Christians, Muslims,....
2007-03-01 18:49:16
answer #3
answered by eastchic2001 5
Beethoven was no Christian. To claim he was is an insult to the great man. Beethoven's most authoritative biographers are clear about his views on religion. When he was dying he yielded to the pressure of Catholic friends and let a priest administer the sacraments, but it is admitted that when the priest left the room Beethoven said, in the Latin words of the ancient Roman theater, "Applaud, my friends, the comedy is over." During the years of his full inspiration he had little religious feeling. When Felix Moscheles once scribbled on a manuscript, "With God's help," Beethoven wrote, "Man, help thyself."
Although Ludwig van Beethoven composed a Catholic mass (Missa Solemnis) which an authority described as "perhaps the grandest piece of musical expression which art possesses," he remained a Pantheist to the end. It is piquant that the musical expert who thus appreciates his mass, Sir. G. Macfarrcn, describes him as "a freethinker" — that is to say, an Atheist — (in the Imper. Dict. of Univ. Biog.)
And I concur with NH Baritone, you sound very much like an apologist, not an "non-believer". I do not hate Christians, but I will not apologize for my feelings about about the religion Christianity. I am of the opinion that Christianity is a mediocre idea gone horribly, horribly wrong. Many of its fundamental teachings strike me as innately harmful and damaging; its followers tend to be close-minded and bigoted; and its theology is flawed. To be fair, it shares several of these qualities with other monotheistic religions. Also to be fair, as people will no doubt race to inform me, Christianity does have adherents who aren't quite as warped as their religion tends to be. However, in general, I have found Christianity to be severely lacking in its spirituality, social, and ethical teachings; and Christians to be largely arrogant and rude. I say nothing about the intelligence level, you have some very intelligent Christians and some mind-bogglingly dumb ones just as you have in every group.
2007-03-01 19:33:02
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Sure...makes perfect sense and I can totally see what you mean. Me? I am a Christian, but only for about 4 years. I am older than 25 but younger than 40 to give some perspective. I used to think that too: that Christians were a few tacos short of a Combo plate...basically not dealing with triple digits when it came to IQ or never getting above 100. is because so many people over the centuries have done "Christianity" wrong (like "convert or die" or even more subtle like shunning people who are not Christian and outright insulting those who are blatantly "sinning" like Homosexuals, Abortion, etc) So, with that unfortunate "understanding" or slightly-informed (from just the ones giving it a bad name) view, it seems rather stupid to actually WANT to convert to something like that and then call it Good! Sounds idiotic, and IS by those who call it Good, don't even come close to following anything in the Bible, and do things that are sometimes bad enough that it could even make Nazis look worse than they already do. Christians who really follow Christ/God are supposed to show the rest of the world that what we are doing and what we believe is filled with Love which we get from God by way of His Holy Spirit(which, in a TRUE Christian, lives in them all the time and helps (just HELPS NOT CONTROLS) guide them in their everyday life. Even with the Holy Spirit in my life, it is very hard sometimes to follow those nudges/urgings to do the right thing instead of getting back at the jerk that just cut you off in traffic! But that is why. Because they have the wrong idea about it but it is not their fault. I mean, would YOU join a bunch of liars that call themselves Good but are the first ones screaming, "Fags! You are gonna burn in Hell!" when some Gay Pride event takes place? I wouldn't and that is EXACTLY one of the biggest reasons it took so long to become a Christian. But it was worth it. I don't care what people think of me. I know who I am. I know what I believe. But it does bother me tremendously that most people are so uninformed that they don't even want to talk to me about anything...nevermind trying to talk to them about Jesus and what He did for all of mankind. Hope this helped
2007-03-01 19:00:19
answer #5
answered by MICHAEL C 2
You name all people from the 1800's and before, in that time it was very dangerous to admit Atheism. But you must admit that believing without proof looks peculiar to well educated people. Telling belief it sounds like a weak argument to phrase it nice.
2007-03-01 18:47:09
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I think because many atheist can say that most intelligent minds did not believe in a higher power, but I believe that if you are smart than you are smart no matter your religious affiliation is
2007-03-01 18:45:20
answer #7
answered by danicolegirl 5
I think you're being a liar when you say you are a "fellow non-believer." You've been handing out Pro-Christian stuff here this evening as if you are an apologist for faith. Remember, bearing false witness was in the 10 commandments as a no-no.
Read my profile and you'll recognize I don't have hatred toward Christians.
But it's a far cry between avoiding hateful statements toward Christians and defending a faith that has attempted to prevent the teaching of science, oppressed women and homosexuals, tried to impose religion on non-believing and different-believing fellow citizens, and failed to prevent deaths by endorsing torture while it refuses to endorse condom use.
Your defense of a hell-fire and brimstone strategy and claiming Christianity for scientists and musicians who don't even live in the modern era is simply as nonsensical as when it comes out of a Christian's mouth.
^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^
2007-03-01 18:45:24
answer #8
answered by NHBaritone 7
well i really dont know for sure. but i think its because they think that we are ignorant because we believe in something we cannot see when they have science that they can show to prove what they believe. when in truth it is simpler to believe in intelligent design(creation by God) then to believe after a billion possiblys, maybes, couldves, and perhaps we and all of are beautiful amazing surroundings and the universe came to be.
2007-03-01 18:59:59
answer #9
answered by ♥hemakesmesmile♥ 2
I think it is because they do not understand why people believe in Christ... some need proof of everything in life, and cannot comprehend without something to hold/see or touch. they believe that it has to do with intelligence... when it has much more to do with heart and soul and surrender
2007-03-01 18:46:30
answer #10
answered by livinintheword † 6