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I was raised southern baptist and never doubted my religion until I was old enough to realize that there are thousands of different religions. My uncle recently started dating this girl who is jewish, so I was interested in that religion and started looking things up. So, now I am stuck between those two religions because they both sound true.

Im not sure what I am asking, but I would like to hear other peoples advice, and maybe help finding some good websites.


2007-03-01 08:52:23 · 24 answers · asked by larissaxxlove 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

24 answers

I don't think it's wise to take advice on the matters of faith with complete strangers, and so I say to you, figure this out yourself.

2007-03-01 08:56:10 · answer #1 · answered by Honest 2 · 0 1

The early Christians, most of which were also Jewish, had the same problem that you are having. They couldn't decide whether they should hold to the old Jewish law and covenant or whether they should forget that and keep to the new covenant with the grace of God through Christ as it's foundation. There was even a discussion about whether new male believers needed to go ahead and be circumcized to conform to the Jewish law. Basically, it boils down to this. The requirements of the old covenant were completely fulfilled by Christ. All of the requirements, all of the sacrifices, all of the atoning, everything was fulfilled by Christ's death on the cross. And you need to realize that after all of the gentiles (us) that are going to be saved, have accepted Christ, then God will open the spiritual eyes of the Jews, which have been closed to understanding the gospel because they rejected their Savior and then the Bible says that all of Israel will be saved. They will finally understand and acknowledge that Christ was their Messiah. The only problem is, that when the time of the Gentiles is past, it will be impossible for any more gentiles to accept Christ, which would leave you in quite a predicament. Also, according to the Bible, if someone has accepted Christ as their Savior, and then turns to another religion, they can NEVER be saved again. Jesus would have to come and die another death for them to be resaved and He is not going to do that. I would suggest that you look up the website of Jews for Jesus. These are Jews who have accepted Christ as their Savior and will probably be the 144,000 witnesses which God sends to the nation of Israel to convert them to Christ. They can explain the delimma that you are facing much better than I can.

2007-03-01 09:07:17 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Listen here. The world has to very big religions. One is the religion you mentioned and the other one is Islam. Interestingly both of these two major religions are both having their roots in a mistaken conception of the Jewish Bible.
It follows then that there is something to Judaism if more then half of the world population has something to do with it somehow. If you are really looking for truth you might as well want to know that according to Judaism there is a purpose to the lives of Jews and non-Jews, meaning. In Judaism we are not interested to convert people to Judaism when they are not born Jewish. It is true that people can convert, but it is not very often done and is very difficult.
The Jewish purpose of non-Jews you might find on the web, just look very anything which has to do with the "Seven Laws of

2007-03-01 09:01:13 · answer #3 · answered by Levi 3 · 0 0

I'm not sure if this is a good answre or not. Both of those religions are relions of peace and morality. I do not doubt that you can get to salvation with both of those religions even though Jewish people don't beleive in salvation. I am a Cristian (specifically Roman Catholic) and a brother of Christ. In my Global studies class i learned that Jewish people think that more teaching are supposed to be revealed. When Jesus came down to Earth i think that the Jewish religion was supposed to change according to the teachings of Christ. I love my Christian Religion and it's teachings like loving everyone even your enemies. I don't think god cares that much because they both worship the same god but, i would choose a Christian religion.

2007-03-01 09:11:53 · answer #4 · answered by NFrancis 4 · 0 0

I was raised Baptist. But as I became older I began studying different religions and philosophies and mythologies. I made what was to me a shocking discovery, there are stories in the Bible that have been written down by ancient polytheistic cultures thousands of years before the bible was written.

The stories are a little different, but it is obvious that they originated from the same story. and since these old texts have been dated by science as being the oldest, what does that say about the bible as being the infallible word of god? And if that discredits the bible, what about the rest of it.

Have you ever really sat down and read the bible for yourself. You should, I'm sure you would be greatly surprised by what it says.

Make up your own mind, don't listen to other people, but go out there and find all of the facts first.

2007-03-01 09:09:17 · answer #5 · answered by cj 4 · 0 0

They are both true, the Jewish religion is the religion of the old testament and the Christians believe both old and new testaments.

the Bible teaches that the old is a blue print of the new, you really should read "The Miracle of the Scarlett Thread" by Richard Booker for a crystal clear answer to your question.

God Bless your efforts

2007-03-01 08:59:40 · answer #6 · answered by wisdom 4 · 1 0

My belief is that Jesus fulfilled the law and the prophets. Jesus is the prophesied 'Messiah'.

They are both true, with one major exception - Christianity believes that the Messiah has come, and will come again, and the Jewish faith teaches the Messiah has not yet come.

Call a couple of local churches and synagogues, and sit down with someone in leadership to ask whatever questions you have.

2007-03-01 09:14:37 · answer #7 · answered by super Bobo 6 · 1 0

at source all the Abrahamic religions are very similar (Christianity, Judaism, and Islam) each one claims to be a refinement of the previous. but their core teachings and beliefs are the same even if the practice differs in ways.

i guess u just need to find out a bit more about each one. attend meetings and talks and just chat to people. you'll find the faith that is right for you... i have a friend who was christian, tried hinduism and buddhism and finally converted to Islam. but that process took him the best part of ten years as he searched in and with his soul. he is very happy and calm now and sure that this is the right way for him. so dont feel like you have to rush. God is there for all of us who seek him, and there are many difft paths. a prayer is prayer. x

2007-03-01 09:00:43 · answer #8 · answered by third space 4 · 0 0

The true question should be RELIGION or REDEMPTION???




Acts 4:12 - John 3:36 - John 8:24

Y'SHUA is - in His earthly life - a TRUE descendant of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and He is a Son of David and He is the Lion
of the TRIBE of Judah -- He is the Lamb that God provided for the
burnt offering -- Gen.22 - and our one TRUE PASSOVER - Ex.12.

If you just want a religion to follow, choose either or both, but if you want REDEMPTION and SALVATION in ETERNITY, there is
only ONE way and that is through Y'SHUA the Messiah -- regard-less of how many people will say that is "intolerant", et al. It's not.
And what is more important - your soul - or political correctness and pleasing man.

Read what the apostle Paul, who used to be SAUL, the pharisee,
says in Galatians and Romans, to name two.....
Read Acts. It's all there!!!

Yes, I am a believer in Y'shua - the JEWISH MESSIAH - and I dearly love the Jewish people with all my heart....and I cherish my
Jewish spiritual roots, now and always. I always long to learn all I can about Israel and God's precious sons and daughters of His covenant Friend, Abraham....and he is also my spiritual father through my faith in Y'shua.

Gentile believers were GRAFTED IN to the olive tree, which is physical Israel -- Abraham's natural descendants - by faith in
We have become HEIRS ACCORDING TO THE PROMISE by our faith in Y'shua ALONE!!!

Just as we are redeemed by the BLOOD of the Lamb and count-ed as RIGHTEOUS before God, we are also taken into the cove-ant that God made with Abraham -- Read Gal. 3 - because of our
connection WITH Y'shua!!!!

You might know this already, but the word MESSIAH and the word
CHRIST both mean the same thing -- THE ANNOINTED ONE.

I know that "christendom" -- religious traditions and the like - have
done so much to alienate Israel from the TRUE CHURCH OF THE LAMB, Y'SHUA over the centuries, BUT Y'SHUA is every
bit as Jewish as Moses was and as David was.....

Y'shua said that traditions have made the Word of God of no effect, He was talking to the religious leaders in Jerusalem at the time, but not every church that calls itself "christian" is following the TRUTH of God's Word, as they prefer not to political correcr-ness and acceptance and appeasement to the TRUTH and Jesus
also said in John that whoever was of the TRUTH listened to Him.

HE IS THE TRUTH -- John 14:6.

Paul wrote in Romans, LET GOD BE TRUE BUT EVERY MAN A LIAR. ch,3.


In WHO or WHAT are you trusting your immortal soul to when you come to stand before Almighty God, Judge of all the earth??


YOU'LL LOSE!!! :-(



Your question truly does sound sincere and I just want to give you
something to think about.......GOD BLESS YOU!!!!

Ps.106:48. NKJV.

2007-03-01 10:01:39 · answer #9 · answered by angelique1225 5 · 1 0

well, do you believe in christianity or judaism? they contradict each other - you can't believe in both. pick the one whose teachings you think are true, and follow it.

do you believe that G-d incarnated into a human body? do you believe that person was jesus? do you believe he was the messiah? do you believe that jesus did die so that your sins would be forgiven? do you believe that a person need to pray through jesus as a conduit to G-d in order for their prayers to be heeded? do you believe that the universe is caught in a struggle between G-d and a devil? if you believe in these things, then you are a christian, so you might as well stay christian.

do you believe that G-d is spiritual and has never and will never have physical form or become a human being? do you believe that the messiah has not come yet? do you believe that the messiah will be a human whose purpose is to bring world peace and bring the world knowledge of G-d? do you believe that another person's death does not atone for sins you committed? do you believe it is forbidden for a person to pray through an intermediary to speak to G-d? do you believe that G-d hears the prayers of all people, regardless of their religious background? do you believe that there is just G-d who is the source of good and bad, and there is no opposing force to him? if you believe these things, then judaism is an option for you.

but as i am sure you have noticed, the message of judaism contradicts the message of christianity, and vice versa. pick which message you believe to be true, and you will have your answer.

2007-03-01 09:09:08 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Sometimes I have trouble because there are so many different religions. But then I see that God sent his Son. He loves us. So so much.

I pray for Jews practicing a non-Jesus religion. They are still looking for a savior...but one has already come!

If you hadn't grown up in the truth, and then had to make a decision, what would you do? You have grown up knowing Jesus and God. I know that it's hard when there are other people who believe other things, but have you accepted Christ as your savior? Is He living in your heart?

If not...I think you should pray. Jewish or Christian, you see that there is a God. The same God that I know. Pray. Talk to Him. He's going to lead you in the right direction.

I'm praying for you.

2007-03-01 08:58:47 · answer #11 · answered by Milwaukee_Baby 2 · 1 1

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