We got our son a trike for his 2nd birthday too...the absolute best trike in the world is by Kettler; I don't know the model name (they make several) but it's the one with the inflatable tires...they're not just plastic tires, so it makes for a much smoother ride. It even adjusts to "grow" with your son as he gets bigger. Just do a Google search for Kettler tricycles and you'll see lots of online toy stores selling them. Better yet, look on craigslist or eBay and I'll bet you can find a cheaper one (they are more expensive than other cheaply-made trikes, but worth it). My son will be 4 next month and still rides his. We bought ours new and when it arrived one part had scratched paint; we contacted Kettler and they shipped us a new part, free of charge, and overnite delivery so it would be there in time for his b-day party. Now that's service! You can also get an attachable push-bar for you to push him on the bike for like $20 extra.
2007-03-01 10:34:47
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Best Trike For 2 Year Old
2016-11-12 21:11:34
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
We have a Kettler Kettrike and they are great! I did quite a bit of research before getting the bike (also a second birthday present) The model we have was only $79 (I think it is either Blossom or Happy), but Kettrikes can get very expensive, so shop around. You can usually find free shipping online.
Most Kettrikes have a parent pushbar and are adjustable as the child grows. They are very durable and can last for years and I also think they have good resale value so you can probably sell it on Craigslist in seven years (if you have more kids and keep using it) and get 1/3 of your money back!
One of the reasons I choose Kettler is because of where the center of gravity is. We looked at Radio Flyer and there are a lot of parent reviews about them tipping over. Also, many people consider riding a bike to be a three year old skill, so the push bar is really important. My daughter loves to pedal and keeps her feet on the pedals, but she wasn't strong enough at first to actually make the bike go forward. (shh -- don't tell her that!) And if you are several blocks from home and he decided he would rather run home, the push bar is a back lifesaver.
2007-03-01 12:23:11
answer #3
answered by Katherine 6
My daughter will be two in April too...she has a Disney Princess trike- but I guess that's not appropriate for your son! I will recommend that you get one with a parent handle though, because if he suddenly gets bored of it when outside(as two year olds do) it will be easier for you to push it home.
2007-03-01 08:48:06
answer #4
answered by ♥Pamela♥ 7
When my daughter was 2 I got her one of the little red trikes. I think they are radio flyer by I am not for sure. She really liked it and learned to ride it right away.
2007-03-01 08:48:07
answer #5
answered by mamaof2 2