Well that would of been a nice setting to kiss her. You didn't screw up. Take your time with your girl. She will respect that.
2007-03-01 05:40:48
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Of course you screwed up. Did you really expect anyone to say you did right?
Unless of course you happen to be highly moral or a big tease or patient for a better moment.
At least you are making progress.
Here is an idea that will impress her. Ask her how she feels about intimacy. You are too young. Don't be in such a hurry. And get to know other girls. Why do you have to have a girlfriend in high school. Play the field. There is plenty of time to play with girls.
2007-03-01 05:46:17
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Tell him that you want to talk to him about something in private. Then ask him about the kiss. Why did he kiss you? Does he like you? Or is he just messing around? Ask him those questions.
2016-03-29 05:48:29
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
That was the perfect moment... now she's thinking "why didn't he kiss me?" So now what you need to do is make sure you kiss her today before you go home from school. Ask if you can walk her to her next class and when you get to the door, lean in and give her a small lil kiss... guaranteed to get a BIG smile from her!!!!
2007-03-01 05:42:56
answer #4
answered by ***Girlie Girl*** 3
Well fi you two were that close of course you were supposed to kiss her. It's not too late though. Recreate the situation but this time follow through and kiss her.
2007-03-01 05:42:22
answer #5
answered by Icebox -0: Never Again 5
lol ya you were but its ok hun just kiss her soon babe and then if you want to make it look like you ment to not kiss her the other day then tease her a little after you kiss her first of course. then do what you did the other day almost kiss her but then dont and then if you have enough guts say do you like when i tease you. it will make you look like you know what you are doing and you have alot of expirence which is always a plus
2007-03-01 05:43:48
answer #6
answered by carmelfude2003 4
I'm not going to say you was suppose to but you should have you should give her a kiss soon don't panic it's not that serious
2007-03-01 05:45:40
answer #7
answered by Ms.Single 1
yes you were suppose to kiss but its okay. She feels like you respect her and didnt want to make her feel uncomfortable.
2007-03-01 05:41:50
answer #8
answered by vandykeprincess06 2
Don't worry about it, just make sure your more alert the next time around.
2007-03-01 05:41:32
answer #9
answered by sinkablehail1978 5
well ya, watelse were u supposed to do, wait for cupid to show up
next time don't mess it up, chances like that come very rearly
2007-03-01 05:41:06
answer #10
answered by Rahul T 2