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my girlfriend just ended it with me today for good and my chest feels empty.. she has been cheating on me with another guy and she finally admited it (for those who answered my other one) i am at work, i want to ball my eyes out.. holy **** i dont want her with anyone but me. i hate this, i know i could have been a better b/f and stuff. i like did so much though dinners every week, movies, i took her to florida for a week twice, i just did so much. my friends tell me i sold myself short in her but i am in love. it never really hit me before but now it is. damn, the new guy is one of those skinny emo rocker kids who is 22 and just wont grow up.. im emo kind of too but i am like 6'2 and weight like 180 so im not like him 5'8 158. i hate myself i wish i was what she wanted


go that link, its not spam or anything its just like a visual of how i feel i know its kind of gay but if i cold show you how i feel this video does it its only 2min

2007-03-01 05:17:16 · 1 answers · asked by phallootboy 1 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

1 answers

things like that happen. you have to accept it and you will get over it. she cheated on you so shes wasnt a good gf and youre going to find another girl and forget about her and how you feel eventually

2007-03-02 15:12:24 · answer #1 · answered by Angel 4 · 0 0

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