Alright, here's my story on this. I like this girl alot and she likes me too. I took her out last friday.. everything went great, but she wasn't acting like herself lately because usually she would be all over me and we would hold hands and make out all the time. But we didn't do any of that, except when i went in for a kiss goodbye as i dropped her off at her house and we talked on the phone that following night.
Here is where i am most confused now. I called her up the following saturday, she said she would call me back, but never did so i say ok, she must have been busy? We didn't talk at all sunday, so i called her Monday to see what was up, but as soon as she picked up she said she'd call me back later, but did not. So basically i haven't even heard from her since then and i don't know if i should even call her back now because things seem a little weird all of a sudden? I asked my friend to ask her why she did this and he said she said she gets nervous around me and talking
11 answers
asked by
End of nothing
Family & Relationships
➔ Singles & Dating
to me? I don't think this makes any sense because she told my friend that she didn't want ME to be nervous and shy around her! So what is the deal here? What is this supposed to mean and what should i do about this? I need a way to confront this situation and tell her that everything is ok and i'm not the kind of guy to pressure her into a relationship she may not be ready for and that i am willing to hear her out fully. Please help me.. i want nothing more but for her to be herself around me like it used to be and i want both of us to be happy where we currently stand.
05:16:59 ·
update #1
Ok, what you do is 1st you tell her everything that you have wrote down here and ask her what is up. Alot of the times problems in relationships is because people don't comunticate like they should.
Maybe she felt like you were thinking she was being a "loose" type girl so she backed away because that isn't who she is? There could be alot of reasons why she did what she did..It would be best if you go and confront her about it....Go to her house when you know she is home and tell her you just want to talk about what is going on.
Don't be forcefull about it..just do it in nice calm tones. If she still refuses to be in a relationship with you then the best thing you can do is move on and find someone else that will treat you like you should be treated. You never know what might be wrong.
She could be having problems at home. Or she could be feeling like she doesn't want to take the next step in the relationship because she is scared that you will break her heart. Or she could just be trying to avoid you because she doesn't want to be with you.
Just try to stay positive for now and try to get her to talk to you. Even if you have to send e-mails, letters to her house, or stand outside her bedroom window to get her to talk to you. Just ask her what she wants. If she wants you gone then move on...if she doesn't then try to relieve what ever it is that is bothering her.
Best of luck to you...and I hope that everything works out.
Just remember.....People are the eginma know as humans :)
2007-03-01 05:30:11
answer #1
answered by Roe 2
that's all doubtlessly stable information, Pumps! on your subject, i could pass purchase an high priced HPT, like a Clearblue digital or a widely used reaction, and then try the following day with FMU. the alternative is to pass and get a blood try at your well being practitioner's surgical operation, and that i do no longer think of you would be unreasonable in doing that, to be truthful, fantastically given each and all of the unusual goings on along with your cycle this month. Do you have the different indications, i ask your self, like sore boobs or desiring to pee (different than on a stick) plenty?
2016-10-02 04:51:56
answer #2
answered by ? 4
this is a very strange situation. at first i thought she was just playing hard to get. like not being all over you for once, that's the kinda thing i would do so as to not scare him off. but it does sound like she's taking it too far. more like she's avoiding you. try IM her or a text, just ask if things are ok, say she's seemed really distant recently see what she says. after that, a letter or e-mail would be acceptable. but i would go for the short mesage first.
please help me...
i know it's desperate of me
2007-03-01 05:27:47
answer #3
answered by smethansmee 3
well... something dramatic must of happened of course...
maybe something happened to her relative ?
or you might not know but are there anyone else hanging around with her....
like another boy? ever thought of that?
look....just ask her directly! dont keep worrying and worrying and worrying! u have to get it over and done with.....
think about it...she wouldnt just suddenly stop liking u, there must be a reason, ASK HER...CONFRONT HER... but i dont want to get too personal
good luck everything will turn out ok
2007-03-01 05:26:45
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
She "changed her mind" and is f*cking with you while using insecurity as her most likely excuse. If she really, truly, liked you as she said, she would've found the time to get back in contact with you, within a pretty small time frame... no matter how busy somebody claims they are. Move on.
2007-03-01 05:22:11
answer #5
answered by blah_blah 2
sorry to say .. but she found another guy .. and shes trying to get you as far as possble by not calling you she thinks maybe you might not call her back and get the point.. now if thats the case.. then sweety move on b 4 you do find out shes been talking to some one else you will get hurt ,,
goodluck sweety !!!!!!!!!
2007-03-01 05:26:32
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
0⤋ should call. If she says she'll call you back, tell her what's up. Tell her you feel she's been acting wierd. Talk to her about it and if she is too stuborn to listen, she doesn't deserve to be with you.
2007-03-01 05:22:29
answer #7
answered by A chikk. 1
She proablably didnt like tha date you took her on. So talk to her, go to her house and make sure she hears you!!!
2007-03-01 05:23:29
answer #8
answered by Bianca Z 2
Well I think you should talk to her and confront her...I think she's not that into you like you might be into her...otherwise she would call...
2007-03-01 05:22:25
answer #9
answered by Alejandra2008 3
seems to me as if she's not interested or just shy, ask her out straight you dont wanna be messed about
2007-03-01 05:24:18
answer #10
answered by SHY1 2