It varies from college to college on the cost. If you do not have a an associates degree, the local community college is the cheapest place to attend nursing school. The next cheapest place is attending a state university. However, on the bright side, nursing is one of the few degrees out there that has a lot of scholarships and even one student loan forgiveness program available for nursing school students. I will provide a list of free places to locate money to attend college.
First, fill out the FAFSA form which will tap into need based financial aid from the state and federal governments along with the college itself. It provides scholarships, student loans, and grants. This is to be completed each year after January 1 for the fall semester and will cover the entire school year.
Second, the college's financial aid office and website has a list of private scholarships offered from outside organizations and companies. Sometimes a college major's website will list scholarships, too.
Third, the public library has a book listing scholarships with some not even listed on the web.
Fourth, search for scholarships in your specific state for nursing students using your state government's website,, and
Finally, I recommend joining several free membership scholarship search websites. There are scholarships for a variety of things including ethnicity, clubs, hobbies, and even wearing duct tape to the high school prom. Most are updated on a regular basis. Most offer a customized search based on information entered onto a form on the website.
Good luck!
2007-03-01 03:52:24
answer #1
answered by dawncs 7